ch. 12 Always

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Ryan's p.o.v

         I sit in an uncomfortable hospital chair waiting for the doctor to come out telling us how Kya is all I  can hear is people crying saying why them I'm usually a soft person, but right now I'm on edge I get up and walk outside I see Leta standing there smoking "finally got tired of all the crying." I nod my head "how can you hear them" she laughs "I'm supposed to it's in my DNA to hear people be sad only to turn up making a deal with them promising to fix their problem for their soul," I snap my head in her direction "no fucking way you're a demon" she shakes her head "even worse I'm ITS daughter."

        "Why do you look so?" I don't want to sound rude so i don't finish my question she looks at me "normal because I stay in this form  for Kya she has no clue as to who or what I am I've been in this form since the first time we met in PreK" she looks at the floor in shame I put my hand on her cheek she lifts her head up to look at me "if you just tell her she won't be mad," I hear someone say ohh we both turn and see Legend wait why is she here I then realize how me and Leta look like I quickly put my hand down and back up "I'm so telling Kya" then she ran off "she can't tell Kya because she doesn't know where she is plus we weren't doing anything wrong.I'll find out who did this and make them pay."

       "Let's go back inside" we go back just as the doctor called for everyone "it looks like she'll live but she'll have permanent scars that won't fade like usual  the poison nearly killed her somehow it was burnt off only evidence it was there is her right eye, where it will remain discolored and also her left side will be tender for a few days you all may go visit her now but she might be off because of the medicine" then he walks off. We all walk in I gasp there's five claw marks that go from the bottom of her right jaw up until it hits her nose then it stops it goes straight threw where her eye is, there are bandages on her left side I turn to Leta and whisper "when you find out who did this tell me we're going to destroy them." We all stayed waiting for Kya to wake up everyone got tired and after visiting hours were over only two people were aloud to stay with Kya so Leta and I stayed everything was quiet except for Kya's heart monitor, I noticed something was leaking out of Kya's mouth as I went to wipe it off Kya's body started to shake violently and her heart monitor was going haywire before Leta and I could do anything we were pushed out of the room by doctors and nurses. I started shaking trying not to cry "she'll be ok Ryan you know that" everything slowed down as I watched Kya's head turn towards me she smiled "SHE'S DEAD!!"

       I gasped as I woke up "NO" I looked around the room and locked eyes with Kya "you're awake" she just held her right arm out "I know you just had a nightmare come lay with me" I hesitantly walked over to her, I noticed someone put a blanket over Leta I layed on Kya's right side "go back to sleep now baby I'm here to protect you always." Hours later I open my eyes and hear a quiet rumbling noise coming from Kya after getting out of Kya's tight grip I noticed Leta was gone, I looked out the window into the hospital hallway and seen Leta talking to some blonde, I just shrugged my shoulders before I got back into Kya's bed I just looked over her one day that's all I can ask one day with No problems for us knowing it probably won't happen I just got back in bed and fell back to sleep.

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