Chapter 21

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As they reached the western tract, Seulgi increased her pace. Chae and Mina next to her. After they had found out that the two 'former' students were actually missing and one even dead, they decided to enter the column again.

"They have to be at the same spot as Jisoo", Wendy clarified. But where was this mysterious spot? Under the school? Or next to the forest? Or completely somewhere else?

"This can't be a coincidence", Chae mumbled.

"That's why we have to find the cause of everything. And we will find it in the column!", Wendy continued with a sudden boost of motivation.

They all agreed and split up the preparation. Irene and Wendy would inform Jihyo about their plan, meanwhile Chae, Mina and her should grab some food.

And that's what they were doing right now.

"I guess you don't have many food right?", Chae suspected and turned to the right.

"I store some pringles", Seulgi answered, already regretting what she had said.

"Get them!"

With a brief nod she rapidly rushed to her own dorm. She didn't payed much attention to Jennie and Yeri who were already sleeping.

She carefully revealed the black box under her bed and took some pringles out. Her favourite flavor did she leave inside. Not all, Seulgi. You can be generous another time...

After she got their emergency-food, Seulgi narrowed her eyes and looked for a fitting bag.

"Sorry Yerim-ah", she silently whispered and lend (or better stole) the green school bag of her younger roommate.

"What did you got?"

"A bunch of jellies and some rice crackers", Chae answered and opened her conspicuous pink bag.

"Okay guys let's go", Wendy said after Irene had arrived too. They all turned to the big glass cabinet.

Mina took some steps forward and grabbed the shiny throphy of the old principle. They all followed the latters movements with their eyes. She pointed at the wall behind the goblets.

"See? There's a carving, here's the fitting emblem." They all eyed the small circle with quares and lines at the wall. Then Seulgi inspected the emblem on the goblet.

"Take the sticks and squares and order it like the one on the cup. Finished."

She did what she explained to them. As magic would move the walls, the glass cabinet splitted up again.

"That's even more impressive than I had imagined...", Chae said with an overwhelmed face and jumped into the column. Mina immediately followed her.

"Let's go. We can't loose time."

Wendy, Irene and Seulgi were the last who got into the darkness. After three seconds, the gap closed again, leaving them in completely blindness. Seulgi already missed Irene's comforting hand who encouraged her the last time.

Wendy took out her phone and turned the flashlight on. Everything still looked the same. The yellowish stones, the moisty air. Nope, nobody had turned this trail into a paradise...

Occasionally, they heard some noises of mice or stepped into a wet puddle. Seulgi wondered where all this water came from.

The uncomfortable feeling grew every second. She didn't wanted to be here. No, she shouldn't be here! On the other hand the increasing curiosity controlled her like a marionette. This was the best word. Seulgi just followed the instructions. Ignoring her own gut instinct.

The lamps lighted up the trail and they recognized Mina and Chae at the end. "I never thought school can be interesting too!", Chae warbled and grinned. Did she secretly drunk something before?

"Wait a minute. YOU HAVEN'T NOTICED THIS TOTALLY CONSPICIOUS THINGY THERE?!", Wendy suddenly screamed and pointed at the wall behind them, leaving a nasty humming in Seulgi's ears.

"How am I supposed to with these two?", Mina calmly stated and looked at Irene and her. "What?", both blurted out.

"Nevermind. Just put the same order of items there", Wendy pushed Mina.

Yeah, they fricking failed to see a BIG carving in the front wall. This was indeed just sad.

"Nothing happens."

"Wow nerd, realization of the day. You get the award of stupitidy", Chae teased Mina. She earned a deathly glare of the silent girl.

"And how should this damn wall open?", Irene asked with a bit hysteric in her voice. They all remained silent. Then Wendy took out a piece of paper.

"Pencil?", she said and got one from Irene. They all watched her drawing the outlines of the St. Priston boarding school, like Seulgi has done after their encounter with Jisoo during the night.

"So this is the southern tract. We got in here", she circled the spot with the pencil. "As we all noticed that the trail wasn't a straight line, we walked a bit to the left." She drew the line further. "So we have to be here now. Under the entrance to the southern tract."

"Are you sure we didn't walked more than hundret meter?", Seulgi said and frown.

"Hundrent percent. Since the biology tract represent the end of the southern tract, it could be possible that we are here now."

Suddenly, Mina released a silent gasp. She closed her eyes. "Everything okay with you?", Seulgi asked worried but the girl lifted a finger to signalize her to shut up.

Like nothing happened, Mina opened her eyes again. With an concentrated expression, she took the metallic sticks and squares of the emblem and reordered them in silence.

A clicking appeared. And the wall splitted up. How the fuck-

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