Ch. 33 Soul

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Selena's p.o.v

I've been noticing Kya's behavioral change ever since she stepped in this place. She's seemed pretty pissed at me and just all around...darker or angrier. When my sister flew me to Damian's castle we began to speak in Spanish "Sé que usted ama su pero algo está seriamentemal con ella."(I know that you love her but something is seriously wrong with her.)I look up at her in confusion "why are you speaking in Spanish sis?" She rolls her eyes "because she can hear us, but I guess it's fine for now I just wanted you to know." Once she put me down on a bridge to Damian's castle I felt a shift in Kya I was so focused on her that I missed the whole conversation between her and Carla. Suddenly she growled at nothing but she had a look of pure pain in her eyes"baby?" I gently tilted her head so she can look at me "I'm fine." She then turn her head away from me and sped up on her walking. She kicked the gigantic door off its hinges with a crazed expression. "Kya-" I stopped mid sentence because Carla put her hand on my shoulder, then she shook her head. Kya began to mumble to herself, which made me think of what Leta told me earlier before I stepped through. Kya may being to change while in there you have to be her anchor or she could lose herself and become a hellion. Kya began knocking stuff over and finally pushed open another set of huge doors. "Well look what I've found I found a little bitch" she growls. "She's too far gone she won't listen to you take her out of there NOW! Your time is running short!"  Damian slowly stands up "you dare say those words to me" Kya just growled back at him. "I am going to murder you" I watched as Kya's teeth got longer. A portal showed up in front of Kya "I don't care I'm here and I'm not leaving without him!"  She shook in anger then took the portal and tore it apart "who the hell do you think you are?" Damian growled as he jumped off of his pedestal Kya smirked "I'm the one who is going to OWN YOU."

"Kya listen something here doesn't feel right we should leave this place." Kya turned towards me for a second "I told you to not come in here did I NOT!" I backed away from her as her eye got dark "I'm sorry but we are running out of time here." She rolls her eyes "I don't care you leave then But know I told you from the fucking beginning to not come in here but noooo you just HAD TO!" I  wince as a part of my heart brakes at her harsh words "I...I'm sor-" I'm interrupted by Damian. "Hey it's fine pretty girl why don't you leave this bitch and be with a real man who can treat you better." Kya growls in response "she is MINE!" I put my hand on her right arm she whipped her head to glare at me. I let go slowly backing away in fear then I seen some type of recognition in her eyes. "Oh my gods...I'm sorry I don't know what came over me I just-" "NOW that you are finally out of your trance I can end you."

Kya's p.o.v

I growl as I come back to reality from my rage filled haze. "Selena I need you to leave here now I don't want you to be hurt okay." She looked as if she were about to cry so I gently caressed her cheek and brought our foreheads together. "I'm sorry for how I've been acting but I really need you to go I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if you were hurt or even died here." I signal for Carla to pull my beloved away from here "please come back to me baby." I nod then kiss her as she's pulled away. She grabs my hand and when we have to let go her hand stays out reaching for me as Carla drags her away. Everything seems like it is in slow motion as I hear "Agni" before a bright light shows up. I catch the fire ball in my right hand causing the bandages to began to burn off as the fire traveled up my arm, reveling its true state. "KYA look out!" Suddenly Selena shows up next to me pushing me out the way causing the rest of the blast to be deflected into a wall. I hear Selena gasp and I hear a slight gurgling sound as liquid hits my eyes blinding me. "LENA!" I wipe whatever it was off my eyes to see why Carla screamed her name. I look at my hand and see what was on my's blood "kya." I look up to see Selena smiling at me while blood comes out of her mouth. A spear showed through her chest "no no no" I quickly stood up crying. She dropped to her knees I broke the spear head off but didn't know whether to pull or not. "Kya please pull it out" she managed to say as blood leaked out of her mouth and chest. I nod then slowly begin to pull the bar out crying more as the sticky sound of the spear being pulled out started. As soon as it was out she fell to the ground Carla ran over to us grabbing Selena's hand as I cradled Selena in my arms crying. "We can get this fixed baby I swear we just need to...we need-" Selena puts her hand on my cheek. The look in her eyes told me she knew she wasn't going to make it and I hated it. Her breathing started to slow "Kya...take Carla out of here...promise me" I nod immediately. "I'm going to take her back and you'll be there to see her get back to her family I promise." She shakes her head then begins to violently couch then she takes a big breath in before exhaling slowly. I start to shake as I see the light in her green eyes fade into black showing me that her soul is gone as well as her life. Suddenly everything starts to shake with me I slowly stand up growling low then scream feeling power surge through me "SELENA!" I dropped to my knees feeling my heart break "Kya?" "Take her to the gates now" Carla nods then picks up Selena's...body and starts to leave. "Oh no you don't" Damian conjures up another spear, I raise my right hand "scrios." My arm cracks causing it to leak bright gold as the spear cracks and destroys in mid air. This caused Damian to growl deeply, but then he smirked he fucking smirked.

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