Ch. 17 Pain

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Kya's p.o.v

        The door to the back was opened and in walked...Giovanni I sighed in relief but then I realized what he had to do in order to come back his whole body was covered in blood, he was silent the whole time and when they opened the cage he sat in the corner looking tiered "I know I had to do it but I never wanted to Kya" he says looking at me slowly I began to get up but in the blink of an eye he was next to me holding me down "you shouldn't move." I just lay back I heard Shane laughing along with some other people walking towards our cage "ah here is our winner folks" he says addressing Giovanni he threw a hot towel at him, "you did good that was a fast kill I didn't think you had it in you you surprised me" Giovanni began to wipe himself off I can hear a little kid whisper "is she dead papa?" I growled low enough so only I and Giovanni could hear the man spoke "is that girl dead" he says I sit up "obviously not if I'm doing this," I growl next thing I know I'm being shocked I closed my eyes tight in pain. It was too much for this form so I changed into my wolf form a collar is placed over my neck "she's harmless now" Shane tugged the chain I walked forward in pain then layed down I felt a little hand on my head "she's soft papa," the kid said excitedly then they all left I felt Giovanni take off the collar I shifted back "I'm going to kill him the secound I get the chance I will Gio sat infront of me "I know you will Kya."

Ryan's p.o.v (week later)

        I had been trying to get Kifo to come out for a week straight but with Kya being in constant pain my body is beginning to feel weak I can barely move without it hurting I've been trying not to cry because if I did I wouldn't have the energy to look for Kifo and Luka "Kifo come out already stop being a bitch and hiding" I said my voice barely over a whisper it was silent for a moment I didn't think Kifo would show up until I heard a growl "calling my name out like that can get you killed I hope you know that" Kifo says after jumping out from some trees she was going to say something else until she got a really good look at me her eyes went wide "where's Luka I need her hel-" I stop mid sentence screaming out in pain and falling to the ground Kifo's eyes get wider she kneels down to my level "what's happening to you." I felt my eyes change as the pain gets worse I hear someone land on the ground "love something is wrong with her she just collapsed in pain" I rolled onto my back and screamed out some black smoke was coming out of my body as I hear my name being called from some far away place "Ryan help me please!" The smoke vanished suddenly all the pain stopped I gasped breathing in as much air as I could Luka was looking at me saddened "Kya is in much pain" I slowly got up and handed Luka the note "can you translate this for me please I've been looking for you a week straight my body is going to give out" she looked at it, "it says I know you can not read it but someone took me I do not know where please help" a tear ran down my cheek "we'll help you Ryan we just need you to tap into Kya the way she can you" I looked at Luka confused "what do you mean tap into her like she can me?" Luka looked nervous "what are you talking about my love I have never heard of this either" Kifo says looking at her Luka muttered "I just fucked up..."

Kya's p.o.v(same time)

        Here I am chained up again a week full of torture and fighting is killing me I've been constantly trying to cut my connection to Ryan to shield her but it hasn't worked "I'm so sorry baby I tried" I said to the ceiling, the cage door opens and in strolls Ash I growl he smirks "so I had the luxury of going through your recent memories and I must say your mate is fucking sexy" I growl louder and try lunging at him he just laughs "leave her alone" Giovanni gets up but is quickly knocked unconscious. "When I'm done with you she's mine and trust me by the time I'm done she wont even remember who you are" I roared at him he flinched for a second before smirking "my father is going to brake you but for now I can have some fun" he grabbed a knife off the tray next to me then went to my left side "I wonder if you have the tattoos that sink into your skin" he says I feel a sudden stab at my side I scream "yes scream for her" I can feel him tearing at my side with the blade I look towards the sky and scream "Ryan help me please!" For a fraction of a second I felt like I left my body and entered someone else but the feeling quickly went away "what the hell are you doing" Shane came in yelling at Ash Ash looked shocked "I was playing with her you said I could" Shane still looked pissed "I never said you could mortally wound her" he growled, "I'm sorry dad I didn't mean too" Shane was holding the bridge of his nose in frustration "leave now get ready for your fight" Ash quickly left Shane was looking at me "I want you to know why I'm doing all this before you die so your death can be 'justified' ok" he says while grabbing another tool to use one less lethal but still painful I braced myself for the worst to come.

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