Chapter 53

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Seulgi focussed on the book that was lying on Mina's shelf. The boring cover with the almost yellow pages. That was definitely One Hundred Years Of Solitude. Everybody was already sleeping, but Seulgi wouldn't just let the chance slip away to find out what her mysterious friend was doing.

Now, Irene and her were pretty sure that Mina had something to do with the robbery. She often asked about the jewelry and acted pretty suspicious. She even interrogated Jennie about every single piece of her collection. Of course, her dorm member told her every single detail about it, how couldn't she...

So basically, Seulgi was lying now in her bed, waiting again for Mina to leave the room. Today was a cold night, and she slightly trembled under the thin blanket. No wonder, it was winter.

To pass the time, she thought a little about her previous semester. It was frightening what had all happened.

They had lost three students. Minho apparently dead, and Tzuyu and Ryujin transferred to another school. Seulgi wondered how they were right now. Have they managed to get over their trauma? She would probably never get an answer.

The complex was still under them. Maybe without stundents wandering around, but it was still scary to know about it. She could literally feel the coldness of the long paths and the moisty air.

She remembered Wendy and Mina, how they lead them through the maze of columns, and Irene, how she fainted in her arms. Seulgi's thoughts focussed on the chess game that her girlfriend managed to win, and the strange moments they shared back then.

She smiled as she remembered their first kiss. For a short moment, Seulgi forgot everything around her, just feeling the soft lips moving against hers. Until Mina came and destroyed it. She mentally rolled her eyes and smiled again, at least until she heard the noise of a moving blanket.

With one open eye, she observed Mina's bed, how the girl slowly stood up and reached for her jacket and shoes. They were right!

Seulgi waited a few seconds after the clicking of the door, then she did exactly the same. First some warm boots, then the jacket. Luckily, she was already wearing long pants and a hoodie. That would avoid some clothes changing.

Lastly, she grabbed her phone and texted Irene. Hopefully, she wasn't already asleep.

"Where is she?", Irene whispered as they met near the cafeteria.

"Outside. Probably near the parking lot." Irene just nodded and entwined her hand with Seulgi's so she could lead her. The crescent moon was the only source of light that showed them where to go. After some minutes, Irene turned her phone flashlight on, but that wasn't really a help.

They went outside, immediately feeling the cold breeze. It was like their bodies would freeze within minutes.

They found Mina next to the southern tract. She was walking along the front side of the building, here and there inspecting the high windows and the white stone. Everything looks normal, nothing suspicious or odd. Maybe she was just taking a walk...

"How can she walk around at night without being tired the next morning?", Irene silently questioned and raised on eyebrow. They were currently about 30 meters away from her.

"I already stopped asking questions about her life. You won't get an answer, believe me." Seulgi lightly chuckled.

"Now she is approaching the eastern tract", Irene mentioned and pointed at the builting in front of them.

"Maybe she has a secret boyfriend", Seulgi speculated.

"Or she is just her to spy on them."

"That sounds more like her." They both chuckled. Suddenly, Mina stopped and turned around. They both jumped behind the nearest bush and held their breaths. Luckily, she hasn't noticed them.

Out of nowhere, a second person appeared. Irene fidgeted around with her hands, trying to tell Seulgi that she was right. She just nodded.

Their eyes focussed on the new guest. The person was wearing a black hoodie, not revealing the face. In general, they could see much because of the distance, just that Mina was a little bit taller. But Mina was generally always taller. Just Joy and Rosie could beat her height.

"That's useless. We can't hear anything", Irene complained.

"I know. I guess this won't help us."

"Wait wait- they are going somewhere. Come on." Irene left the bush as Mina and the mysterious person disappeared being the corner. Perhaps, they were going back to the dorm. Or heading to another place...

Seulgi couldn't tell why but she suddenly an uncomfortable feeling appearing in her stomach. They were directly walking to the northern tract, and neither Mina and her partner in crime nor Irene seemed like they want to return to the dorms.

Her grib on Irene's hand tightened as Mina stopped in front of the entrance. Seulgi and Irene hid behind the nearest tree, but due to the darkness, they were sure to not get caught.

"They are going to enter it?!" Seulgi was stunned. Nobody would ever dare to enter the northern tract. Almost every professor had told them about the dangers (and the consequences). It was nearly a crime.

She watched them climbing through a window on the left side, well hidden behind bushes and trees. Irene immediately got up.

"You aren't really following them!?"

"Why not? Maybe they are going to look for their prey?"

"It's fricking dangerous!", Seulgi said.

"Babe. It's an old building. Half of it is burned down. What should happen? You can stay here if you want."

"I won't let you go there alone!" Seulgi shook her head. If something happened to Irene... she would never ever forgive herself. She needed to protect her.

"Okay, Seul. You call me and stay the whole time on the line. If something happens, you can either call a rescue squat or search after me."

Seulgi blinked. Maybe it was the best.

She nodded.

"Right. But be careful." Irene smiled and wrapped her arms around Seulgi's neck. Velvet lips met hers. Then, she broke the short kiss.

"Let's find out what they are really doing."

I quote: "Maybe she has a secret boyfriend"... I don't think that Mina has a secret boyfriend, she is way too gay for that. However, I hope the chapter was okay. Leave a vote if you liked it^^

Love y'all <3

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