Chapter 14: (Not Edited)

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Being with Dark, Jack was around guns a lot. He had managed to slowly get used to them over time, but he had never actually used one before. Any time he thought about trying to shoot one it just made him think of his dad trying to force him to do the crazy jobs he came up with.

It felt like hours and hours passed, Jack found himself staring at the door like he was expecting someone bad to break in and try to take him away or kill him where he sat. He was almost in tears just because he was so scared. But what was in reality only maybe 3 hours Dark was back, calling out for Jack on the other side of the door but Jack couldn't hear him so he banged on the door. Jack saw the movement on the door and took out his earbuds, when he heard it was Dark who was at the door he quickly went over and unlocked it and opened it for him.

Dark gave him a weak smile, he was panting and holding his side. "Hey gorgeous.." he whispered before groaning from the pain in his side. Blood had soaked through his shirt and he was holding a hand tightly against his bullet wound. "Nobody tried to come in here right?"
Dark was wounded, yet his first priority was still Jack.

Jack ignored the question, "Dark you're bleeding!" He squeaked, now more worried than he already had been. He felt like he was going to have a heart attack.
Dark looked down at his side, chuckling softly. "Don't worry love, it's not that bad. It isn't bleeding anymore.."
"You need to sit!" Jack basically ordered before helping Dark over to the bed and made him sit down before going into the bathroom. He grabbed the Med Kit before hurrying back over to him.

Dark frowned as Jack sat down next to him, "I've ruined your good day... haven't I...?" Dark whispered sadly.
"What?" Jack asked before shaking his head as he kneeled down in front of Dark. "No, don't be silly. Of course you haven't." He said softly.
"You sure?" Dark asked with a soft smile.
Jack smiled too and nodded his head before pausing and biting his lip, "Is that a bullet wound..? Is there a bullet still in there?"
Dark shook his head at the question, "No, it went straight through."
"Alright... take your shirt off," Jack told him, though he didn't wait for Dark to try and move to take it off, carefully pulling the shirt off Dark himself. He did his best to not agitate the wound, it wasn't like he knew a lot about medicine but he had some common knowledge.
"Jesus..." he mumbled once he got a good look at the wound. He thought it looked awful.
"It's not that bad," Dark said, knowing Jack was thinking it was awful. He looked down at him with a soft smile, thinking about how cute Jack was.

"How is that not that bad?" He replied with shock as he started trying to clean the dried/drying blood off from the skin around the wound.
"I've had worse," Dark hummed as Jack disinfected the wound and then wrapped it up with clean white bandages. "There you go..." he said softly as he packed up the Med Kit.
Dark sighed as he laid back, putting his hands behind his head before looking over at Jack, "You okay?" He asked, clearly wanting to make sure Jack was okay. He was always more worried about Jack than himself.

Jack smiled and laid down next to Dark. "Yes... I'm alright.." he said softly. Then he sighed, "Why did those people come here..? Are they going to come back..?"
"Don't worry about why they came here... it was just business.." Dark replied. "And yes... they most likely will try to come back. That's why we will have to move bases."
"Oh..." Jack mumbled, clearly disappointed. "I like it here... I don't really wanna leave..."
"I'm sorry Jack, but I can't risk anything bad happening to you..."

Jack went quiet for a few minutes before speaking up again. "Darky... can you... teach me how to... how to properly use a gun..?" He mumbled. "I was... thinking about it... and I need to learn how to defend myself... it's only a matter of time before your enemies learn about me... and they'll know you'll do anything to keep me safe... but if they were too... sneak by you o-or kidnap me or something..."
Dark let out a growl noise in his throat, angry from the very thought of someone taking Jack away. The noise made Jack trail off as Dark rolled onto his side and wrapped his arms around Jack, holding him close. "That's not gonna happen anyways," he grumbled, "So don't even think about something like that."
"But... it could..." Jack mumbled as he nuzzled up against Dark. "What if something like the base getting raided happens again... and someone slips past your guys... there's always that chance... I just thought me knowing how to actually use a gun... and maybe some kind of defensive fighting skills... might help me... I just... I just don't want to be some... helpless child..."

Dark hesitated before speaking, having to take some time to think. He didn't like thinking about Jack fighting or shooting guns. He didn't even like Jack being near fighting and guns. Dark let out a soft sigh and ran a hand through Jack's hair. "I don't want to ruin you..." he whispered.
"Ruin me...?" Jack asked, looking up at him. "But Darky... you could never ruin me," he whispered in return, nuzzling his face against Dark's neck.
Dark frowned, he didn't seem to like that response. "I fear I already have. I took you away from your family and school... everything," Dark whispered. "And even... earlier you were wearing a kitten outfit and learning how to pole dance... you shouldn't be doing things like that with your life... you're young and so smart... you should still be in school and learning..."

Dark was right about that. Jack never actually finished High School. In fact, he was currently counted as a missing person. He had seen it on the news one day and Dark knew about it as well, it was one of the main reasons why he always stayed inside. His father had been arrested and his mother told the police her beloved son had ran off from fear and she hadn't heard from him since.
"Darky... I..." he bit his lip, trying to find the right words. "I never had much of a life anyways... all I did was go to school and then go home and do the schoolwork. I never had any friends... I had never even been to a party. And... I like the outfits... and the pole dancing... it helps me feel more confidence, and it's a lot of fun..."
Dark sighed and held Jack a little closer. "I don't want you to be exposed to that stuff... the drugs, murders, booze..." he trailed off.
"Dark... my father was a Con Artist. I was going to end up getting thrown into this kind of life by him anyways. I'd rather be pulled into this lifestyle by the person I love rather than someone I hate." He paused before continuing. "And it's not like I'm going to be going around and killing people with a bottle of whiskey and a lit thing of weed..." Jack giggled, having a thought. "Have you ever watched those old gangster movies? I don't need to be some big tough guy... I can be like the super hot chick who always wears the stripper outfits who can be like a backup to the big boss and always teases people to do whatever I want!"
Dark chuckled softly, smiling. "Yeah... that does sound like it would be a good role for you," he purred.
Jack giggled and nuzzled against him more, "I love you so much Darky..." he said softly. "I'll always be here to help you run things. You don't have to do everything by yourself. I bet... I could make someone spill all their secrets! No torturing or threating required!"

Dark grumbled a little at that, "I don't know sweetheart," he whispered, feeling a little tense. "I just... don't think I could handle you being sexual towards someone else. Even if it was to get information out of them.."
Jack giggled, "Does someone feel jealous at the thought of that?" He asked, kissing Dark's cheek. "Don't worry Darky, no one will ever see me naked other than you~"
Dark muttered under his breath and held Jack closer, "I know, I know. Just the thought of someone thinking they have a chance with you..." he growled before taking a deep breath to calm down. "Although it would really help us out if you could do that... but how do I know you can do it?" He asked with a grin.
Jack gave him a small smirk, "I'm very good at teasing people..." he purred in Dark's ear before very gently kissing Dark's neck. "I'll be able to do it just fine~"

Dark shivered lightly and growled, a response of excitement. "Yeah... okay," he said before grinning. "I've got a 'client' you can help me with. My guys should be getting him about now." He pulled Jack closer and now whispered in his ear, "I wanna see how well you can really do~"

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