Chapter 58

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For a moment, everyone stayed silent. Bang Chan ruffled his hair and sighed, his eyes glued to the empty seat in the front row. It was scary how cold the room suddenly was.

"Guys-", he started, his voice a little bit shaky. "You all know what happened." His gaze dropped to the floor behind his lectern. Seulgi leaned back in her seat and watched the spectacle like she wasn't in the room.

Still, no emotions filled her body. Like she has never knew the person who had left this school.

"Still, I have to give you the information you and the other students have to know. So let us start with the worst part." He squinted his eyes and took a step back.

"Yesterday at 8pm, the national police arrested the St. Priston student Son Seungwan, our better known as Son Wendy. But we all saw it with our own eyes."

For a moment, there was still silence, so Seulgi turned around and looked at the shocked faces which surrounded her.

"Now the reason: Our principle reported to me that an officer found her in the chemistry labs with some of the stolen items. Apparently, she was hiding them there. They immediately took her and headed towards the dorms."

Seulgi just halfly listened to her president. She suddenly felt uncomfortable. Like she wasn't part of this meeting. Like she excluded herself. But nobody was talking. Just Bang Chan held his monologue. Or she was too tired to hear the other reactions.

"Until now, Wendy hasn't revealed where the other stolen stuff is hidden."

A small smile appeared on his face.

"At least I can announce now that there won't be any prohibitions from now on. Every activity and meeting that isn't related to school can be officially done now. I hope that will give you a bit joy in these times." He clasped his hands and looked into the round.

"What's with the other jewelry. Do we get a compensation?", Lisa said loudly. Seulgi startled a bit. Why had she too scream like this?

"I don't have a clue. But as far as I know the police has to know whether it has been selled or not to give further information about the payback. So right now I guess you have to life without it."

Lisa groaned and rolled her eyes. 'Stupid Wendy', she grumbled.

"More questions or can we end this meeting?" Bang Chan scanned the room for raised arms, but nobody showed any reaction. "Fine. Have a nice week guys." He immediately left the stage and disappeared. Normally, he stayed for some chatting. Not this time.

In the main corridor, Seulgi bumbed into Jeongyeon who was walking hysterically through the hallways.

"Seul, oh my god finally!"

Seulgi looked up and eyed her in an irritated way. Does the girl speak with her?

"I heard that we can start to train again? Are you still in our team?", she asked, holding eye contract with her. Jeongyeon was really talking to her.

"Sure", Seulgi muttered and continued her walk. She was to tired to really have a serious conversation with her captain. "Great!", she heard her voice in the background but refused to turn around. Hopefully nobody would get on her nerves this eve...

northern tract; 11.57pm

"MINA!", I screamed as I saw the door frame slowly collapsing above her. But she didn't move. Her eyes were just wide, her lips slightly apart.

Then the whole contruction fell down. I immediately started to run, not caring if the wooden floor could hold my weight.

Then I jumped.

Pushing her in the other room.

But instead of saving her, we both got buried under the wooden beams.

The next days weren't very spectacular. School was as boring as always but at least Seulgi could do some sports now. The cold air in her lungs gave her a refreshing feeling, and for some minutes, she just forgot everything what was going on.

But besides of the sports, she barely did something with her friends. Irene always suggested her to take a walk, but she declined. She knew that her girlfriend wanted to talk about that specific topic.

In the breaks, Jihyo seemed to follow her everywhere. Since she wasn't there anymore, her friend apparently needed some company. Although Jihyo was as silent as she never was before, Seulgi could feel how sad the brunette really was. She didn't even attend to the daily soccer training. And Jihyo loved football.

Seulgi herself somehow built up a shield around her. Every thought that was related to her just bounced off her little bubble. Seulgi started to see this loss of trust as a lecture. She would surely never trust anybody again. Her protective walls just thickened due to that.

After her normal classes, she approached the cafeteria to get lunch. Jihyo was again behind her with eyes glued to the floor. They passed the physics lecture halls as a bunch of familiar faces crossed their path.

Jihyo stopped and eyed them. Then Seulgi looked into that dark-brown eyes. They somehow lost their sparkle. She received a weak smiling of Irene as she continued her walk. Seulgi bit her bottom lip. Somehow Irene seemed sad.

Maybe it was only her impression. Jihyo has apparently noticed nothing. She shrugged it of and immediately forgot it. Her stomach growled.

"Seul- look!", Jihyo raised her voice as they entered the main tract. Seulgi turned around and frowned at her. "What's wrong?"

"Have I gone crazy or is this-?", she couldn't even end her sentence as Seulgi's eyes widened. At first, she just saw the blue hair in the back of the corridor, then the weelchair.

"Ryujin?!", both girls blurted out.

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