Chapter 43

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"Can we please talk about the fact that my fricking necklace is still vanished from the face of earth?!", Lisa growled.

"Couldn't it be that you just lost it while wearing it?", Seulgi asked and greeting one of the parents representative.

Today was the anniversary of St. Priston. Time flew in the previous week, not to her favour. And now, Lisa, Rosie, Jimin and her had to greet the new arrivals. It was a nerve-wrecking assignment.

"I haven't lost it. Period. I'm sure somebody tried to make some money with it. At least it's golden with a diamond..." Lisa raised her eyebrows and lifted up her index finger to emphasize her statement. Seulgi just sighed.

"And why should somebody need money? Most of the students don't even now what money is since they grew up in whealthy families", Rosie uttered as she shook her hands with several guests.

'Most of the students', Seulgi thought. She wasn't part of that community. Her family was normal, she grew up in a small house near Ansan with her brother Chiwon and visited a normal elementary school.

"Maybe we have a secret gambling club? Who knows?", Lisa interrupted Seulgi's thoughts and threw her hands in the air.

"Gambling? Lisa you are really going crazy...", Rosie said.

"We have clubs for everything Rosie posie. I mean, why did Yoongi again set up a sleeping club... AND WHY DID BANG CHAN AGAIN CONFIRMED IT?!"

Seulgi mentally rolled her eyes. Lisa was really a bit edgy these days. The current greetings weren't supporting that mood.

"Why does Irene hop around like a lost bunny over there?", Jimin suddenly asked. He pointed at a booth, approximately 20 meter apart.

"I don't have a clue", was Seulgi's last words as the girl approached them with a big smile.

"Hey babe." With a soft peek she greeted Seulgi who was still taken by surprise. "You know, they have fabulous ice cream over there!"

"Did you got vodka cream or why are you acting like this?" Lisa hissed with crossed arms.

"Dumbass", Irene replied with a sweet smile and her middle finger in the air. "Anyways, are you going to share one with me?" With her puppy face, she looked at Seulgi, blinking twice. Seulgi sighed in exasperation.

"I can't miss my assignment, Hyun. And I told you that we will spend the entire eve together." She felt so bad rejecting her girlfriend, especially since Irene was already annoyed of all the anniversary stuff of the students council.

"I understand." Irene's gaze dropped to the floor. Seulgi grabbed her wrist and pressed the petite body against hers, surprised by her own courage.

"We'll spend the whole eve together. Doing something nice. I promise!" She gave Irene a long kiss and smiled. Now the girl was giggling again. That's what she loved to see.

"By the way, since when are you a couple?", Jimin asked a few minutes later and tilted his head.

"Exactly three months. Today is our monthsary."

"Nobody is interested in this", Lisa warbled and rolled her eyes. Seulgi huffed, now really annoyed of her.

"Everybody talked about you two in the boy dorms. Jungkook was very furious back then."

Seulgi princked up her ears. Hearing his name gave her mixed feelings. Of course she was glad that she told him the truth, on the other hand did she feel bad. Nobody should have been rejected like that.

"He told his roommates that you just played with him and his feelings. It was chaotic." Jimin sighed and frowned.

"Interesting. Did somebody started talking behind my back?" Seulgi's interest gradually grew.

"No, not really. He felt a bit betrayed after Irene literally told everyone that she is now your girlfriend. But I guess everything is okay now."

Seulgi just nodded. Suddenly she felt so sorry for Jungkook. It was not like he meant nothing to her. They were still friends. At least before that incident and his confessions.

Her phone vibrated.

One message in the group chat.

Via Face ID she unlocked it and searched for the chat.

'Guys this strange chemistry dudes burned a big hole into my skirt.' Chae's name popped up.

Within a second, the blue name of Wendy appeared. 'I don't think they were the proplem'.

'Shut up Wanda!' Again Chae. 'Has somebody seen Mina?'

'Nope' Seulgi typed in.

'Guys I am lonely'. The pink name suddenly popped up.

'Has Seulgi rejected you? I already told you that you should look for better gf (like me)'. Chae.

'Son Chaeyoung!'. Seulgi immediately texted back.

'Kang Seul-gay', the latter wrote back.

"They are so mean", Rosie laughed while watching Seulgi typing. "It's always like this. I'm already used to that", she replied with a forced smile.

"No, we DON'T have toilets! Go and pee somewhere in the bushes!", Lisa's voice came from the back.

"She is unbearable today", Rosie whispered.

"Not like we haven't looked for her necklace a whole day. Probably she has just forgotten it somewhere", Seulgi huffed.

"Yeah, probably."

Tomb behind northern tract; 12am

With her eyes, she inspected every detail of it. The soft curves of the gravestone, the letters that were hard to read and the emblem on the top.

"Still interesting."

I moved myself closer to her and started to take a closer look at it too. But it was a normal gravestone. Like the other times we both came here.

"Let's go back to the anniversary", I suggested. She shook her head.

"Not now."

"Come on. It has just begun. We can do some investigations later."

"You always say that", she replied.

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