Ch. 24 Later

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A/N: trigger warning: mentions of suicide attempt in paragraph 7 in bold so skip if uncomfortable

Kya's p.o.v (6 months later)

        I silently get up and get dressed carefully so I don't mess up my bandages then slip out her apartment I don't even remember her name at the moment once I make it outside I make a call "can you come and get me" there's a sigh at the other end "another smash and pass I suppose" I chuckle "you know it now come get me." You can say I've been out of control since breaking up with Ryan...and you'd be right but does it matter hell no I want the shear memory of her to go away but that's impossible. I have to see her and that bitch Rebecca every time I see the pack Ryan has gotten really big two more months and she'll pop out a baby but as of late I haven't had pack troubles, speaking on that I'm probably going to let her have all custody because I wouldn't want my child around me when I'm like this. That fucking dream keeps coming back  I grabbed their hand and we started walking around the park looking to see if we can spot the child's moms. I guess we found them when the kid squealed and ran over to two ladies one had long straight red hair with blonde patches while the other had long black hair they look familiar I shake my head I know it's a lie if that's me and Ryan the child turned into a boy. Apart of me feels like I should have heard her out but that's far deep down inside covered by hurt and pain, my heart hasen't taken a beat since that day so my chest always feels heavy only to lighten when I feed. I get a phone call "there is fights going on in the pack we need you to come down here and settle it" I roll my eyes "yeah I'll be down there in a second" a car pulls up and stop in front of me "get in loser" Leta says. "Drop me off at my pack house" I say she nods I know she doesn't like the way I've become but she's working around it when she drops me off I wave and walk into the back into the bunker only to be met with my frantic looking beta. "It is two of the rebels" I see a circle and calmly walk through to see Stella and Rebecca fighting I growl "STOP NOW" I command they freeze Rebecca is the only one to not know I'm alpha I had everyone not tell her she growls at me. "Who the hell do you think you are" she growls I silently walk up to her and then smiled before flexing my hand making her scream out and fall to her knees in pain "I am your superior and you will show me respect" I say my voice deep I let her go by relaxing my hand "never deify me" I said "now why were you two fighting" I ask Stella "she walks around here like she hasn't done anything wrong like she is better than everyone else when she isn't SHIT" she growls "I understand but it is my job to decide what to do not yours" I say tightening my jaw.

        I began to walk away when I hear a soft chuckling "look whose being all mighty when the new alpha shows her face you'll be sorry and I know your mad that I banged your girl" I growl and turn and look at her she was kneeling "but not as mad as you'll be" she looks confused "oh right I almost forgot I fucked the living shit out of your sister years ago she was screaming my name for hours" I say smirking. Her eyes went wide "you son OF A BITCH" she got up and ran towards me but I didn't even flinch I quickly grabbed her face and slammed her into the ground cracking the concrete it fell silent there was a gasp then the pack doctor ran to Rebecca's side "problem solved" I stated then calmly walked out. I was at the end of the driveway when their family truck pulled in I sighed knowing they seen me "can you help us with these groceries" Hope(Ryan's mom) asked I nodded then started to help unload it. "You should stay for dinner it's been awhile since you've eaten with the pack" Hope said I knew I couldn't say no so I started to help cook it was a couple of hours later when we were done "can you get the pack and tell them dinner is ready" she asks I nod. Upon getting the pack I noticed Rebecca was up and running again due to the pack doctor being a miracle worker I walked back to the table everyone was getting settled after getting their food usually it's alpha first but I decided to wait. "Kya you forgot a member of the pack" Hope said I looked around and counted everyone "you forgot Ryan she's upstairs go get her" I sigh then walk past her "you did this on purpose" I whispered in her ear before going upstairs. 

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