46. Papers

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"Hunter I don't think I can do this anymore." I whimper into the phone.

"I'll be home in a few days, I promise you. We're doing a show in Nash and I'll have a few days off. And I miss you like hell too." I can hear people in the back and it sounds like he's at a party. The people in the background are laughing and I can tell he's listening to them because I can hear his breathy laugh.

My hand rests on my hip as I pace back and forth in the kitchen. "Honestly, I know you don't, you cannot possibly miss me. You're at parties and having fun, everything in your life is going perfect. You're living your dream and I'm here, alone. I have no one. No one can make me feel the way you do and thats what sucks the most!" I run my hand through my hair, yet again.

"What? That doesn't even make sense." He's still chuckling at the people in the back.

My hand moves out of my hair onto my forehead. "Knowing that I can't feel content- can you please listen to me and not the people that you're with for five minutes?" I grit my teeth as I speak.

"Uh, yeah hold on." He says something to the people and then its quiet in the background, finally. "What was that? Why are you so upset?"

"You're kidding right? You have to be kidding me if you honestly don't know why I'm upset." There's a silence at the other end of the phone, I can tell he's still not getting it. "Really? You can't give me your full attention, ever. For Christ sake Hunter, you listen to your fans more than me! I hate that, I hate that they get more of you than I do and I hate that you're away all the time. This is getting to be too much for me!"

"Aly, please don't do this. I'm about to go on stage, thats why they were being loud. They crack jokes before we go onstage thats like their ritual thing I guess. I'm sorry."

"That's not the only time. And there's another thing! Everything is about you! I have to work my schedule around you!" My voice starts to get louder, my fists start to clutch.

"Okay, well I can't help that, and it's not like you have a tight knit schedule." He tries to joke.

"Are you trying to make this a joke?"

"What? No! Aly,"

"No. I'm serious Hunter!" I hear chuckling from the other end of the line and I roll my eyes. "What?" I ask annoyingly.

"You're cute when you're mad." He says, still chuckling away.

I scoff at him "Hunter! What the hell? This is not an I'm-mad-at-you-for-not-telling-me-something thing! This isn't a time where I'm trying to be fucking cute! Why can't you understand that this is serious?! You need to grow the fuck up!" I spit.

"Really?" His voice seems tense, and more serious.

"Yes, you're immature 95% of the time, you can never hold a serious conversation about important stuff!"

"First of all... what are you even talking about? Second, what the hell is there to talk about thats important?!"

"Um, I don't know, maybe what I'm doing! Like important life decisions like I don't know a car that I can drive! The old truck crapped out almost a month ago, I'm sick of the bus and I don't understand why you take your car with you on tour!" I snap.

"Well we can't exactly take the bus to Walmart!" He says, almost jokingly again.

"See what I mean?!" I shout. "You are such a kid! God, you're killing me! You beg me to stay with you, leave me for months at a time, and expect me to just do something!" My grip on the phone gets tighter as my anger grows.

"I don't know! Get a job, exercise, do something! You can't just live in the apartment forever! It's not my fault!"

"Are you seriously saying that to me right now?" I sneer. The anger inside me bubbles up even more until I blurt something that I never wanted to hear leave my mouth "If you really think this is all just fun and games and I'm here so you can fuck someone in Nashville then maybe we should break up!"

After that, there's a silence. I can hear him breathing heavily like me.

It's so quiet, I can hear when someone in the back calls his name. "Papers." He says to me weakly. "Read the papers"

"Right now, reading your damn letters is the last thing I want to do!" I growl, even though that's not entirely true.

"Please," he pleads "I have to go, just read the papers." I look down at my cup thats sitting in front of me. "You promised." The guy practically pulls on his arm. "I have to go b-" he got cut off and I dropped my phone on the counter and backed away.

How could he say that to me, and expect me to read his fucking letter?

I decide to stand by my word and just watch a sad movie.


During the whole movie, all I thought about was what could possibly be in that letter. What did he say in that letter that could possibly change my mind? Was it sappy? Was it him agreeing and telling me he's going to get a restraining order?

As Criminal Minds plays on the TV I catch myself glancing over to his desk, more than I want to admit to myself. I look at the TV one more time.

"Screw it." I say to myself. Guess curiosity really did kill the cat. The blanket flies off my legs and I quickly walking to the desk, I rip off the paperclip and unfold the papers. The title catches my eye first and everything under makes my eyes almost pop out of my head.

This just got much more complicated.

A/N: The End! Okay BEFORE YOU SCREAM AT ME! There is a sequel, so please don't kill me (i haven't exactly started writing it yet though so it'll be a while before its up). Also, in other news: I'm posting the Sequel to my other story (if you haven't read it I would encourage you to even thought I'm editing it at the moment) Call Me Crazy TOMORROW! And since you are so awesome for reading this story I'm announcing the title to you first! 

*insert drumroll noises here*


(creative, I know) The story is actually adorable if I do say so myself :D. ANYWAYS thank you soooo much for reading this story. It's the most and best response I've had to posting a story on here and I honestly cannot thank you enough!

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