Ch.31 Pure

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Kya's p.o.v

 I softly land outside a small cabin I tilt my head I recognize this place I was confused on how Damian knew this place. "It has been in your nightmares Kya" I whip around only to see nothing. I growl "come inside now" I then hear a faint cry. I run inside only to be blinded by a white light once I can see I notice everything is painted with titanium white. My vision starts to blur "what's happening to me?" I couldn't even see my hands I end up running right into a wall I feel it and find a door nob. The white was dimmer but still bright enough to fuck with my vision. Suddenly a white noise blasted its way through my ears I scream in pain, my hearing goes in and out as I stumble down the stairs. When I finally make it to the bottom the room is back to the bright white. There was lights everywhere only making it more bright. Through my blurry vision I could see something in the middle of the room covered in golden yellow. I stumble towards the only spot of color when I'm knocked to the ground. "Funny how one color can effect a person...although you are less then a person." I growl then slowly get up "screw you" it chuckles "what would you do for your son?" "Anything" "including getting rid of your darkness, rewiring your brain, or even becoming someone else." I nod "anything as long as I get my son" there was a pause "good." Suddenly I was chained down then I felt a prick in my arm then fire I screamed in pain. I watched as some glowing white substance was injected into me flowing into my veins. I closed my eyes gritting my teeth in pain willing my body to go numb. But it just kept going as more of the substance was injected into me I saw memories flash before my eyes. Then they all slowly started to burn away I opened my eyes and screamed feeling myself being torn apart. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME!" "I'm purifying you everything that makes you dark will be erased and replaced with only purity." My hair started to turn a dull white and my mark began to disappear, I started to turn pale and was losing sight of the golden object as pain took over, my chest began to become more heavy. "Kya Bloodmoon will be no more" Damian and Aya appeared in front faintly they were shaking and fading. They collapsed to the floor "Kya we love you" they said in unison before screaming and disappearing I screamed in agony "NOO!" Everything I knew everything that made me me was going I looked at my left arm to see it mark-less I started to cry. I stopped crying because I forgot why I started in the first place. My head began to hurt "Kya Bloodmoon will be no more!" I wince is that my name, I looked up to see a baby "its not safe for that kid." A man stood in front of me then took off his hood and mask he grinned, but I blacked out after I heard a large bang.

Unknown p.o.v

I barge into the room angry "brother what are you doing here and what did you do with the house?" He looked confused "how are you here?" I smirk "you forget I know you well" I looked over his shoulder and froze. I quickly ran over to Kya "brother what did you do?" I growled low "she took your purity so I made her pure isn't she pretty!" I looked at him as if he'd gone mad "what do you mean you made her pure! What is all the stuff!?" I picked up a syringe "it is the purist of pure" I snapped my head up "you didn't..." he smiled and nodded like a child. "YOU FOOL YOU INJECTED HER WITH PURE LIGHT!" The room shook with my yell "what's wrong with that?" "You're going to start a war" he shakes his head "no she is under us SHE IS NOTHING!" I shake my head as I cradle her head in my lap, feeling my anger rise. "Her name has been in the history books since writing was invented you fool!" I try to wake up Kya her eyes open, I froze because her iris were as white as pure snow. She looked at me with a dazed look in her eye "Kya can you hear me?" I could see the confusion "who is Kya?" Oh no "you don't know who you are?" I watched as her eyes rolled back into her head "how much did you give her?" I glared at my stupid brother he looked like he was going to cry "enough to erase her dark memories and mark." I gasp and raise her arm it was bare then I remembered her telling me of her wings. I lift her slightly and raise her shirt there were a couple of scratches but other than that nothing. "When her parents find out who did this they'll most likely declare war on us AND OUR CLAN DO YOU EVEN REALIZE WHAT YOU DID!" He flinched away before trying to stand tall "I am the family leader and you will not speak to me like that little sister." His command only angered me "SHUT UP" he winced. I smile "I am now the leader of the family since you have put us all in danger." He started to cry and bow I was distracted by a cry I slowly set Kya down and got up I walked over to the crib feeling a since of dread as I got closer. I looked in and almost broke into tears as I picked up the baby who was dressed in gold "she had a son!" "Now she won't even remember that how could you even..." I was at a loss. "Seize him and lock him in the basement until I figure out what to do." I didn't take my eyes off the baby as my brother screamed to be let go. When the room was bathed in silence again I sighed "is there anything else you want us to do?" I nod "take Kya and...her son to a hospital have them call her emergency contact." They nod and pick Kya up one of the female guards come over to me and took the baby. "Oh one more thing when one of you get the chance call the king and queen of darkness tell them the light clan needs to speak with them." Another guard nods then runs off with the others carry Kya's body, I sigh as I look around "I hope this can be reversed."

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