Chapter 13

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Fortunately Bang Chan told Seulgi that none of the students got injured or died in the fire. Of course they had no lessons the following day, and Seulgi was glad that all their parents got the chance to visit them.

She turned pretty excited as she saw her brother standing outside the builing at the school yard. With a big grin, she approached him and got involved in a big embrace.

"Nice to see you little sister."

"You liar! Did our parents force you to come with them?", Seulgi giggled and nudged her older brother.

"You think I am such a rude brother? I thought you know how much I love my little Seulgi bear!"

She rolled her eyes and pretended to vomit. Yeah, she really loved him.

Her parents arrived too, being sick of worry. She could completly unsterstand this. Who's parents wouldn't freak out when your kid could die in a fire?

After Seulgi told them for the nth time that she was fine (and after her brother stopped laughing at her), two familiar faces appeared in the crowd.

"Haven't seen you since an eternity Chiwon!", the one and only Son Seungwan screamed and chuckled.

"Don't act like I don't care for her!", her brother replied and narrowed his eyes.

"Deep in your phone-addicted heart you love me", Seulgi joked and patted his head twice. They loved to tease each other. This was one point of the million things they shared.

After his fake-insulted facial expression, he focussed on Irene who literally hid herself behind Wendy. "And this charming girl is?"

"Irene. She shares a dorm with Jihyo, Rosie and me", Wendy immediately spoke out and pulled Irene harshly in the middle. "Hi", the girl just muttered and bowed.

The rest of the conversation (more like a discussion between her brother and Wendy), Seulgi took multiple glances at Irene. She really wondered why she acted so shy in front of her family. Was it because her brother called her 'charming'?

"I have to go now", Irene suddenly uttered and left, without even looking at Seulgi.

"I think we have to leave now too. I have a date this eve", Chiwon announced and winked at them.

"What?", Seulgi and Wendy blurted out at the same time with eyes wide open.

"Calm down, it's a date with my phone", he laughed. "But you guys can of course call me if you have problems with boys, I offer you an ear to listen"

"We get along pretty well, thanks", Wendy stated and smirked too.

After her brother and her parents left, she walked around, joining a convo everywhere she could. She also got to know Nayeon's parents, and to be honest, they acted as crazy as their daughter.

Later in her dorm, she decided she should meet Jungkook just to make sure he was fine too. Not that she was hella worried about him, but it couldn't be wrong to ask him whether he was fine or not.

She passed the biology and IT tract and left the building to cross the small space outside between the eastern and the southern part.

She already thought tons of times about how dumb the architect could have been to seperate this part of the school from the others. At least he had been smart enough to splitt the middle tract and the northern part, otherwise the fire could have reached them too.

She arrived at Jungkook's dorm and knocked once. At first nobody responded, but after some seconds the door opened and a young boy appeared in front of her.

"Hello...", he said with a frown. "You know that you aren't allowed to be here."

"And you apparently don't know that everybody ignores the rules", Seulgi replied with an amused smile.

"Who's there?", the voice of Jungkook appeared behind the door.

"A girl", the boy answered as if he had never seen a girl in his life before. Seulgi couldn't help but chuckled a bit.

She heard footsteps before she could finally see the boy she looked for. "Seul, what are you doing here?", the handsome student ask and closed the door behind him.

"Just wanted to see if you are fine", she replied honestly.

"Good that you are here", he started. "Anyways I wanted to ask you something."

The red tone in his face didn't remain unnoticed by Seulgi as they left the building. "And to answer you question: Yeah, I'm fine."

"So what did you want to ask me?", Seulgi questioned, being curious and concerned at the same time.

He took a deep breath and started: "So Bang Chan told me we look pretty good together. And to be honest I think that too. I really love to spend time with you, and I have the impression you are enjoying it too. So I wanted to ask you if you wanna be my girlfriend."

Her heart stopped for a moment as Seulgi heard the last world. For a while, she just faced the green grass under their feet, unable to say anything.

She had no feelings for him.

He was more like a really good friend.

A friend who could kiss better than he looked like... But she never even imagined about a serious realtionship.

"Seul...?", Jungkook whispered. She took a deep breath and looked at him.

"Give me time to think about it", she replied, her voice lower as she wanted.

"Of course."

With this words she left, totally confused and overtaxed.

Her feet brought her to Wendy's dorm, and she could help but had to talk to her. Fortunatly she found her best friend alone in her dorm, reading a book on her bed.

"Wendy, I have a problem"

"What's wrong?"

Wendy immediately placed her book on the bedside table as she recognized Seulgi's face.

"He wants to be my boyfriend!"

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