Ch. 30 Pull

397 23 7

Kya's p.o.v

 As I fly away it starts rain I land on a tall tree and let my wings shield me from the rain. I get a text from Bethany, "haven't seen you around just got the new special shipment." I growl at my phone She knows I've been off, but I can't help but think of the rush I got. I shake my head then stand up when I feel a tingle in my arm. I already knew what that meant so I flashed home into Ares's room. He was crying so I picked him up and started to rock him. Then I realized he needed to be changed and fed I growl at Ryan's negligence I slowly walk into her room and freeze. Ryan and Rebecca were cuddled up I tighten my jaw as the sun started to rise. I changed my outside appearance then growled low. It was powerful enough to make the house shake both Ryan and Rebecca got scared as they awoke. Ryan looked afraid as she seen Ares in my arms "I heard your baby cry" I gently touched his cheek. "Please give me my baby boy back" Ryan said standing up I raise an eyebrow at her lack of dress. She blushed "Ares is hungry you should listen for his cry or someone can take him" I smile. Rebecca growls "JUST GIVE HIM BACK TO US" Ares starts to cry I gently rock him. "Keep your voice down" I gently rock him back to a calm state. "Where is the little ones father I would assume he would get up for him." I didn't expect for Rebecca to answer "as you seen I was sleeping with my beautiful wife and didn't hear my son" she growls. I growl low again wife, HER SON  I slowly walk over to Ryan changing back to myself as I do "a father always knows when his child cries." She gasps when I stand in front of her as me I smile and hand Ares to her "Kya it's..." I shake my head. "Oh but it is just take care of my son" I turn around to walk away "I'm sorry" I stop "your sorry wont fix a thing." Once I get outside my shoulders sag in exhaustion  I checked my phone for texts. There were several from Selena asking where I was, if I was with Videlia, and that I'm probably too busy fucking her to answer. But there was one from Kota "there are some rogue wolves running around" I let out my wings then fly to the pack house. 

When I land I text Selena telling her where I am "you going to be okay?" "Probably not" I keep texting as I walk in the house "you want me to come" "please." Someone cleared their throat bringing me out of my phone. I looked around to see Kota, Hope, Jeremy, and the rest of the pack starring at me. "We still need to wait on Ryan," as if on command Ryan and Rebecca walked in carrying Ares. Behind them came in Rebecca's family I tighten my jaw seeing Olivia. "Now that everyone is here we need to inform everyone of the rogues it's a small group..." I start to fade out of the conversation. I close my eyes to look for the rogues "they are closing on the house AND SELENA IS OUTSIDE!" I stand up and move quickly I rip open the front door to see Selena getting backed up into a car by buff looking wolves. I growl and phase to attack "they are here attack, Ryan Rebecca stay inside with Ares!"  Wolves flood out of the house to attack the rogues, I jump on the wolves around Selena...they rip me apart. "ALPHA" some of the pack come to my aid "LEAVE ME KEEP FIGHTING" I get up only to stumble they start to close in on Selena. One got ready to attack her, at the same time I made eye contact with Selena. Seeing the fear in her eyes set me off then the rage came. I growl loud feeling my body shake "YOU WILL NOT HAVE HER" I command. They chuckle and turn around but their attitudes changed as the gazed upon me, I moved fast to kill. After I killed the four brutally my fur was dripping with blood some mine some not. "Go inside you should be safe" Selena nods then runs inside I run to the backyard to see to it that these rogues are destroyed. As I got back there the rogues were running off we started to celebrate I changed back. But then I heard a scream "SELENA" I ran in to see Ryan and Rebecca knocked out "WHERE'S ARES!" I picked up Rebecca and shook her she finally woke up "WHERE IS MY SON!" "They took him" everything was plunged in red. I instantly ran outside and started running after them as I got close I could see the slower wolves. I picked them off one by one, only leaving a few to give off the illusion that I wasn't around. I hopped into the trees to go faster the bulky leader made the mistake of taking a break "where did Phil, Cassie, and Johnny go?" "No clue but dad is going to kill you for leaving them and taking a baby" I growl quietly then silently got down out of the tree. 

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