Ch. 23 Over

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Kya's p.o.v

        Someone was talking to me but their voice was muffled so I couldn't understand what they were saying I groaned "is...he...ok" I started to blink my eyes so I could clear them a woman was standing over me, "he's fine can't say the same for you though you didn't heal at all almost the opposite actually they got worse as you healed him I'm guessing" she said. I noticed my arms and leg were riddle with stitches there was a soft whine coming from outside the door the woman smiled a little, "she hasn't left that door since we carried you in here you know although she won't come in herself" she said then walked over to the door and opened it. There Ryan sat in her wolf form she looked so adorable when she seen me up she got so excited and practically ran to me as fast as her legs would allow while pregnant, she jumped on the bed then lied down on me panting I smiled they ran my fingers through her fur she nuzzled her head into my neck I hugged her I ignored the pain from me stretching my stitches until she started to whine. I let go and looked her in her eyes but she broke the stare then turned normal "you know I can feel your pain right" she said not looking me in the eyes I lower my head submitting to her she got up and sat in the chair by the bed. That's when I realized I'm in a regular room instead of a hospital room it was different "this is my old room" it had a lot of posters around and it was painted a cobalt blue there was a chocolate wood desk along with a dresser and bookshelf. I tried to sit up but Ryan pushed me down "no getting up for you" she said, I growled and tried again she simply got up and sat on my lap and pushed me back down "you really going to fight me about this" she said "I hate it when you do that." "Why all I'm doing is helping you" I put my hands on her hips "I feel like your talking to me in a mom tone" she leans in closer "I just don't want you to be hurting is that bad?" I was going to answer until the door was opened "am I interrupting something" some guy says looking at us "no what do you need Wes" Ryan said referring to mystery boy as she got up "now that she is awake it is time to announce the alpha because not all the wolves know who won " he says I roll my eyes then slowly get up once I'm standing I smirk at Ryan "still got up anyway" she rolls her eyes then helps me walk to their backyard.

        When we get their I see my family sitting at one of the tables it was almost sunset so their were torches lit around then there was a raised stage that had Ryan's parents currently standing on it. Ryan and I walked onto the stage and stood next to them everyone got silent as Kota stepped forward "I come here to tell all of you that a battle for the tittle of alpha had been taken place yesterday at high sun between Kya Bloodmoon and I" he says. I see some people look at me "now for those of you who were not there or did not see Kya won the fight she is now the new alpha of the Darkmoon back in doing so the name shall be here forth called the Darkblood pack" no one said a word for a moment before a growl tore through the audience. "I refuse to kneel to someone as weak as her" said a man about the age of Kota who was about to say something but I beat him to the punch, "and who says I am weak because I can grantee I am 1,000 times stronger than you'll ever be" I say he then growls people tell him to let it go as he walks up to the stage I push Ryan behind me and then I hold up my hand to stop them. When he gets in front of me he points to my many stitches "that is how, I challenge you for the tittle of alpha but instead of physically fight we shall do this right here right now mentally" he declares. There is a round of growls behind me I then raise my arm "these mean nothing and I accept just don't feel to bad when I win tell me when you're ready" I say he nods "ok I'm ready you can look now" I look up and lock eyes with him. Now I can feel him trying to command me to submit I then open my eyes fully he instantly whines and falls to his knees I get closer to him you should have never mentally challenged me I began to glare at him he started to grab his head in pain still looking me dead in the eyes just submit already and the pain will go away I told him. He didn't answer instead his nose started to bleed "please spare him alpha he isn't strong enough he'll die" some man pleaded I was still locked eyes then I broke it "you are done" I said to the guy on his knees, it took him a moment but he finally came back gasping for air as if he was submerged in water he looked down at his hands "I'm sorry to have ever challenged you alpha Kya."

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