Chapter 70

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Seulgi and the others were muted while Mina was now talking, probably the longest speech she had ever had.

"The northern tract was for the people with handicap. The others for the rest. The complex was a new way of teaching for both, and because of the lack of enough free area, he built it underground.

About this entire thing, Arnold Priston did his studies. At least until 1939. World War II begun, and as you maybe all know, they didn't appreciate people who weren't like the mayority. As he already presented his idea, the Scotish people had doubts about this project, but he still started it."

Mina paused.

"All in all, the government probably forced Arnold Priston in 1939 to close the school, or at least the section for students with handicap. Since his studies made no sense anymore without half of his students, he also closed the complex, returning to the old teaching methods.

That's why we just found old posters from the early 30's in the northern tract, plus the abandoned wheelchairs. They left everything behind, not bothering to restore the place and make a new building out of it."

Seulgi stared at the blank wall behind Mina, her eyes unfocused. The puzzle was complete. Every question she had asked herself was answered, every mystery Irene and her found was solved. A relieved exhale escaped her mouth, almost like a sigh. She took her time to proceed everything.

Arnold Priston hadn't been a crazy psychopath. He was a kind human who wanted to have equal rights. He wanted to help the children, not to kill them. Her thoughts lingered at the last term. 'He didn't want to kill them'. But why was there a mechanism to punish a failure, to burn fricking people.

"You found a connection between the complex und the school and the northern tract. Congratulation", Jisoo clapped two times and leaned back. "And have you continued to search for the hidden room?"

"Sure. And to be honest it was even too obvious to be true", Chae immediately answered. Jihyo chuckled a bit since the latter was almost sounding desperate to be permitted to talk again. A light smile appeared on Seulgi's face.

"You all know the tomb. There is just a gravestone with an emblem engraved on it." Chae looked down, almost embarrassed. She fidgeted with her fingers and gazed up again. "The secret room isn't behind the tomb or somewhere hidden in the northern tract.

It's under the tomb."

The reactions where splitted. Seulgi's mouth fell open, exactly like Irene's. Jihyo was looking at them in a confused way. And Jisoo was laughing.

"You are the smartest among us, have accompanied Irene into the complex and even have suggested the idea with the emblems and the sticks and squares in the complex and you haven't thought about such a simple result for the mystery, Mina?!" Jisoo couldn't stop laughing. Jihyo was now even more confused since she eyed the girl with a frown.

Mina was already dangerously glaring at Jisoo, a red tint on her cheeks. Chae nudged her and smiled with her eyes. Mina bit her bottom lip and shifted her gaze away.

"We are looking for the same", Jisoo chuckled after she stopped laughing about Mina.

"But in another way. Wendy and I just wanted to stop this mechanism and created the key for the secret door Ryujin told us about, Mina and Chae looked for the reason and somehow got to know about the studies and some money."

"How is that the same, little sis?", Irene asked, one eyebrow raised.

"This door Ryujin told us about is exactly located under the tomb of Arnold Priston."

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