Chapter 9

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Still observing every movement of Jisoo, Seulgi tried to get a better view at the glass cabinet. Why would somebody walk around at night just too watch the goblets of the school? What was so interesting about it?

She moved a bit farer around the corner to catch more details.

Suddenly a high scream appeared.

Seulgi flinched and pressed her body against the wall. For a second, she remained in her position, without even breathing. She was sure that it had been Irene who's scream still echoed in her ears.

She closed her eyes for a moments and exhaled heavily to regain her courage. Then she started to run. Passing the classroom doors, around the cornor and into the IT corridor.

She expected a dead body or at least blood, but instead she got something completely different.

"What has happened?", Seulgi nearly screamed at the two girls. "Psst!" Chae put her finger over her lips and stared at Seulgi like she was the one who saw a zombie recently.

"Everything is fine", Irene whispered. "You strange roommate just scared me to death."


A petite person appeared behind the corner, looking uninterested at the spectacle.

"What the fuck are YOU doing here?", Seulgi blurted out. She couldn't believe her eyes.

"Walking around", Mina responded and shrugged her shoulders.


"I move my legs and-"

"No no, why haven't you accompany us? I asked you a million times!" Seulgi threw her hands up in frustrations, still unable to comprehense this whole situation.

"Why are you so surprised?", Mina asked and approached her.

"I walk around almost every night."

While Mina was still smiling with her innocent face, Seulgi stared at her with wide eyes. How could she and her dorm-members haven't notice her leaving all the time? Was this even possible?

"I think we should hurry up, or do you wanna meet the soul of Arnold Priston?", Chae interrupted Seulgi's struggle-session with herself. Both looked at her with an amused face.

"It would be better", Irene agreed and they all followed Chae to the girls dorms. But Seulgi couldn't leave the feeling behind her that somebody was observing them.

Or to be honest: That Jisoo observed them.


Three days later, Seulgi finally survived her IT exam. She was not sure whether she would survive the results of it or not, but for this moment, she was just relieved that the feeling of pressure was gone.

After her mysterious meeting with Jisoo, she still hasn't found out more about her, but she also decided not telling anybody about this at first. After all, both Mina and her two friends have left the dorm at midnight too...

"How was your exam?", Bang Chan interrogated her and prevened her of leaving the room. "It was okay. But I'm pretty sure I failed the last task."

Together they walked down the corridor and left the building. Now Seulgi had to prepare for her physics class which took place in the middle tract, and she wasn't really in the mood to miss the time she needed.

"I feel so sorry, but you know, I have to present my physics project in some minutes." She singnalized her need of time with a tap on her wrist.

"Alright. I just wanted to inform you that three students left the school last night They will probably attent some kind of project classes at another school."

Seulgi abruptly stopped. Usually students never leave the school in the middle of the semester.

"Project classes?"

"The principal told me the reason was that our school doesn't have the best education standards and it runs out of an old version, so they need to transfer for the project to other schools." He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't agree with them, but sooner or later we have to fix this problem."

Seulgi nodded. She didn't think their education was less effective. This school was just a bit... antiquated. And of course, the students council had to solve it. Like everything at this school.


"I hate my life!", Seulgi yelled as she entered Wendy's dorm and smashed the door behind her. "Then die", Jihyo immediately suggested and jumped of her bed.

"What is wrong, my little Seulgi bear", Wendy pouted with an compassionated face.

"I hate history, I hate IT, I hate the students council, and now I officially hate physics too!" Seulgi whined and stroke through her hair.

"Okay, emergency meeting!", Wendy screamed letting Irene (who suddenly stood next to them) flinch.

"Why", the latter asked, looking at Seulgi with a confused face.

"She is obsessed with physics", was Wendys last statement before they all sat down onto her bed. Seulgi was sure it wasn't built to carry five persons.

"Why has Mr. physics betrayed you?", Irene chuckled next to her and placed her arm next to Seulgi's shoulder. At the moment, Seulgi was just desperated.

"Tell us", Jihyo pleaded, moving up and down.

"I just wanted to present my project. I talked about some basic stuff, continued with my model, but somehow I forgot to unlock the water container of it and then this whole shit exploded and covered me. In. Front. Of. The. Entire. Class."

Again she hid her face with her hands and tried not to show her blushed face. This whole situation was still too embarrassing.

"Seul, we all know you are a clumsy bear", Rosie tried to lift her mood up. Without success.

"Rest a bit now. And keep in mind, this whole shit won't end your life. Fine?", Wendy agreed. Seulgi just nodded. This wasn't her day at all.

"Should I accompany you back?", Irene asked. For a moment, Seulgi hesistated in the door frame. Did she really look as helpless as she felt?

But apparently Irene just wanted to offer her help, and Seulgi was glad that she wasn't such a bitch she pretended to be.

"You will feel better tomorrow. I promise" Seulgi just smiled at her and nodded. "And I'm sorry.", Irene added.

"For what?", Seulgi asked confused.

"This school is better than I thought. I kinda feel like I'm in a movie." Irene grinned at her. She then hugged the bear rapidly and disappeared, leaving Seulgi alone in front of her own dorm.

A soft smile poped up on her face. They really had more in common than Seulgi assumed: Three years ago she exacly felt the same...

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