Ch. 29 Push

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Kya's p.o.v

"My heart is yours" I open my eyes and see I'm in the familiar white room but now it's a little grey. "What are you doing here" I stand up "I'm giving my heart to someone who needs it" I start to feel my chest become hollow. I smile "she has it now" he walks to my side "without it you won't be able to love" I nod. "I came to terms with that, but I feel that won't last very long"a hole in the floor opens up. "I'll see you around...grandfather" when I step through and began to fall I see a faint smile grace Death's face. I open my eyes to a white sheet over my face I grab it and take it off rapping it around my whole body, seeing as I'm now a girl again I wince at all the movement. That's when I notice the scar on my chest I put my hand on it and don't feel it beat I smile. A doctor just happens to walk in "OH MY GOD" they scream I blur over to them "shh don't scream" I take my hand off their mouth. " you were dead what" they grabbed at their chest I help them to a chair "I know it's weird but you have to calm down your heart is racing." They begin to breath slowly I smile "there you go" they look up at me "how is this possible you were killed by overdose of A.D?" I sigh "I did it to give my heart up, also where are the clothes I came here with?" They point to a clear bag on the table but they were stained with blood "what happened to them?" "The drug didn't agree with your body there was blood everywhere, it mostly came out of your mouth and nose." I nod "do you have any extra scrubs around" they nod "any specific color?" "Black or blue would be nice" they nod then leave when they come back they hold them out to me. They turn around so I can get dressed once I'm done I hand them the sheet "please don't tell anyone about this." "Eventually someone is going to notice" I nod "can you tell me where Summer Wenton is" they look at me confused "she has my heart." They smile "she is in room 426" I nod then flash up to the forth floor, I wiggle my toes against the cold tile floor. When I walk to the room I see Summer's family around her as she cries grabbing at her chest  I could faintly hear her sob "THIS WAS HER HEART!" I opened the door slowly Autumn gasped the rest of the family looked confused, Summer was still crying I silently walked over to her. When I gave her a hug she had clung to me for dear life, but she didn't know who I was "it was my heart but now I give it to you." She gasped then looked up at me I could hear my heart beating fast in her chest, she grabbed my face "how I saw your body on the operating table next to me." I smile "I would do anything for you and you know that" she started to cry "I know BUT THIS Kya THIS IS-" I cut her off by putting my hand on her chest. Right above where my heart was "this is what you needed so I gave it to you" she shook her head "Kya-" I shake my head this time. "I didn't use it anyway nor do I need it" I hugged her "you need to rest after that big surgery" I let her go then began to walk out.

 "When will you come back" I smile "soon" then I left, I flashed into my house it was dark except for our...Ryan's bedroom. I opened the door and heard Ryan in the shower, I silently walk in and grab clothes and stuffed them into a bag. The shower shut off so I started to pack faster until I heard a voice then I froze. "I know I'm not supposed to step foot in here but I need a tow-" she stopped mid sentence I put a finger over my lips to hush her. I picked up my bag then walked over to her I held out my hand she hesitantly took it I smiled as she looked at me scared "treat her better than I." I slipped a small note into her hand then slowly started to vanish, when I reappeared I was standing outside Selena's new house. I knocked then the door opened a little "the sky is beautiful to night" I said I heard the door open all the way. Suddenly I was pulled in quickly so quick that I ended up falling in. I turned around only to come face to the barrel of a gun for a few seconds before...BANG! My head jerked back with the force then black, everything was coming in blurry but I could feel my body being dragged a muffled "look who we have?" Was closely followed by a scream after I was dragged through a door way they dropped me. I could only see out of my left eye, as far as I know my right one was destroyed. Along with the top of the right side of my head but I could feel it slowly reconstructing, to say I was pissed was an understatement. I moved my left eye to look to see two guys standing around Selena she was tied to a chair crying. Her body was slumped and riddled with bruises and cuts. "Oh come on now you knew eventually we would find her although I did go a little trigger happy" one of the guys said then laughed. He then smacked her across the face "STOP CRYING YOU KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN!" He started to pace I tried to move but everything was locked, "you know what I'm tired of waiting for the boss to call me back I'm taking what I want." He cut off her ropes then threw her on the bed she started to scream and run but the other guy held her down and covered her mouth soon he tied her up. The main guy started to undo his belt, then I felt my body go numb with rage "what the fuck" the second guy said looking at me. I didn't realized I had gotten up but somehow I was standing hunched a little but still standing, I chuckled it came out dark and blood spattered. "I thought you killed her" they both stand up looking at me "I did she had no pulse." I felt thirsty "I have no heart gentlemen now whose going to be the lucky one and feed me." I tilted my head to the side the second bigger guy ran at me with a knife I let him stab me but I bit into his shoulder tearing his arm off as he screamed in agony.

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