ch. 13 Perfect

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Kya's p.o.v (next day)

It felt weird waking up in a hospital fucking hate hospitals the right side of my face still hurts just chopped it up to it hurting because the bitch got me in the face I got out of bed and went to the bathroom after I washed my face and took a painful shower I just looked in the mirror, my left eye was still black with the white dot but my other one had a slash in it causing one half to be silver while the other half is black I still had the white dot too. I felt everything go cold what the "Hey Kya how you feeling " I smiled at Leta "you already know that answer bro" she laughed "I suppose I do know so do you know who did this to you" I shrug my shoulders, "by name no all I know is that it was a demon and she got pissed off about how her nails broke while attacking me" I growled I heard my phone buzz so I went to pick it up "hey Leta I just got some random picture from an unknown number" I open it and freeze.

"Think about this Kya they wouldn't do that" Aya says "what was the picture Kya" I tighten my jaw "it's of you and Ryan pretty close together" I try not to growl but it comes out anyway "it's not what it looks like." I chuckle "try a different one that one is over used" I say turning around to face Leta she backed up a little "we were just talking" I tilt my head to the side "about what," "I can't tell you" I growl louder waking up Ryan "baby what's wrong" she asked in a groggy voice "what were you and Leta outside talking about" she froze "it was nothing babe let it go" "oh this is just grand when YOU see me in a an incriminating situation you jump to conclusions but when I see something I'm told to LET IT GO fuck no!"

"If you don't want to tell me what you were talking about I'm just going to assume you were doing exactly what it looks like you were" I storm past them, once I get out of the room I began running ignoring them calling my name suddenly I run into something that feels like a brick wall I put my hands on it feeling for what it is, "if you wanted to feel me up all you had to do was ask my prince" I freeze and back away "what's wrong you look like you've seen a ghost" I was about to answer when Ryan and Leta came running "Kya honestly it wasn't what you thought."

I stand still frozen still looking at her "Kya what's wrong with you" "what did you do to her" Leta and Ryan said towards Kifo "who are these people my prince" I growled "leave," I say with a voice I didn't think I had anymore Kifo doesn't even say anything she just leaves I start shaking she was so close to me I look at my shaking hands I felt something leak out of my nose onto my hands it was a deep black color. "Baby your bleeding" they brought me back to my room I was still shaking when they grabbed my arms I snapped "DON'T TOUCH ME," they instantly backed away I was breathing heavily I got up and went into the bathroom after I got cleaned up I just stood in there one day Aya all I need is one I walk out Leta and Ryan stand up.

"SIT DOWN" they did just that instantly "now EXPLAIN to me why I got a fucking picture of you two close to each other like that" Leta spoke up "I was talking to her about something that I was ashamed of and she was just comforting me about the issue" I run a hand through my hair "what was the issue" I hear her heart beginning to beat faster so I looked at her "what's so wrong that it's got you on edge" "I have to tell you something important" I raise an eyebrow "I know you've only seen me in this form since we met but I don't really look like this I'm a demon Kya please don't be angry" I huff "is that it" she shakes her head "to make it worse I'm it's daughter." I rub my temples because I'm getting irritated "that's it" this time she nods her head yes "Leta all you had to do was tell me your still my best bro I'm kind of disappointed that you would this I wouldn't be your friend anymore," I smile Leta gets up and hugs me I hug back after that I get into my hospital bed my right eye began to hurt "stop trying to heal it Aya" "I'm sorry it part of who I am to you" "I know just leave it be" I opened both my eyes and noticed out of my right eye everything was tinted red I looked at Leta and she was a huge red and black thing with horns and tails "holy mother of everything." I said "what is it Kya" Leta turned to look at me and so did the beast I quickly look away "ms.bloodmoon I'm here to check on you" a nurse says as she walks closer to me I just nod my head, she begins by seeing how my eye reacts to direct light then she reaches for my shirt and lifts it up to see my side.

Suddenly I feel a sharp pain I growl at her and pull away from her "I'm sorry I was told to push on them to see if they healed in the right place "WELL THEY OBVIOUSLY DIDN'T" I growl "baby sit back down on the bed and let her finish" I huff and sit down, Ryan sits in my lap on instinct I wrap my arms around her and breath in her scent I feel the nurse push on my ribs I squeeze my eyes such my side hurt so bad "I didn't realize that she broke them out of place" "fucking awesome" I just continue breathing in Ryan's scent until the check up was over when the nurse left Ryan tried to get up but I held on tighter Aya and myself are at peace when Ryan was near.

Ryan started watching t.v. still holding Ryan I looked over at Leta she was starring at the wall with a blank expression I closed my eyes and tapped into her thoughts she was standing there looking at a wide screen with moving pictures. "What are you doing" she jumped a little "I forgot you can do that, anyway I'm looking for the person that did that to you" she gesturs towards my face and side I nod my head. "Perfect I'm going to torture the bitch that did this slowly" I heard Leta chuckle "if you weren't a bloodmoon I would say you were a demon," I laugh and start to feel fuzzy "I think the medicine kicked in I'll see you later" she waves.

I open my eyes I move Ryan's hair to one side and begin kissing on her neck "I've missed you so much baby" I untangle my arms and put my hands on her thighs, she jumps a little "didn't you miss me" she nods her head while moaning. I slide my hands up close to there destination when the door suddenly opens I quickly put a blanket over Ryan's lap my mom and Fate walk in, "how you feel-Ryan are you ok" while my mom's asking Ryan questions i look at Fate she smirks then says "babe leave her alone" I laugh "so how are you feeling?" "I'm feeling ok for right now my meds kicked in so no pain but I have to talk to Fate about something can you all leave minus Leta she couldn't hear us even if she wanted to."

Once they were gone there was an awkward silence "um see I have this situation and I don't really know how to deal with it I'm only asking you because your Ky's 'dad' and stuff so are you understanding what im getting at," Fate stand there for a minute "you need a pair of boxers don't you" I nod my head "it's weird at first but you'll get used to it ok." We fist bump then they come back in Ryan tries to sit on my lap again but Fate stops her "I would avoid doing that until you two talk" Ryan just sits in the chair Fate flashes out "where did she go" "to go get something I need," the doctor walks in "you should be able to leave today ms.bloodmoon just be careful with your ribs which means no extreme physical activity" he says looking from me to Ryan she blushes I just chuckle.

After I'm checked out "hey I thought maybe you wanted to drive home so i got you your car" I smile and catch my keys "thanks Fate" once Ryan and I get in I drive off "I wanna show you something," I drive to a cliff then get out I grab Ryans hand "it's the perfect view when watching the sun set" I grab a blanket out my car and set it down "did you plan this" I shake my head "no sometimes I come out here and think." I hear some clicks and whistles I smile looks like we're not the only ones enjoying the view I pull Ryan close to me "you're very important to me you know that" she smiles as the sun goes down I could only think of one word perfect.

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