ch. 7 Reset

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Kya's pov

I kept running then stopped this is stupid I lay down panting when I hear another wolf it walks infront of me "you again" she growls I huff and stand up "I'm not going to fight you because now I recognize you" "WHAT" the moon shines into our space illuminating her red fur I can now see her blonde patches, if that wasn't a give away her eyes definitely were they are bright blue "why didn't I realize it sooner" she growls "who are you" I circle around her and turn normal "Ryan it's me Kya" I heard her heart stop beating for a second she snapped her head to me "KYA" she jumped on me and started licking my face. I laugh "stop Ryan turn normal" she does and just looks at me "I guess we never had time to become familiar with each others wolf forms" I smile "yea."

"Well this is where you guys went" we jumped apart Evani threw us some clothes after we put them on we all walked back to my dorm everyone was still sleep "I wonder" I stood in the middle of the room and scream everyone turned into their animal out of self-defense "woe" Dawn turned into a large boa constrictor, Shantell into a large rattle snake, Moesha turned into a polar bear, Faith into a furry wolf, Sky into a cheetah, Luna into a lion, and Blaze into a big version of a phoenix. Ky turned into a white dragon I laughed at first but stopped when I seen him turn into a dragon and not a wolf just more proof everyone turned normal "that's not fucking ok" Shantell said "I'm sorry I was just curious to what everyone was" I walk over to Blaze "no wonder you always work out your embarrassed that your a phoenix" he hits me in the arm "it's cool bro you don't have to be," after that I noticed everyone was looking between me and Ky "why are you guys looking at us like that" Ky says laughing I just stayed silent with my head down "what am I missing right now?"

Evani and Fate take him outside leaving everyone to stare at me "he's not my full brother that's why I turn into a wolf and he doesn't" I say trying not to cry "their going to tell him out there" just then you could hear a "WHAT" come through the door, Ky opens the door looking at me "did you know" he said I shook my head "I only figured it out an hour before you" that's when I noticed I was crying blood he hugged me "it doesn't matter we're still brother and sister" "I'm sorry for what I did I don't what came over me I was just so angry" he squeezed me tighter I felt a rush of anger you're being WEAK! I growled Ky instantly let go "KYA what's wrong with you" I shake my head as I stand up "she's about to run lock the door," I closed my eyes "I wouldn't have done that" my voice got 5 times deeper "Stone brother is that you" I open them and everyone gasps "let me out!" I scream "why didn't you tell me that we were related if I had known that I wouldn't have messed with her, IF I KNEW THE POWER SHE WOULD POSSESS!" "LET ME OUT" I yelled banging on the cage suddenly a shock current runs through my body I scream out in pain I growl "FUCK YOU!"

No one's pov

Everyone starred at Kya's body her eyes were all black with red rings where her irises would be "Stone brother" "yes" "why are you taking over her body" he growls "she shows to much emotion ever since two years ago she has been a whiney baby that can't even get angry at anyone, I used to admire her anger and not giving a damn attitude" he sighs "the things you all said to her broke her if I wasn't here keeping her in mid check she would have killed herself." Kya's body jerked forward Stone growled "I'll leave and let you have all your emotions every single one" he slowly faded away as Kya came back.

Kya starred at everyone her nose started to bleed she didn't move at all "Kya what's going through your head" Ryan asked "woe" Dawn said everyone turned to her except Kya who was frozen, "it's colors dark ones with faces and memories attached to them all the emotions Stone was keeping in check are now free." Kya's body jerked again as all the emotions came crashing down on her shoulders she finally spoke "NO" she started to shake her head "Kya calm down" Ryan got up and held Kya's face looking her straight in the eyes "just breath it's going to be ok." A shadow comes out of Kya and forms Aya "she's resetting herself she won't remember any of you not even herself," everyone gasped "her emotions are why she usually can remember you but with the over load of emotions they've caved in on themselves and now they're resetting. "

"How are we going to make her remember us" Ryan asks while trying not to cry "happiness, sadness, fear, anger, surprise, and disgust make her feel those six emotions then everything should come back to her" she starts to fade "just call me when you need but for now I have ran up my time" she faded there was a bright red light Ryan backed away shielding her eyes then everyone looked at Kya as she collapsed.

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