Ch. 34 Dream

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?? p.o.v

We slowly stand up "poor unfortunate SOULS!" We turn quickly cutting off the head of the man who dared hold a sword to us using our sharpened nails. "My brother you bitch" we growl "you're that fucker that shot off half of her head!" "Holy shit Agni " a small fire ball came at us with great speed we smile as we catch it the other men backed up behind him. "That was highly anticlimactic" he looked frightened as we step forward "now this is a real one Agni!" A bright flash lit the room as a loud BANG sounded when it was gone so was he, the men, and most of the room we were in. We smile then start laughing like a maniac it turned into crying  we have to get her out of here "NO this is our HOME!" We could hear the ding of the elevator "lady Selena I heard a bang and not the good kind." Yana stopped as she looked at us we tilt our head smiling showing all our teeth "Kya?" We shake our head still smiling as we lick our lips "we are not her" "Mr. Damian?" Again we shake our head "wrong again we are neither him nor her." We start walking towards her she looked conflicted as she backed away. "We can smell your lust come to us" her legs didn't move to us but her body screamed for our lust, our body, and our power. "Kya didn't know why you wanted her but we was Damian wasn't it." She looks away blushing we smile "you could feel him from the start we're sorry that you'll never have him again." She look sadden by our statement "I mean there is a way but most people can't absorb demons like you I mean Kya." We smirk at her mistake "wait who are you anyway?" We shrug "we are both of them and neither of them we are everywhere and nowhere." She growls "lets get you out of here" she dragged us out of the building, and all the way to the door out of hell. "This is going to hurt her bad..." Yana looked confused "we will reunite you with Damian or at least a part of him." She hugged us with tears down her face "thank you" we smile then step through the doorway then nothing.

Kya's p.o.v

I scream in pain as I fall to the floor clutching my sides my skin was on fire! "Kya what's happening?" "IT BURNS MAKE IT STOP!" I started clawing at my skin screaming PLEASE MAKE IT STOP! I close my eyes willing the burning to stop. Next thing I know I'm being picked up and submerged in something that was filled with freezing water. I open my eyes to see Leta and Dawn holding me under water they let me up enough to breath it looked like they had been crying. "What's wrong you guys?" They looked at each other before looking back at me "you were in hell too long..." I slowly sit up hissing in pain "wha...what happened" "you started to were screaming about how it burned so we put you in here." I get out and strip my wet clothes I notice I looked really skinny and malnourished I could see some of my bones I had scars all over my body like I had been burned"Kya?" "Can you guys get me some dry clothes" they nod but Dawn stopped "are you okay?" I don't answer she sighs and walks out it started to hurt again so I tried to get back over to the tub only to stumble and fall. I hit the edge of the tub then I was out cold. I open my eyes to darkness suddenly there is a bright spotlight on me I shield my eyes "oh good you're awake." I look up and but a different type her eyes were soulless almost vantablack, her horns stretched back past her hair, she has two tails, her nails are long black talons. "Tell us are you afraid" I looked around only seeing her "who's us?" She smiles showing her sharpened teeth while pointing to herself. "We are us we're neither him or her" I nod "what do you guys want with me." Again sh-they smile "you and Damian created us when you collided we're only here to help at high emotional levels or when you are near death we come out and play." They hold out their hand I take it and almost collapse "oh no we kept you there too long our sincerest apologies if we would've known." I chuckle "it's fine really but thank y'all for caring" their smile is bright."You have to wake up now or they'll think you're dead with as big as that blood puddle is around your head." I lift my hand and feel the gash that is in it "oh yeah see y'all around then." I start to walk forward "Auf Wiedersehen."

BluemoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora