ch. 16 No Way

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A/N: Watch for line brake gets R rated


Next day (Kya's p.o.v)

I open my eyes and groan my ribs still hurt a little there's a knock on my door I slowly get up I open the door to come face to face with a girl "do I know you dude" she shakes her head "you know my mate I just wanted to say that it was cool of you to stand up to Vince" I nod my head still half sleep I close the door and look at the clock 2:30 my eye began to hurt "I'm beginning to think you thought you were going to have a free day" I can't pin whose voice i'm hearing so I just shake my head and grab my phone and get dressed. I kiss Ryan on her head then leave "leave her be" another voice says I look around trying to find the source but nothing I call a restaurant "I want to make a reservation under the name Kya Moon" I listen to them, "that would be a perfect time thank you" I hang up ok 8 pm I got this I roll my neck side to side and go to the store to get sunscreen once that's done I drive to a cliff and sit on the edge "I'll make you and that bitch pay" I look around but no one's there I growl but ignore it "just focus on relaxing today." I nod my head my phone vibrates with texts from everyone but Ryan telling me they'll meet me and Ryan at the beach I get up only to see Jichobaya I smiled and waved he bowed his head and ran off I get up and get in my 1970 dodge challenger and head to the school once I get out I go to my room and open the door the shower was running so I just undressed and put on my trunks and bikini top, I knocked on the bathroom door "yeah" "we'er going to the beach so put on your swimsuit with clothes over it" I heard her squeal "yes I'm so excited but I don't have my bikini in here can you grab it and put it in here" I reply yea then go over to her bag and grab it. I open the door and put her bikini on the counter I can see the outline of her body through the shower curtain I bite my lip and walk out, "I've got to calm myself down" "I want her so bad" "I know I can feel your lust seeping into me" I run my hand threw my hair and sit down.

"Babe who planned to go to the beach" I look up and see Ryan standing there in booty shorts, her bikini top on holding her shirt in her hand her hair had grown longer and it was curly then my mind went completely blank. I stood up and quickly walk over to her and kissed her grabbing the shirt out her hands as I backed her up into what I think was the dresser she moaned grabbing my hair deepening the kiss I lift her up sitting her on the dresser grinding into her, she moans I began kissing on her neck until someone knocks on the door that's when everything comes back to me I back up "sorry you should probably get that" I say as the person knocks on the door again I walk to the bathroom how the hell am I going to deal with this I look down I imagine something and it instantly goes away. I come back out and see Ryan talking to Blaze and Isabella "arn't you guys supposed to be at the beach already "we were but everyone was wondering what was taking you guys so long so we came" he says laughing I blush a little, "we were coming" he chuckles "from the looks of her neck and your hair you two sure was coming" I lowly growl "not yet" I grab two towels and put them in a backpack we all leave then we drive to the beach. When we get there I park the car then get out I grab the backpack and hold Ryan's hand as we walk over to everyone, "hey guys what's up" Ky hands me a coke I fist bump Hamsa and Leta "we were going to head out to the water some people wanted to talk to you Kya they even knew your name they're over there" he says pointing to his left I nod my head "I'll be right back babe" she nods her head. I then start walking in that direction when I get over there I seen no one what when I was about to leave I seen some people walk out of the water, "you must be Kya we would have been waiting for you but it's really hot and some of us dry out fast" I nod my head this guy looks sort of like a fish. "I have came from my kingdom because the prince and the princess are bored they happen to hear of you and your friends coming to the beach and wanted to know if they could hang with you guys," I look at him with a blank stare "that's all you wanted do of course they can hang they just have to come up here to the surface" he smiles then walks back under.

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