Chapter 32: (Not Edited)

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A little while later Wilford came back into the room, Jack's father following him. "Here's your dad back," he grumbled, before sitting down and drinking from another martini.
Jack's stood with a grunt noise, then looked at him. "Dad!"
Richard smiled widely and rushed over, bringing Jack into a hug. "I'm so sorry for how I treated you in the past Jack." His accent was very thick compared to Jack's, Dark even had a slight difficulty understanding him.

This man was clearly wounded, tired and beaten up but the first thing he did was apologize to his son.

"It's okay Dad... I forgive you... I've forgiven you for a while now... I was just scared that you changing was a lie... I was scared I'd see you again and you'd lash out randomly.... but I believe you have changed... especially after watching the video Wilford sent us..." he pulled away from the hug. "And I want you to meet Lizzy, she went off with Mark... and also, your unborn grandchild," he said softly as he rubbed his stomach.

Richard smiled widely at everything before gently placing his hand on top of Jack's stomach. "You're having your own little family..." he whispered with a big grin. "I'm so proud."
Jack smiled with a little giggle. "Dark and I want a nice big family..." he said softly.

And then a moment later Lizzy came skipping in "Mommy! I beat Uncle Mark's high score on one of the games!"
Richard glanced down at Lizzy and awed. "She looks just like you, but with...Dark's hair." He muttered. Richard still was clearly not the biggest fan of Dark but that was to be expected.
Dark motioned for his family to go to another room, allowing Jack and his dad to have this moment.

"Yeah, she acts like me as well, she's always so cheerful no matter what. She's our little princess. And I'm going to be have a boy here soon... he's gunna be our little prince," he said with a big smile as he petted Lizzy's hair. "Her full name is Elizabeth, but he call her Lizzy..." he looked down at her, "Lizzy this is your Grandpa, my Father..."
Lizzy smiled. "Hi grandpa!"
Richard listened before picking Lizzy up. "You're gorgeous." He cooed holding her close. "Grandma would always tell me about you. Say how beautiful and funny you are."
Lizzy giggled more, she looked so happy and Jack would have to thank Mark later for getting her out of the room before the fighting started.

"Dad... if you ever want to come visit, especially after the new baby is born, you're more than welcome too... we can have family dinner together... and I can promise Dark's family will leave you alone. I mean there's a reason he didn't even want me to know about his family, which I mean you clearly can see that reason... I'm sorry they dragged you into this..."

Richard shushed Jack softly. "It's okay, it's okay." He smiled softly. "I'm seeing you and my grand baby." He smiled
Jack smiled and then leaned his head against Richard's shoulder. It was a weird feeling... Jack had never been close to his Dad, had always been a little scared of him. But now he was so happy that he was there and happy that he was safe...

"We should probably start home... it's close to Lizzy's bed time and Mom is probably worried sick... though we didn't even get the chance to eat."
Richard nodded and rubbed Jack's shoulder. "I'm sure we can get something on the way home." He whispered with a smile.

Jack nodded his head. "I'm sure you're hungry too..." he said softly before doing his little waddle towards the hall where Dark had went off. "Darky? We should be leaving now..."
Richard nodded and followed, holding Lizzy close to him.
Dark was speaking with his family, managing to actually make things up with Wilford before hearing Jack. "Yes just give me a moment."
Jack went to wait by the door with Lizzy and his dad.
Wilford was actually listening to what Dark had to say and was for once actually acting like an adult. Maybe just because he seemed to act more proper after he had a lot to drink.

The Drug Lord (Under Rework)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz