Ch. 37 Destroy

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'hello'=Aya,'hello' or "hello"=??,hello=Damian or when Kya is possessed,hello=Kya talking using her mind, "hello"=Selena/panther physically speaking. There's also going to be flashbacks in bold, sorry if this chapter may be confusing.

Kya's p.o.v

I groan as I wake up "what?" I put my hand over my eyes as my head begins to hurt. I hear Selena mumble something in her sleep. I slowly get up how did I get here man? Last thing I remember was drinking next to that guy. I slowly make my way to the bathroom, I groggily get in the shower. What time is the flight today? I shake my head "fuck I can't remember." Once I'm done I get out and brush my teeth. I look all over the bathroom for towels but see none "motherfucker." I sigh then close my eyes I think about the sun warming me. When I open them they're all black but my iris is red and glowing with a slit for the pupil. I breathe in slowly then open the door to walk out I run into Selena nearly knocking us both over. I back up "sorry I thought you were still sleep." Her eyes were slowly raking up and down my body. I slowly pass her she says nothing and just watches me. I turn my back to her and get dressed, I guess that's when she stops because I hear the  bathroom door close. I take out my ticket and see that the flight leaves at 7:00. My phone begins to ring I pick it up seeing that it's Ryan. "Hello? "Ares is sick so he'll be staying here for a little while longer is that okay with you?" "Yeah it's fine tell little man mamma loves him." "Alright I'll see you later, bye" "bye." I sigh then run my hand through my hair, I stand up and begin to pack my bag "fuck me." "You still drunk or something?" "HOLY FUCK!" I jump and turn around quickly "you scared the fuck out of me!" Selena chuckles "my bad" I slowly breathe in and out trying to calm down. "Wait what do you mean am I still drunk? What did I do last night?" "Well lets see last night you were stuck on the idea that we were going to have sex." I groan "I'm so sorry Selena really" she waves it off. "It's fine really just one of those things I love about you." I freeze "love?" "Hmm?" She turns her head to look at me "you still love me?" She smiles "of course Kya it just took me a minute to take all that information in yester-." I  kiss her effectively cutting her off I pick her up and sit her on the table. She moans in my mouth "ooh fuuuck" I start to bite on her neck. I groan when my phone rings "fucking hell" I go over to it and see it's an alarm. "Our flight leaves in two hours Lena." I turn around only to be knocked onto the bed when Selena pounces. "Then we'll just have to be quick Kya" I grin then flip us over.

Hour and 30 minutes later

I bite my lip as I stare at all the hickeys on Selena I chuckle to myself niiiccee. "Not funny" I gaze into Selena's eyes "I didn't think you would be able to hear me." She smirks "I can't always hear you but sometimes I manage." I smile then interlock our fingers guess we really are meant to be. I feel her give my hand a slight squeeze "I love you" I smile. "I love you too" once we make it to the terminal I notice the flight has been delayed "fuck." Selena shrugs her shoulders, soon we were able to board. I roll my shoulders when we take off 'something is wrong Kya.' Aya sounded distant what is it? 'They went silent' what do you mean they went SILENT!? My head started to hurt slightly "Kya stop thinking so hard be here with me." I smile before leaning my head back trying to relax. The plane suddenly jumped "sorry folks just turbulence" a baby started to cry. I slowly look out into the isle. I seen the frantic look on the woman's face. Some douche had the nerve to say something "do you mind I'm trying to relax." I growl he turns to me ready to say something but freezes upon looking at me. He quickly turns back to the woman "I am deeply sorry ma'am I won't bother you again." He turns away I notice the baby stopped crying, it was staring at me. I sit back and close my eyes find out what's wrong with them please. Once we were back on the ground I felt a little better but not by much. As we sit and wait for the train to come to the airport, I get a sick feeling that something bad was going to happen. "Lena?" I turned to her she looked at me with concern in her eyes. As she opened her mouth to say something the ground shook causing the lights to flicker. It began to shake more causing things to fall "EVERYONE GET DOWN!" I got down putting my hands flat on the ground, I felt it shift slightly. I looked at the floor in panic seeing what it would become. I stood up "MA'AM GET DOWN!" I shook my head no "GET EVERYONE AWAY FROM THIS AREA NOW!" I guess my expression made him move everyone. Right as the mother from earlier stepped out her spot the floor began to crack and glow around her. 

Bluemoonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें