Chapter 57

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Everything happened faster than normal. It was as if a big bubble built up around her. She barely noticed the loud sirenes of the polices cars. It was just silent, without any yells or squeals of students.

Like in trance, she made her way back to the dorms. Now the people around her were chattering. Every conversation circled around her. She wasn't able to even think about her name.

Her dorm was oddly quiet, not like usual. With a glance, she noticed Jennie who was sitting with Yeri on a bed, both giving her pitiful looks. She just ingnored them and headed towards her bed. She still felt like everything just left her out.

Seulgi couldn't even remember what she had done before she had looked into that light-brown eyes at the yard. Why had she even been outside?

Slowly, the other recent events that had happened slipped away. She didn't even mind anymore. Waves of exasperation, disappointment, sadness, anger and loneliness hit her.

Even the 'why' she didn't even ask herself. She stopped thinking. She wasn't even eager to know the reason of her actions. The only thought that was bouncing in her mind was something that Seulgi had once appreciated the most:

The trust she gave her. The trust that Wendy had broken.

Since that point, Seulgi felt nothing while thinking about her'. No anger. No sadness. No frustration.

But she would never get rid of the disappointment that was burden in her heart.

Seulgi stared at the ceiling, being lost in her thoughts for a while now. She heard Yeri and Jennie whispering about her, but gave them no attention. After some minutes, Mina entered the room. Chae following her.

Both glanced at her.

"This can't be!", Chae suddenly started and threw her hands in the air. "Our Wendy would be the last who would steal somebody's property. Fact: The police has done a bad job."

"Chae, could you please stop talking about her... you know..." Seulgi saw how Jennie pointed with her head into her direction. Then their eyes met.

"I just tell the truth. You aren't really trusting the cops, right?"

"No, of course there has to be something hidden, but you shouldn't just assume things", Jennie clarified while patting Yeri's head. The latter was lying on Jennie's lap.

"Fine", Chae sighed and stood up. She grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and gave it Mina. "Could you maybe write?"

Mina nodded and took it. "First reason why Wendy is innocent:", Chae announced. Seulgi just closed her eyes and inhaled, trying to eliminate that name of her mind. Again.

"She is the most reasonable girl in our school and even too responsible for going to the toilet in class. How should this girl steal tons of jewelry and MY brushes?!" Seulgi could hear Mina writing down something while Jennie just sighed.

"Second reason: Why the fuck should she have taken all this? She would have probably rather taken all history books than something expensive. I mean, my brushes where out of silver and very pretty, but what should she do with the money. She is rich as hell."

Again the sound of the pencil filled the room.

"Am I right guys?!"

Nobody answered. Seulgi just pretended like she was again in her bubble that seperated her of the others and kinda made her invisible.

Chae was not talking to her.

She was most likely talking to Jennie and Yeri.

Suddenly, the door slammed open and revealed two new faces. She again stared at the ceiling like she was not in the room.

A sobbing appeared, gradually forming to a silent crying. Seulgi couldn't identify it so she looked down, seeing a black-haired girl with a brunette one in the frame. Jihyo was crying. She never cried before...

"I thought she just needed some company", Irene stated and pushed Jihyo into the room so she could close the door. Chae immediately stood up and lead the girl to Jennie's bed. She was crying harder than never. But again, Seulgi wasn't feeling sadness. No single tear was forming in her eyes.

The other girl in the room turned to her direction and slowly approached her. Seulgi didn't mind her and continued to stare at the white ceiling. Now the light of the lamp gave her a yellow tint. She noticed a soft movement on her bed.

"Seul", Irene spoke out. A soft hand grabbed hers and intwined them, but Seulgi removed her arm from the grip.

"I'm okay", she simply stated and looked into the dark brown eyes of her girlfriend.

"You are not. I see that. You have pain in your eyes. And it's okay. I totally understand that."

"No", Seulgi exhaled. "I'm over it." Again, she glanced at Irene and raised her eyebrows.

"But it's okay to feel disappointment and frustration. I have felt that too as I-"

"I said I am over it, Joohyun."

She turned her gaze back to the ceiling and observed the small rings of the light, caused by the overlapping of the lenses in the lamp. She heard an exhale of Irene and felt the weight on her bed removing.

Again just the light sobbing filled the room. Irene was now caressing Jihyo's shoulder, the sad expression on her face remained.

"Why-y she?", Jihyo cried out and hit her face in Irene's shoulder. "She couldn't ha-have done th-this with-out a reas-son."

"I told you that the police has to be dumb!", Chae immediately blurted out.

Irene sighed. "Let us wait. As the cops got into our room, they just said that they found a major evidence that told them who it was. No more imformation were spilled back then. We should wait for the next student council meeting."

"Who is in the council here?", Chae asked.

Seulgi lifted her arm while playing with some kind of marble. Apparently she was the only one.

"You tell us everything after the meeting", Chae instructed her. She nodded, although she already asked herself if Chae had even asked her. Today was just a day there everything happened too fast. Or everything just left her little self-built bubble out.

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