Ch. 22 Fighter

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Kya's p.o.v(nightmare)

        I groan a little when I feel something warm and sticky on my leg without opening my eyes I reach down and try to wipe it off but when I do there's a lot of it, I instantly open my eyes and cut on the lamp after getting used to the light I looked at my hand which was covered in blood. It was coming from Ryan I ran over to the other side of the bed and was about to shake her awake when I noticed her eyes were wide open, but they looked dull, gray, and a dead body "" I screamed and started to shake her but got no response. "NO NO PLEASE NO" I started to panic and cry then I heard something move I quickly turned my head and came eye to eye with another me, but something was off she tilted her head to the side "goodnight" was the last thing I heard before her mouth opened and she was biting my face everything went dark.

Kya's p.o.v(awake)

        I sat up breathing hard then looked around I rubbed my face then got up Ryan was still there sleeping, I quickly walked onto the other side of the bed her eyes were closed I put my hand on her thigh and felt a little dampness but nothing else that worried me. I closed my eyes and went into her dream I opened then to hear banging and moaning I then turned and walked out the door behind me, I opened my eyes again to see Ryan biting her lip in her sleep I kissed her forehead, after checking what time it was I grabbed my phone and began to call my boss Greg. "Well if it isn't my favorite worker what can I do for you" I chucked "I might not come into work today" "you sure there's a large shipment that gets whoever unloads it extra pay, also someone came in with an oldie specifically asked for you" I sigh "and you waited to tell me that I'll see what I can do." After we say our goodbyes I hang up I walk back inside to see Damian looking at me "how are you out here" "we have not fused like you are with Aya" he said, "I want to ask something and I swear if you let me get it I won't cause havoc you will have true control" he said in a almost pleading tone "what is it." "I just want to see what I look like in human form so to speak since I am male I'll look like a male fusion of you and so far I can't see myself," he had started to ramble so I held up my hand "go ahead" he smiled then ran at me I felt dark power flow through me as he fused to me. By the time he was done fusing I felt taller and even more muscular my hair was a little shorter than before but not by much. I walked into the bathroom and looked at my self "holy mother of fuck" I said looking at myself I was a full blown man with my markings and scars, "so that's what you and I look like together as one pretty damn good if I do say so myself" "for once I agree with him" "I think I'm going to stay in this form for a little to get used to it" I said they agreed with me. 

        I decided to take a shower my back was starting to hurt a little so I let my wings out mid shower it felt so good to let them out, after I was done I just put on a pair of boxers and pants because I was in my new male form I didn't see why  I should have a shirt on so I left it off. I was walking around my kitchen making breakfast I was almost done when I heard a growl a very deep and angry growl I turned around and seen Ryan glaring at me "who are you and why do you smell like my mate." I put my hands up "calm down I'm just testing out this new form it's still me" I started to put my hands down but she growled, "it's me Kya calm down" her eyes glowed a bright blue fuck this is going nowhere I was waiting for her to lunge but then she whimpered then ran into me hugging me. "I'm sorry the form threw me off but I seen it in your eyes," she buried her head into my chest I took in her scent "why don't you have a shirt on" she asked I chuckled "I got in the shower and thought hey why put on a shirt if it's going to get ripped by my wings come on the food is done." We then sat down and began to eat after a few bites of food I turned normal Ryan was looking at my chest biting her lip so I got up and put on a shirt, when I came back she was almost done eating "babe I have to go to work today...are you going to be ok here by yourself or do you want me to call your sister" she shook her head. I got dressed for work then left kissing Ryan goodbye I decided to walk to work instead of drive once I got there I was greeted by my boss, "perfect timing the shipment just came in" he said smiling once the truck was open I noticed it was huge airplane parts I started to unload it only to feel a slight ache in my side I just chose to ignore it and got back to work.

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