ch. 5 Run

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Kya's p.o.v

I woke up in the nurses office with a slight headache after I cleaned the blood off my face I left, I breathed in then I smelt something sweet "it's our mate find her." I started to walk when I ran into some guy "sorry I didn't see you," I looked up to see Ky "it's you it really is you Kya" my eyes went wide I started to smile but then I remembered the voicemails I looked in horror at all off them. "No" I said before I sped past them when I stopped everything started to get blurry so I took out my contacts and put them in the container, now I could see more clearly there was two people in the hallway now one was Blaze the other I couldn't see "thanks but if my girlfriend found out she'd kill you" he just chuckles "I like a challenge honey," he puts his hands on the lockers that are next to her head "now can I get a name beautiful" "Ryan" he grins.

I growl they turn and look at me "what are you doing" he chuckles "just talking to my girlfriend" she looks at him bewildered my eyes turn dark "funny because the last time I checked Ryan was my MATE" in mid sentence my voice had gone deeper and I could feel that I started to get taller. "Woe calm down Nashaya I was just playing you know I'm still with Isabella" he says backing away from Ryan I turn back to normal, "you can drop the Nashaya act now Blaze she obviously knows who I really am" he sighs in relief. "Damn Kya don't scare me like that bro I thought you had just realized she your mate or something" I laugh "it's been 2 years it feels like it's the first time for me so sorry for get jealous" we bump fists.

I hear running coming from the nurses office I can tell by the patterns it's Ky and the rest of the gang then it's Dawn, Shantell, and Moesha I shake my head too many people! I start to panic I feel someone lay there hand on my shoulder "Kya calm down" I hear Ryan's voice, I start frantically shaking my head "NO" I vanish I end up at the cave I hear snoring so I walk inside and lay on mama bear I get cuddled by the cubs "thanks guys I just had a breakdown." I hear bushes moving I get up only to hear hunters "I think the bears are this way," I growl and transform into a wolf I sneak up behind them and attack one while the other just screams. After I finish 'mauling' one I turn to the other who was praying I neal down to him "I will let you go if you promise to protect the bears and not KILL THEM," he looks up "how are you doing that" I growl "PROMISE" he nods his head "I promise just don't kill me" I huff "I didn't kill him if you get him to the hospital in time he won't bleed out" the boy grabs the man and runs off.

"That was his father" "I know that's why I only knocked him out and gave him a few scratches," "even when your out of your head and angry your still merciful" "making up for time." I shake my head and start running I start pushing my body to go faster "stop blaming yourself you weren't in the right mind!" I just keep running suddenly I slam into another wolf I roll into a tree "YOU BITCH WATCH WERE YOUR GOING!" I yell she growls "YOU WATCH IT" I attack her we start scratching and clawing each other she caught me in my ribs with her claws "KYA STOP" I growl, "NO WAY AYA SHE'S GOING TO PAY" I see that the other wolf is fighting her inner voice so I attacked every clash we made lightning would flash across the sky along with thunder it started raining. I pinned her down while biting at her neck "STOP FIGHTING YOU WON'T WIN" she kept fighting "you'll pass out from fighting because your using to much energy STOP FIGHTING" I was breathing heavy everything was spinning last thing I seen was the wolf turn normal before I did then darkness.

I open my eyes only to close them again and groan fucking sun I try getting up but can't because my body hurts and someone is on me, I look at who it is Ryan what the hell happened last night I look around and see broken trees and torn up ground. I feel Ryan groan and sit up I sit up too "what happened last night Kya" I shrug "no idea by everything being wet I can tell it rained" I sniff the air I turn pale that's when I notice we're naked I can see Ryan looking at me "anything else also why are we naked" "nope and I don't know!" I might have said it a little too quickly she decided to sniff the air she blushed "well that answers my questions" I get up "we should probably find our clothes" I help her up trying not to laugh at how awkward this is when we do find our clothes they're in shreds "I have extra set of clothes out here you can have the shirt and boxers I'll take the pants and bra" she nods.

Once we put on the clothes we started to head towards the school "how did we end up here Ryan" she shrugs her shoulders "last I remember was you vanishing after having a panic attack," I sigh "sorry about that just so many things happened so fast I couldn't handle it" when we got close I just had to say it "I missed you so much and I'm sorry for what I did and for leaving but I need you to know I didn't cheat on you I passed out once I got into the building I had nothing to do mph" I was silenced by her lips "I know Kya Gotheresa told me what happened" I start to laugh "everyone is going to have a field day when they see us like this" we both start laughing.

When we got to my dorm room I opened it to see everyone too many people I felt Ryan squeeze my hand so I took a deep breath "hey guys" they turned and looked at us some in shock others in amusement "Ryan we told you to find her not fuck her!" I chuckle "that doesn't get you off the hook Kya" I roll my eyes "oh come on what I do," Shantell stands up "for having us worry so much" I hug her "well now I'm here" when I let her go I get tugged into a bear hug "never do that again!" "I'm sorry Dawn" once she lets go Faith walks up to me "I HATE you for what you did to EVERYONE" I growl "FINE" "I WISH I NEVER MET YOU" "THEN YOU'D STILL BE IN THAT HOLE" she pushes me I just grab my jacket and a shirt then leave.

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