ch. 10 Later

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(4 days later) Kya's pov

     I'm running on a trail through the woods listening to Black sheep by Metric I stop and take a swig of my water I groan my markings are moving across my back I just stretched and kept running just ignore the pain, I began pushing myself harder until I broke the tree line and came to an open field I have never seen this before. I close my eyes and breath in I felt it get cold I smiled "hello father" I opened my eyes he was standing there smiling "I've taught you well my child so how is everything" he says as we lay down and stare at the sky, "it's going ok I wish you would have told me and Ky about the whole we're half brother and sister situation it would have saved a lot of trouble" he sighs "I know my child and I'm sorry for that so where is everyone else?" "They are out doing stuff I just went for a run my markings are making my body tense so I just run and stretch," "I never knew why that only happened to you" my vision becomes unfocused while I think.

       "Kya....Kya.....KYA" I sit up "YES" I growl "I had been talking to you for an hour and you didn't even answer me," "sorry I didn't realize I spaced out on you" he stands up "I must go my child I will call for you later" he vanished. "Well what do we have here boys" I stand up and look at the group of boys surrounding me "we got ourselves a snack" I growl "I wouldn't do this if I were you" he smirks "good thing we're not you," they all attack at once biting into any skin they can see I scream out in pain "you're going to regret this" I try jerking out of their grips only for their teeth to tear my skin everything starts to spin suddenly they all drop me and back away coughing "what did you do to us" most of them began cracking.

        I didn't have the strength to talk let alone move some of the guys turned to ash already the leader picked me up by my throat "I'll get you for this" he snarled you won't live to see another day his wrist and hand turned to ash so I was dropped to the ground, I just layed there and watched as he began to cough up my blood then he collapsed turning into ash upon impact with the ground I just layed there breathing slowly I felt something leaking out of my mouth it smelt of some kind of metal. "Aya can you call for someone" "no... too.... weak" as it began to get blurry I noticed movement "please help me" my voice was so weak I didn't think they heard me, "please help" suddenly I was blinded by light "hey she's alive but barely" I felt someone lift me up "where are they though" a person said looking at me "gone" they looked at me in surprise "we'll help you" I just nodded then closed my eyes.

    I opened my eyes feeling groggy once I was sitting up I felt sick so I ran to the bathroom and threw up when I was done I flushed the toilet feeling weak I looked in the mirror I was deathly pale, "you're going to be like that for a while you took in a lot of venom I'm surprised your not dead" I look up and see a girl looking at me with her head tilted to the side I recognize those eyes from somewhere "stop looking at me that way" I growl out only to whimper in pain. She laughs "you might want to save your energy many people are going to be after you for what you did to Jason"  I look at her "why are they angry at me when he attacked me he fed off me" I started to get mad I tried walking and stumbled a bit  "easy there I told you you took in a lot of venom" she helps me over to the bed "where is my phone" she hands it to me.

     There's 6 missed calls from Ryan SHIT we are sooo screwed I call Ryan "Kya are you OK why haven't you been answering" "I'm fine just ran into an old friend and lost track of time" it hurt to lie to Ryan but I didn't want her to worry "that doesn't explain why you, didn't answer your phone." I'm about to answer but the girl takes my phone I try to grab it from her but she moved to quick "that's my fault I had her phone and never looked to see who was calling," then she hung up and gave me the phone I gaped at her "why did you hang up she's just going to call back." Like clock work my phone rang without looking to see who it is I answered "I'm sorry she hung up on..." everything turned cold when I heard the voice on the other side "I found you my little wolf and I'm coming for you " I let my arm fall limp "No PLEASE NO!"

       My hands began to shake "NO" I quickly stood up "woe calm down you'll pass out" she tried to touch me but I pulled away quickly I was starting to breath heavily, then there was a knock on the door "Hamsa is she awake yet" a soft voice asked as someone opened the door. "Mom she's freaking out right now isn't a very good time"  the women still walks in she reaches for me so I growl "I can help just stay calm" she grabs my hand then takes her other hand and puts it on my chest, all the painful memories tied with that voice go away instantly when she let's go she smiles "why don't you two come downstairs and eat" then she just leaves me and Hamsa. We go downstairs a few minutes later "well look at the guests of the hour" a man with black hair that was going gray in some places greeted us with a hug, they are very friendly he lets us down then starts talking to Hamsa I walk to the kitchen on the way I see a picture frame sitting on the table in the frame was a picture  of Hamsa with this  guy smiling wide I suddenly remembered those gray eyes "that is my son before he went down the wrong path I want you to know we don't bare any ill will on you come on the foods done" I walk with the women that helped me earlier into the kitchen.

BluemoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora