Chapter 36

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The bottle was spinning and spinning, representing Seulgi's life right now. She was in a dizzy, confused and totally abstract world in the last weeks. Stress, problems and confident-issues supported that feeling.

The water bottle slowed down and pointed at the person next to her. Wendy.

"Truth or dare, Wanda", Rosie asked and blinked twice. Wendy took her fingers to her chin and started to think. "Truth."

"Hm. Alright. How high is your IQ?", Rosie questioned and raised one eyebrow.

"How should I know?", Wendy replied.

"Nice try but we all had to do a IQ Test as we entered this school", Jihyo admitted and smirked. Wendy sighed.

"Okay you got me. 142."

Seulgi almost choked as she heared that high number. Oh gosh hers was just 104... Like the majority.

"Bro you are the second Einstein...", Irene said impressed. "Jisoo, get together with her and you would built the super-brain couple..." Wendy did a high five with her and laughed. Then she spinned the bottle again.

This time it landed on the one and only Chae. Time to expose this naughty girl!

"Truth or dare?"

"Dare", the girl confidently asked and leaned back.

"Make a kiss list. Tell us who have you already kissed and who you wanna kiss in this room?" Chae's smile faded and she rolled her eyes. Oh yeah Wendy, you got her!

"I have kissed... let me think... Tzuyu, but she wasn't really thrilled. And Sana but I just needed a distraction and she was coincidentally single too. I think that was it. I'm not such a badgirl as everybody thinks..."

"And who do you wanna kiss?", Wendy pushed her. A smirk was plastered onto her face.

"Hm. Hard decision. Give me a moment." She closed her eyes. All eyes dropped to her.


Seulgi gasped. This was indeed very surprising. All the attention drew to the said girl. Mina looked at Chae, completely irritated and confused.

"Sorry Mina, but you are kinda hot. And you are so strange, we would be a nice couple, I guess", she flirted and moved closer to the girl.

Mina just looked at her, completely disturbed.

The next time, Yeri had to choose. Of course she took dare. But Chae's idea of really walking to the chemistry storage was cut of by Wendy and Seulgi. This was indeed to much. So Chae's second idea was that Yeri had to walk straight up to Joy who was with Lisa in Seulgi's room to chill with Jennie and had to flirt with her.

This was even funnier than Jihyo's recent aggressions on the calculator...

Yeri took the bottle with her left hand and spinned it. They all watched it circulating item until it landed on one of them.



"Truth or dare my lovely dorm-member?", Yeri giggled.

Mina wasn't hyped at all. She responded with a silent "Truth".

Somehow, Seulgi wondered why she even came to this party. But well, Seulgi didn't have a real reason too. So she threw that thought away and listened to Yeri.

"Yeri remember one thing: You can ask her EVERYTHING!" Chae fidgeted around with her hands with sparkles in her eyes.

"Alright.", Yeir started. "You remember when Seulgi was so oddly lying in her bed and we thought she was in love? You said you knew her crush. Tell us who."

Seulgi blood froze. She couldn't be serious. This should not happen. Not now. Not in front of all.

Wendy shortly glanced at her with a worried expression.

"Don't know", Mina replied and shrugged.

"Com'on Minari. Don't be a spoilsport.", Yeri pushed her again.

"Yeri, that's not fair. It's Seulgi's life and if Mina doesn't want to talk about it you should respect it", Wendy intervened.


Seulgi froze again. She saw how Irene stared right into her eyes, the colour vanishing from her face.

"At least we know now why Wendy always talks with you about him...", Yeri continued. But Seulgi not even listened to her. She was looking at her hands. She couldn't deny that nothing happened between Jungkook and her. But right in front of her ?

No matter how hard Wendy tried to defend Seulgi, the situation didn't become better. Yeri was convinced that Jungkook was Seulgi's boyfriend now, Jihyo too, Chae was happier than never and Rosie and Jisoo where apparently talking about her. She felt miserable and awful.

In the backround, she could still hear Wendy and Yeri fighting.

Her mood didn't lift up as Irene announced that she will go to bed. This was all her fault. She completely failed.

She leaned back and deeply beathed out.

"Really letting her go?", a voice appeared and she turned around.


"Have you finally admitted that you love her?", Mina said and tilted her head.

"You knew it? How-?" Seulgi was so confused right now.

"Is that important right now?" Mina's gaze was so deep that Seulgi thought she could see through her soul.

"If you let her slip away now, you will never be able to tell her the truth." Mina approached her and placed a small hand on her shoulder.

"Get her."

And Seulgi knew it was right. She had to follow her. No matter what it costs. She loved  her. Oh yeah, she fricking wanted  her.

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