ch. 9 Memory

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Authors Note: skip first paragraph if it makes you uncomfortable


Kya's pov

    I aimlessly wonder the halls until I find my room I wonder what she needs help with a moan comes from in my room so I open the door thinking she could be hurt, when I see her my mind goes blank woe she was laying on my bed her back arched up moaning my name as she finger fucked herself. "Holy fuck" I said still dazed she screamed and covered herself up before realising that it was me "I....I'm sorry I guess" she said, something inside me snapped next thing I know I'm eating her out "OH FUCK YES" she screams as she pulls my hair her body starts to shake so I hold her down "I'M GOING TO CUM" then she arches her back up as she screams my name. After she comes down from her high I start to realize what happened I flash to the other side of the room my head starts to hurt "why are you freaking out Kya," "I just basically ate out a stranger" I didn't notice she was in front of me until she tilted my head up "you'll remember me then I won't be a stranger."


   The door burst open "hey guys I brought Isabel..." Blaze stopped mid sentence staring at Ryan who blushed but didn't cover up I growled some girl walked in front of Blaze "stop it Blaze" he stopped "um sorry Isabella" I looked down and got up why do I feel like this! "You guys have fucking fun I'm leaving" I push past Blaze "don't walk out it'll only make it worse," I stopped "Kya listen I'm really sorry about th-" I grabbed him by his throat and slammed him into a wall in a calm voice I replied "I'll let it go for now next time I won't" I growl and let him go my head began to hurt. "What's happening to me" "you're trying to remember" "IT HURTS" I start to growl "stop this hurts please stop," Ryan ran over to me I growled "YOU did this you made me mad" I back away from her "Kya I had to make you remember me and everyone."

     I run out with Ryan right behind me I stop in the woods and collapse from the pain. I started to hear footsteps come towards me but everything was smothered by my anger I growled louder "STOP THIS PLEASE" a sword landed into the ground in front of me with black fire coming out of it I grabbed it "Kya don't," I looked at Ryan and she gasped I don't know why but she seemed scared "I just need it to stop" I raised the sword to my chest Ryan screamed "NO DON'T DO THIS" but they held her back I heard someone whisper "she'll be fine" I plunged the sword deep into my chest all the pain went away I looked at the sky it began to rain then darkness.

Ryan's pov

   I started to cry as it rained "LET GO OF ME" I yelled they let go I ran over to Kya and took the sword out I checked her heart rate it was normal but how "this should have killed her" I pick up the sword it began to glow blue when I touched it suddenly Kya sat up gasping for air, "Kya your ok" I hugged her "of course I told you I'd always come back baby" she chuckled which turned into a cough "you guys were here to watch that I'm sorry for what you seen" everyone looked confused at her "wait Kya do you remember them." "Of course anger is the biggest factor when it comes to me" she stood up pulling me up with her "I remember everything what Aya failed to tell you about my emotions was that most of them has something to do with anger," I smiled and hugged Kya "I'm glad you're back" she kissed me I moaned it's been 2 years since I felt her lips against mine and have been able to remember it we hear someone fake cough so we pull apart I blushed "sorry guys."

Kya's pov

   After everyone gave me a hug we began walking back to campus I stayed in the back I whistled to call the sword to me while everyone was distracted with trying not to trip over branches I walked over to my tree and reached inside pulling out a necklace with a ring on it a single tear slid down my face it's from a person I couldn't save last year, she told me to give it to someone I cared about I put the sword inside of the tree and wiped my face then caught up with everyone else I ran up to Ryan and whispered in her ear "slow down really quick and close your eyes." She did as I said I slid the necklace over her head and pulled her hair out from under it, I kissed her cheek "you can open them now" she opened her eyes and looked at the ring "it's beautiful Kya" she smiled I intertwined our fingers together.

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