Chapter 64

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She beat her up.

Without even thinking, Seulgi rushed to them and grabbed Jihyo's wrists. "Are you crazy, what are you doing?", she yelled and forced Jihyo to face her. The girl immediately got rid of the grip and punched Jisoo in her face.

"STOP!", Irene yelled out and jumped onto Jihyo.

"It's"-, the brunette-haired breathed out. "All her fault!" She tried to push Irene to the side who was still on top of her. With a fist that landed in Irene's stomach, she successed. That was the time where Seulgi reached her limit. She wrapped her arms around Irene and pulled her behind herself. Jihyo would not dare to hurt Irene.

"What is fucking wrong with you?", she screamed, her voice almost cracking.

"It's all her fault!", the latter said, now showing more weakness.

Seulgi and Irene took advantage of that since they grabbed both of her arms. And Jihyo wouldn't be able to beat up both of them. But still, she tried to escape. Impossible.

"Calm down Jihyo!", Irene raised her voice now.

"She- she... She's a monster!", the brunette in front of them replied and pointed at Jisoo. The latter was just standing there, with a bleeding nose and her hair messed up.

"Can you just calm the fuck down?!", Seulgi now instructed her with a harsh voice. Although Jihyo has punched both Jisoo and Irene, she wasn't going to do the same. Of course her friend was a very short-tempered and sometimes aggressive person, but she always had a reason for her acting.

Still holding the girl's wrists, Irene and Seulgi exchanged looks. Jihyo suddenly went silent, like a roboter that lost his energy supply. She just collapsed on the floor. Irene bit her lip. Then, the sound of soft sobbings appeared.

Seulgi couldn't tell why but the mood immediately changed. She knew that something was wrong and extremely odd about that. Irene released Jihyo's arm and kneeled down to her.

"What's wrong Jihyo?", Seulgi's girlfriend softly asked.

"She... She is the reason why Wendy isn't with us anymore", the brunette sobbed. Seulgi looked up and scanned Jisoo.

"What?! Why should I be the reason?", Jisoo blurted out and frowned. Seulgi was about to answer, but the weak voice of Jihyo instead appeared.

"I found a letter. With your handwriting, signed with your name. It was under Wendy's old bedside-table." She reached for her pocket and showed them a small piece of paper. It was already yellow and blurry. But even Seulgi could recognize Jisoo's handwriting.

Irene took the item.

"We should use the jewelry as fast as we can. The sonner we success, the better are our changes to make profit out of that. The turtlerabbit (aka Jisoo ^^)

Seulgi slowly looked up, starting to really doubt about Jisoo's innocence. The girl was still looking at them with an emotionless expression. Irene stood up and approached her. She stopped, their faces just inches apart. They faced each other on eye-level.

"What are you keeping away from us?", Irene asked, more to herself than to her sister.

"What should I keep away from you. I have nothing to do with that."

"And why have you been with Wendy while she started the fire alarm?", Seulgi suddenly joined the interrogation.

"I left a few minutes later after I won a chess match we played."

Irene gave her a worried glance. Seulgi ignored it.

"And where have you been all them time when Wendy stole the jewelry?", she continued.

"Like I said, I left the library before the fire alarm. And the other time I planned my biology project with Yeri", Jisoo replied with confidence.

But it would fade. Because Seulgi exactly reached what she wanted.

"And how can you know the exact point of time when Wendy stole the things of the boy's dorms? The second time she got all the expensive things?"

Jisoo's expression turned into a shocked one. All the confidence was gone. "C'mon. How can you know it if you aren't in the same team as Wendy?" Seulgi formed a smile on her lips. She knew she got this point. 1:0.

"I-I-", Jisoo stuttered.

"So you are really involved in all of this? Again?", Irene asked in disbelief. Jisoo looked at her in shock. A second later, she apparently realized what was going on and immediately changed.

"Yes, I am involved", she calmly stated.

"YOU FUCKING HOE!", Jihyo suddenly screamed out and got up. Luckily Seulgi managed to hold her back.

"Where is the jewelry?", Seulgi asked in a serious tone.

"I won't tell you."

"Okay, so I guess we have to call the police then", Seulgi threatened her. Irene again glanced at her. The black-haired girl showed no reaction, so Seulgi took out her phone and opened it.

Jisoo sighed.

"Fine. You got me. Stay here and I'll grab it." Jisoo stood up and walked to the open door. Seulgi was kinda mistrustful, but kept herself back. 'Jisoo confessed to them. They have been right with their assumption.'

Jisoo left the room.

'But it was too easy. She acted to calm. As if she had expected it all. What if-'

She heard the noise of fast footsteps.

"She's trying to run away!", Seulgi shouted.

She has never imagined herself doing a pursuit in her student-life. But now she was here, chasing with Jihyo after Jisoo. Her trained endurance was definitely an advantage right now, but somehow Jisoo was also very fast. She always had the impression that this girl was unsporty as fuck...

Jihyo was just a meter behind her.

They turned around a corner and sprinted down the hallway of the southern tract with the biology lecture halls. Their target was already at the end of the corridor. "Take the other turning", Jihyo panted. Seulgi immediately turned into the other hallway.

If she understood Jihyo's idea, she wanted to surround Jisoo. Her corridor was going completely into the other direction, but if she walked along the glass cabinet and the IT rooms, she would probably meet her there.

So she increased her pace and passed the IT classrooms, one of her greatest nightmares. After some more meters, she could already hear Jisoo's footsteps. Then she turned around the corner, being ready to catch the girl with her arms.

But to her surprise, Jisoo had already stopped in front of the glass cabinet. Seulgi was confused.

"Don't move or I'll kick the hell out of your-", Jihyo screamed, but stopped too. They just looked at the spectacle. What the hell was going on?

Mina and Chae stood there, holding one of the goblets in their hand.

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