Chapter 61

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For the first time, she questioned her behavior. Was this tear her fault?

She stared at the door. She saw her crying. Suffering. And all because of her? Had she acted wrong? Suddenly, Seulgi was confused. Why had she said that to her? 'In the end, you will all use me like she did...', it echoed in Seulgi's mind.

Would Irene really betray her like she did? She bit her bottom lip while she was thinking. Her heart was beating fast. But the realization came quickly. She had insulted her. Not Irene betrayed her, but Seulgi did.

She looked up and noticed two eyes focussing on her out of the corner. Jennie seemed to be angry.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!", the girl suddenly yelled. Seulgi flinched.

"It- It shouldn't sound like-", she replied uneasily but Jennie interrupted her.

"Who even are you?! Irene is your fricking girlfriend!"

"I-I", Seulgi again started but her voice broke. A regretful feeling spread in her body. What has she done? Why the fuck has she acted like that?

"How you treat us is seriously unacceptable but please, just do me one favour." Jennie exhaled deeply and approached her. Seulgi was still struggling with herself, at least until the girl reached her and firmly slapped her cheek. The pain immediately came.

"Wake the fuck up! And now follow her and apologize. Maybe you lost your best friend... But don't be so dumb and let your girlfriend slip away."

Seulgi was still staring at her like she had seen a ghost. On the one hand, her body told her to refuse, that she should stop trusting Jennie. On the other hand she knew that Irene would probably break up with her if she continued like that. It was a conflict that ripped her apart.

She stood up and headed to the door. Irene was still important for her. And that was the matter right now.

Seulgi flew through the corridors like a bird. She exactly knew that the raven-haired wouldn't return to her dorm since she was crying. Based on the stories her girlfriend told her, she always needed fresh air. So she had to be outside.

She turned around a corner and ran down the southern tract. Nobody was outside the dorms, probably due to the fact that it was already evening. After some more minutes, she saw a dark sillouette outside, removing from the building.

She started to sprint, using the strenght she trained for years now. "Irene!", she shouted exhaustedly and extended her arm like she could reach out for the girl. Irene turned around. Seulgi stopped as she saw how terrible the girl looked; her eyes were swollen, her cheeks red like a tomato and the hair messed up.

Her sobbing appeared a second later as she stared at her. Seulgi hesistated. The conflict that built up back in the dorm showed up again.

"Have you forgot something to say?", Irene asked bitterly and ruffled through her hair.

She stayed silent.

"If you wanna break up, then just tell me. I can't endure this push and pull relationship anymore-"

Seulgi opened her mouth. "I don't- wanna break up." She wasn't able to say more.

"Then why are you acting so cold to me?" Again tears ran down the girl's cheeks. She squinted her eyes.

Seulgi silently sighed. "Isn't that obvious?", she blurted out. Maybe a little bit too aggressive. Again, her mind told her that she was too overtaxed, too pushy and too self-centered. But all the anger that built up suddenly wanted to be released.

"I trusted her. She was the first one who I ever trusted my whole life, I improved myself because of her. All because of a single girl that taught me to be open for the world. Can't you even understand why I act like this?!"

While she was shouting, she gradually moved closer to Irene. The girl was just looking at her without any reaction.

"You know that I understand the situation better than anybody else. I tried to comfort you, to support you, but you always avoid me. What should I do?!", Irene raised her voice.

"RESPECT MY FUCKING PRIVACY!", Seulgi yelled. Her blood was boiling.

You think this is all about you? That you are the only one who has to proceed the incident? Jihyo is fucking crying everyday in the eve, Rosie is the whole time with Bang Chan to distract herself, Chae refused to play soccer, Jisoo isn't even talking with me anymore since she is depressed now. DO YOU REALLY THINK EVERYTHING CIRCLES AROUND YOU?!"

"I have trust issues, okay? How can't you accept that?", Seulgi asked in disbelief and stepped back.

"I am still your girlfriend. How can't you see that I suffer when you feel bad, that I want to cry too when you do, that I can't see you in pain because I FUCKING LOVE YOU SEULGI!" She was sobbing so hard now that her tears fell uncontrollably to the ground. "Just because Wendy broke the bond you created doesn't mean that I would betray you like that."

Seulgi looked up. Something was resisting in her body and telling her to stop. Wendy broke her trust. The person that was the closest to a soulmate Seulgi had ever experienced. But Irene was somebody else. Like Jennie was. And like all the others were...

Irene apparently noticed that she was struggling since she slowly approached her.

"You pretend like you aren't caring for Wendy anymore. You are acting cold to all your friends. It hurts me."

Then the realization came.

"She was my best friend...", Seulgi whispered, all anger gone. She faced Irene. Her feelings came like a wave that surprised her.

"Please don't cry now", Irene whispered back with a forced expression. She felt how the hot liquid fell down from her eyes.

The whole weeks that had passed, she told herself that she doesn't care for Wendy anymore. That she learned out of her mistakes and shouldn't be weak. But right in that moment, this wall collapsed.

Her bubble bursted.

"I am so sorry, Irene", Seulgi exhaled and hugged Irene. She wasn't expecting that the girl replied the embrace. She wasn't even expecting that Irene still wanted to be her girlfriend. But still, she hugged the girl like she was her only rescue, the only thing that would stay.

"I miss her, Irene", Seulgi continued with sobbing, the tears running down her face.

"I know that", Irene answered with a shaky voice. She was still not hugging Seulgi back.

Seulgi cried into the girl's neck, not daring to break the contact with her body. She would maybe collapse if she continued like that. But everything she tried to forget came up.

"Seulgi." Irene spoke out und pushed the brunette-haired away. They looked into each others eyes. "Don't leave me, Seulgi. Do not ever leave me because of that."

Her eyes widened as she heard the desperation.

"I won't, Hyun. And I will never even doubt about your trustworthiness. Please forgive me", Seulgi cried out.

Then Irene jumped into her arms. Seulgi has never felt this vulnerable. But at the same time, she felt like the pressure she created by herself disappeared. She knew that she had Irene by her side.

Everything would be fine.

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