ch. 6 Truth

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Ryan's p.o.v

"WHAT THE HELL FAITH" she huffs "everyone was thinking it" the tall girl now known as Dawn stands up "oh no we have to find her!" "what's wrong sis" Shantell asks "her thoughts" Dawn starts to cry "what am I missing," I ask Dawn turn to Faith "YOUR the only person she didn't hurt when she left she considered you her CHILD there's a blade in her pocket." I instantly turn pale no I run out the door I start to smell for Kya when I see a sword fly past me wait I've seen that before. "What are you here for Fate" the chick Fate just smirks "don't you miss me babe," Evani rolls her eyes "isn't that your brother's sword" "not anymore some prick killed him so now they're his successor by force."

I run after the sword and have to stop when I see it fly across a river to Kya she's being attacked by a mountain lion I growl, what happens next surprised me something dark entered Kya she took the sword, I watched in shock as a black fire started at the tip of the sword and ran all over Kya's body her eyes turned demonic in the blink of an eye she had the mountain lions head in her hands. I gasped in horror what has she become she laughed and dropped it's head the mountain lion turned into a human Kya looked in horror as the mountain lion turn from a beast into a child I got closer no matter how scared I was of her and what she just did.

Suddenly she screamed "NOOOO" she grabbed the little boys head and put it on the body "this has to work please" she started to cry and the blood fell on to the boys neck healing, it got deathly quite then a gasp rang out it was the boy he started to cough he looked at Kya scared "leave and find your parents" she said in a dark voice he instantly ran off. She dropped the blade and pulled out a smaller one before I could do anything she cut into her arm, I ran over to her "Kya stop" I hit the blade out her hand "YOU SAW WHAT I DID WHAT I BECAME!" She started to cry "I can't stop it the guilt is tearing me apart" I sit down with her in my lap I start to cry "we'll get through this I don't know how but I'll help you we'll fix it," I felt like I was saying that more to myself then to her after we stopped crying it was nightfall "we have to go back don't we" I nod my head "hopefully this time no one is going to run off."

This time when we make it back to the school there was a lot of students walking around "hey playa you feeling ok now" she laughs "yea I'm good hows Isabella" "she's good just napping I wore her OUT!" I can't help but chuckle he grins "I got you to smile" he gives me a highfive, I text Luna Luna: we'll be there in a minute Kya's friend Blaze is with us we get back to the dorm and open "WHAT'S UP PARTY PEOPLE" Blaze practically screams when he gets in the other three girls laugh and so does Ky, Luna, and Sky but Faith stays silent while starring at Kya.

Kya's p.o.v

While everyone starts playing around I sit at my desk and start sketching it's my escape I close my eyes and think back to when I first met Dawn I'm walking around the woods for an animal to drink its blood and kill it I had been in an animal like state since I left I heard galloping so I attacked the deer killing it after I was done I didn't clean myself because I would just get dirty again, I was relentlessly killing anything that moved then I heard a girl cry I instantly found where she was I growled she snapped her head in my direction her eyes went wide for a second before she was gone I stood there confused until someone grabbed me into a bear hug I looked and seen it was the girl what the hell "I'm lost please help me" after I brought her out of the woods her sister was standing there "OH MY GOD GET AWAY FROM THAT ANIMAL!" I backed away only to be pulled back "no she's my friend" "do you even know her name" she nods her head "I'm Dawn that's Shantell she's my sister and her girlfriend's name is Moesha" I shook my head "I'm Nashaya Zendy."

I open my eyes to see that it's quiet so I look around everyone is sleep but one I sigh "ask away" "how could you do that to me to all of us" "do you even know what I said and did that day, I was so fucking wrapped up in guilt that I wanted to come back but it was all buried in anger I didn't know what to do I turned into a blood thirsty animal in human skin that day" she looks down. "I couldn't stop myself I don't know what it is but I can't stop it" she stays silent "say something please anything" "I'm sorry for earlier I had just been holding it in for two years, I missed you so damn much I was always up late waiting for you to come back but you never did" she starts to cry I hug her "it's ok I'm here now don't cry I got you Faith shh it's going to be ok."

After she stops crying I shift somewhere and back to my body "my mother is coming to this school" "I want to go also I like your hair color" I smile "thanks" it's red with black tips once we get outside we wait I pull out a cigarette and light it up and wait until a jeep pulls up parking in front of us effectively blinding me, I look up until I can see again I hear car doors open then close "is that her" I look down next thing I know my cigarette is on the ground and my face stings. I growl and look up at Evani "WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM" "do not talk to me that way" she says in a stern voice "man fuck this and fuck you matter fact why don't you have Fate fuck you," she gasps I start walking off but she grabs my arm "what happened to you" I sigh "NOTHING you just don't go around slapping people like what the fuck dude" "I'm sorry it just happened I didn't mean it" I scoff "whatever what did you want or did you come all the way over here to slap me."

"Respect your mother hybrid" Fate says getting closer "I do have a fucking name you know what's with your family calling me that" she shrugs "nice hair and face" "thanks nice hair" despite me killing her brother she's nice to me so far. "Ok seriously why are you here" "where is the sword" I shrug my shoulders "I have no clue it only comes around when I need it," "call it" I whistle you can hear a whoosh sound then it's in my hand glowing red "are you angry Kya" Fate asks while holding it "nope not at the moment why?" "It only glows red when your angry" "it's been glowing like that since I got it" we watch as the red glow becomes dim then goes away weird I touch it and it glows red where my hand is.

"I've never seen it react like that it's like you were created out of anger" she trails off suddenly Evani and Fate turn red "shit" they say at the same time I pale "NOOO YOU GUYS DIDN'T!" They shake their heads Faith looks confused "what are you guys talking about" "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK you couldn't think to enlighten me or Ky about this" Fate speaks up "we didn't think that we would have to," Faith looks frustrated "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS TALKING ABOUT" I point to Fate "she's Ky's 'father' while MINE is Luchisies it's official this family is fucked up ten different ways." "You two have to break it to him I REFUSE to hurt him with this one god I'm going to go let off some steam just no man WHY!" I transform and run off "can you fuckin believe it Aya" "I knew this whole time Ky favors Fate and plus he doesn't need to feed and he also doesn't cry blood," "you couldn't SAY anything" "sorry."

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