Ch. 28 Dark

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Kya's p.o.v

I wait until I hear Ryan's breathing even out before I leave the room, once outside I just stand there looking for him then I hear a whisper "meet me by the nursery." I nod then began walking to it already knowing who's waiting I stop and look through the window into the room full of babies. "I'm not here for your son quite the opposite I came to give you a gift for him" I hear a rattling sound "why" he chuckles. "I am a great grandfather now" I scoff while looking at the toy "you have the wrong grandchild you're thinking of my brother not me" I say holding the toy for him to take back. "Keep it and by now I consider both of you family," I look at him confused. "I would have thought you would have ill will against the person who killed your son and took his power." He stands there looking into the nursery "you know Stone's name was going to be Ares and Fate's was going to be Lilly but when he and Fate were born their mother died." He sighs "I begged her to hold on but she said my fate has already been set in stone then she died." I looked through the window and looked at my son "why are you telling me this?" I turned to look at him but he was gone I looked around but he wasn't there then a nurse walks up to me. "Your son is going to be ok he just had a little problem breathing." I nod "when he is brought back to his other mother he'll be named," I say before walking back to Ryan's room. Shortly after I arrive back to her room the family was allowed to come in they all looked worried. Which only made Ryan worry "he's fine he should be back in here shortly" I say as if on cue a nurse wheels our baby boy in. "We need a name for him" I froze realizing I wasn't there to help pick out a name, I instantly started to feel guilty. I looked down at the floor in shame "his name is going to be Ares Lee Bloodmoon" Ryan said I looked up at her. "You want him to have my last name" I ask in disbelief she nods "hopefully one day even I'll have your last name" she whispers smiling. After signing the birth certificate it became official he was now apart of the Bloodmoon name. When everything calmed down and it was just Ryan, Ares, and I in the room I walked over to him. "I'm so sorry my son" I said touching his little cheek a tear ran down my face "I never wanted to curse a child with the burden of my last name."

I have no clue how long I was watching over him and Ryan but eventually I had fallen asleep. I opened my eyes to soft crying, I turned my head quickly to see my son crying I got up and picked him up. He instantly stopped and opened his eyes I smiled one was hazel the other was gray like the dream "you are just a cutie aren't you." He gurgles at me I sit down and start to rock him then I did something I haven't done in years...I sang. "You didn't have to look my way your eyes still haunt me to this day but you did. Yes, you did you didn't have to say my name ignite my circuits and start a flame. But you did oh, turpentine erase me whole cause I don't want to live my life alone.Well I was waiting for you all my life oh why set me free, my...honey-bee honeybee."  I watched as his eyes closed and his breathing evened out I softly set him back where he was, then walked over to Ryan and kissed her cheek. After I sat down I closed my eyes then went back to sleep. The next time I awoke it was day time and Ryan was feeding Ares she smiled at me, everything felt light but that still darkened part of my mind kept telling me my past actions would come back to bite me. I shook the feeling and just enjoyed watching my family, the doctor came in a few minutes later checking on them both. "You may go home now mrs. Bloodmoon along with your baby boy" he said addressing Ryan, she let the fact that he called her a Bloodmoon slide. "Your name isn't that bad" I listened to Aya "she tells the truth you know," I can still feel the pain that name has brought me but I'm slowly letting it go. "Kya you coming" I look up and see Ryan dressed I nod and smile grabbing my keys I hold the baby then put him in his car seat. 

Once Ryan was checked out and everyone was in the car I started to drive to our new house "where are we going baby" Ryan asked as she looked out the window I just smiled. "I have a surprise for you guys" I drove up to the new house and parked the car, "who's house is this" Ryan said getting out of the car and grabbing Ares "this is our new home." She gasped "you're being totally serious right now" I only nod she starts to smile but stops and makes a serious face "lets go inside then I'll show you how I feel about this place." After we go in and Ryan goes into the babies room to put Ares down I start pacing back and forth in nervousness "does she not like it" "what am I going to do"  my thoughts were going a mile a minute when I heard someone clear their throat. I look up to see Ryan at our bedroom door summoning me once I go inside I shut the door, "do you not like the house I can ge-" I'm cut off by Ryan jumping onto me and kissing me hard when we need air we pull apart "I love the house." We begin to kiss more when I'm taken away to a memory "YES REBECCA RIGHT THERE" Ryan screams, I gasp as I come back to reality I back away from Ryan holding my head "Kya." I hold up my hand telling her to stop walking towards me "Kya whats wrong" I shake my head. "I can't even make love to you without seeing her" I say looking into Ryan's worried eyes "without seeing who?" Soon the worry turns into jealousy "are you talking about addiction or Selena" Ryan growled the names out she went through my phone "not this person is one of your conquests." Ryan just looked at me puzzled "what are you talking about" I shake my head "your dear Rebecca " I growl Ryan looks at the floor. I was going to say something when my phone rang I picked it up  seeing it was Kota "Rebecca and her family are on their way here they requested an audience with the alpha" I growl. "Why does she always pop up I'll be over in a second" I hung up "what's wrong," "your girl is going to your parents with her family probably about her wolf." "We're coming with you and she's not my girl" I sigh "if you must...just take it easy ok baby" I say then go to kiss her but the same memory flashes then I stop. I kiss her hand instead then go get Ares, on the way there I fighting with the thought of killing Rebecca what didn't help were Aya and Damian arguing. "Why should she live we should kill her and her wolf" "no she is past that part of her life" I pulled into Ryan's parents driveway and put my hands on my head "both of you stop it."

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