Chapter 18

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They decided to split up since they both had to find Jisoo and to inspect the goblets. Somehow, Irene was pretty obsessed with joining Seulgi's group, so they both ended up with Mina.

For the nth time in this semester, Seulgi visited the glass cabinet along the biology tract. It was kinda her second home...

They arrived at the certain spot and looked around to make sure nobody observed them. "What the heck could she have done here for thirty minutes?", Irene immediately asked.

Seulgi just shrugged and approached the cupboard.

"I don't even know which goblet belongs to with success...", she complied and clenched her teeth out of frustration. This was indeed sad. The cups look nearly all the same, except of their soccer throphy.

"23th math olympics win", Mina suddenly started and pointed at the first cup in the row. Seulgi and Irene stared at her.

"Next to this, the 5th win in a row at the junior volleyball matches in Edinburgh."

"How in hell do you know that?!", Irene blurted out, her face still in shock.

"Reading books. Our library is in love with this school", Mina simply answered.

Seulgi decided to shut her mouth up and listen what Mina had to tell them.

"These are the three throphies of the biology competition concerning dissect, the human anatomy and the natural cycle."

"And this- I guess- should be the goblet which our first principal got when the school was founded."

"This was it!", Seulgi yelled causing a flinch of both students.

"Jisoo hold this trophy as I saw her during the night." Seulgi immediately questioned herself why she haven't recognized it earier. But it was obvious. The goblet had a red line at its side which you could just see from her perspective now.

"Then let's take it!", Irene said, a bit too excited for Seulgi.

"But we aren't all-"

"You should really set new priorities Seulgi...", was Mina's last statement after she opened the front glass to grab the item.

Irene took the goblet and looked under it, behind it, in it; she even tried to remove the colour, but it was as shiny as all the other ones.

"Lame shit", she muttered and gave it to Seulgi. "Maybe my sister is an alien and can read some kind of invisible characters or evoke the devil to help her."

Seulgi couldn't help but chuckled a bit. Irene looked really cute while being so full of exasperation.

"What?!", Irene pouted while looking at her. Seulgi just faced the goblets to hide her blushed face.

"This is interesting...", Mina mumbled.

Then a silent noise appeared. All three of them tilted their heads, looking for the cause.

Then the glass cabinet started to shake.

Slowly, very slowly, Irene went behind Seulgi while Mina took some steps backward. Curiousity and angst written on all of their faces.

The glass cabinet started to split up and opened a small column between them while the whole process still remained silent. After some seconds, it stopped.

"What the fuck...", Irene mumbled behind Seulgi. She couldn't move. She was overwhelmed. A secret space? A hidden classroom? Or something completly different?

"This day turns out to be more interesting as I thought..." Mina laughed and disappeared in the darkness of the new area.

"She- she can't enter this now! It could be dangerous or-"

A small hand slightly took hers ans she felt Irene leading her to the column. "I'll protect you Seul, don't worry", she chuckled and winked.

How glad Seulgi was that the latter already turned around. She was a blushing mess. Again.


After the darkness surrounded them, stairs appeared. They heard the column close in the background, and to be honest Seulgi was pretty afraid of what could possibly happen to them.

But Irene was there. She didn't know why but the older girl gave her the feeling of protection, so at least she didn't freake out.

Some lights at the ceiling started to glow up after Mina pushed some sort of weird button next to them.

"What have you done to open this column?", Seulgi asked.

"There was an circle behind the cup with some sticks and squares in it, and I just took them out and ordered them like the emblem on the goblet you took."

Irene and Seulgi were still confused as hell, especially the part with the sticks and squares made no sense.

Cold stones, white ones with a yellow touch in it, surrounded them, while their whole environment felt moisty. They had to be right under the boarding school.

But for Seulgi's luck, they reached the end of the hidden corridor.



Seulgi and Mina mumbled at the same time. Irene let go of Seulgi's hand and inspected the wall in front of them.

"I think it's better to return to the glass cabinet." Irene smiled at Mina.

She latter didn't reply but followed the older's instructions since Irene was the unnie.

Luckily, they managed to get out of this strange and mysterious complex or whatever you wanna call it as fast as possible. Seulgi released a sigh and placed herself under the window, watching the glass cabinet closing again.

Immediately, her phone rang due to the fact that the conncection wasn't good inside the column. She scrolled through her messages as she found it.

Her heart almost stopped beating for a moment.

We have to see you guys! Jisoo vanished from the face of the world

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