Chapter 71

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She hurried through the corridor, a small bag hanging down from her shoulders. „Hurry up Mina", Seulgi shouted behind her. Mina was following her with a white bag, filled with the same: Food. Paper. Phone. Everything what they needed right now. Almost.

„Wait", Mina breathed out, stopping at the exit of the western tract. She moved to the side, inspecting the wooden frame of the big door which was always open. Seulgi furrowed her eyebrows. Her heart was beating faster than normal. They had to hurry up, but Mina got distracted by every little detail on their way.

„What now. We are already late", Seulgi hissed, trying to be as quiet as possible. It was already after 10pm, usually, the caretaker walked around at this time. She didn't want to be seen and to get sent straight to detention. Not now.

„Help me", Mina whispered back, her hands glued to the wall behind the frame. Seulgi let out a sigh and closed her eyes for a moments, close to screaming. She approached the girl with an annoyed expression.

„Get it for me", she pleaded, her eyes focused on Seulgi, her hands touching a transparent glass box with a fire extinguisher. Seulgi's eyes widened in realization. The fire in the complex should burn more people...

She carried the red long item under her arm, still walking in direction of southern tract.

„Finally there too?", Jihyo grumbled while leaning against the glass cabinet. Seulgi didn't respond and ignored it. Irene immediately came to her side and took the fire extinguisher, clenching her theeth as she felt the heavy weight of it.

„Oh gosh, you should take that, Jihyo."

„Got the plans", Mina whispered to Chae. The latter nodded and took the yellowish papers, skimming them twice.

„Jisoo, you got the paper and a pencil?", Irene asked with seriousness.

„Sure. Mina still remembers the location of the emblems?", Irene's sister teased the blond haired. Mina ignored her.

„This time, nobody presses buttons or touches something without asking. Got it?", Irene instructed them.

„Why this time?", Jihyo blurted out. All gazed dropped on Chae.

„I wasn't the one who melted a million dollar bunch of jewelry." She shrugged and eyes Jisoo with a smirk. The girl was just looking at her, the same unimpressed expression lying on her face.

„Just do what we say, Jihyo", Irene said. Jihyo nodded.

„We won't be able to use our phones underground. So please stay all together and keep an eye open."

Now all nodded. „We are here for this mysterious room. And we will find it. Jisoo got the recreated emblem in her bag, Chae and Mina all the plans. So what are we waiting for?", Jihyo asked, a hint of excitement in her voice.

Seulgi faced the long glass cabinet. The transparent material reflected the moonlight perfectly, supporting the mysterious and kinda creepy atmosphere. She didn't want to reenter the complex. She didn't want to experience the horror again. The mortal walls of this paths frightened her. She was intimidated.

Flashes of the almost lost Chess game came to her mind. The ash room. The broken beams in the hall. A half dead Ryujin. Burned legs spreading across the floor. A crying Tzuyu.

Her breath became uncontrolled. She tightened her grib on the window sill, trying to calm down. It was happening again. She was close to a panic attack. Her mind went crazy, filling her body with feelings she feared to feel but also knew so well. Her view went blurry.

Overcome your fear. Be able to overcome your fear.

She reopened her eyes again. This complex has murdered a student. Mihno was dead because of this shit Arnold Priston started. They had to end it. To stop this mechanism, whatever it costs. And Seulgi knew it was part of her mission to do.

She released the window sill and pushed herself forward. A deep breath later, she joined Irene and grabbed her hand. A soft smile appeared on her girlfriend's lips. It gave her strenght. They could do that. Together.

She faced the others, observing Jisoo who handed Mina the goblet.

„Two parallel strings. Two crossed in the middle. One square on top", Mina mumbled to herself, ordering the items in the right order. With one hand placed on Mina's shoulder, Chae followed her movements. Every muscle was tensed up. Evey inch of her body.

Suddenly, the noise of squeaking filled the corridor. The class carbinet splitted up, partening the wall into two halfs. Like Seulgi remembered it, a small column appeared behind it, no light illumninating it. Jihyo gasped. „That's even cooler than James Bond..."

Chae chuckled. „Believe me, it's not."

They all hopped into the column, darkness surrounding them. Seulgi could hear the complex closing behind her, now just the flashlights of their phones which lead them. Her grip on Irene's hand tightened. „Here is the light switch", Chae's voice echoed, undulating through the column. After a second, the lights turned on.

They passed the first emblem without many problems. Jisoo started to draw their route on a paper; Chae directed them with one of their maps. On the other side, Seulgi, Irene and Jihyo observed their surroundings. They wouldn't miss any detail. Everything could be dangerous.

After two corners, they got to the point that Seulgi lost the orientation. She didn't knew this part, at least she can't remember. „Where are we right now?", Chae spoke out her toughts. Jisoo looked down at the piece of paper and frowned.

„ Hard to say. Somewhere under the school yard I'd say."

„Somewhere? You have to be precise!", Irene snorted and crossed her arms.

„Yeah yeah Mina knows where we are." Mina didn't answer. Was this a ‚yes' or a ‚no' now? Seulgi shrugged it off and just trusted Mina in her abilities. It was kinda surprising that she in general started to trust more people. Her whole life, she had been insecure, not feeling well to share people her feelings or to open up.

After the incident with Wendy, she completely locked herself in her own bubble. She stopped trusting the closest person she maybe had; her girlfriend. But Irene taught her how to trust, how to believe in humanity, although Wendy betrayed her. She really learned out of that. Because she trusted them. Maybe all except of Jisoo, but this girl was still a bit strange for her.

Suddenly, she felt sorry for her former best friend. Back then, she didn't even spoke out the latters name. Somehow, she erased Wendy's existence out of her mind. But knowing the background now... Wendy just did it for the welfare of everyone. She was still the kind, soft and friendly angel everybody knew. She wasn't a criminal. She belonged to this school.

While Seulgi was thinking, they took the next corner. Jisoo stopped in front of her.

„Oh fuck", Chae cursed. Seulgi looked up. In front of them was a wall out of yellow stones. Then only thing that was different now: Two emblems, approximately ten meter apart from each other, decorated the wall.

And this meant: They had to decide.

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