21. Out Of Your Arms.

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Aly's POV

*one month later*

Hunter's leaving on his radio tour and won't be back for a week. This is the first time we've been separated for more than a day since I left Jack. We've taken things pretty slow, I know he doesn't wanna push me too much since I just got out of a relationship but I don't think I would have had the courage to leave if I didn't know someone else would ever love me again. 

Hunter and I are standing in front of the bus. All the guys are probably watching through the windows but I honestly don't care. "Are you sure you're going to be okay this week?" He asks putting his forehead on mine starting to rub my arm lightly with his hand.

I nod my head. "Yeah, yeah. Rebekah is staying here a few nights then I'm staying there a few nights."

"I don't want you to go there." He says and moves his hands down to mine.

"Why?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows trying to look in his eyes.

"Because, you're too close to him." He mumbles looking down at his feet. "I can't protect you when I'm away and it freaking kills me, you know that."

"Hunter, I'll be fine." I insist. "I need to learn how to deal with this stuff on my own. Nothing is going to happen, he probably won't even know that I'm there."

He nods "I still don't like it." He mumbles again, even lower this time. "And you never know, anything could happen."


"Aly." He mocks.

"Say my name again." I whisper feeling a grin creep up on my face.

"Alyy." He whisper-sings back wiping a smirk on his face just like mine.

"GROSS!" I hear from inside the bus, they cracked open a window so they could hear us.

Hunter flips them off and walks me over to where they won't be able to hear us. 

"I'm gonna miss you like hell." I feel a tear trying to escape my eye.

He nods. "Me too. I'll call you every day okay?" He spoke slow, and softly, only making me want him more.

I nod my head against his and try to hide my quivering lip. "Just kiss me you dork."

"I can manage that." He says leaning down and our lips collide together. I run my fingers through his hair one last time, I find the bottom of his hairline on his neck as I lift to my tip toes. He puts his hand under the back of my shirt pulling me closer, something he knows I love. We hear a whistle from the bus and Hunter waves his hand at them a few times and I smile against his lips, trying not to laugh. He pulls back and laughs with me. "They ruin everything." He whispers, his blue eyes staring at me so intently.

"Hey, lets put on a show then." I say smirking.

"I like that idea." He says with his lips just barely touching mine. He leans in a little like he's about to kiss me but then pulls back just enough to were I can't reach him.

"Quit teasing." I whisper and nudge him. He gets a smirk on his face, I catch him off guard and lock our lips together. Our lips are salty from both of our tears, but I don't care because I'm still in his arms for just a moment more. I slip my hands under his shirt on his bare skin and rest my hands on his hips with my thumbs resting on his V-line, I swear my whole body is covered in goosebumps and wherever our skin is touching feels like a firework show. He brings his hands up to my face and rubs my cheeks with his thumb, then slowly moves his hands into my hair and I smirk against his lips. We finally both pull away to catch our breath, and I guess Betsy was watching too, because the second we pull away she sticks her head out the door for a second and tells Hunter they have to leave. We both look at her and then back to each other. His eyes are sad like a puppies and I want to laugh at how cute he is.

"You gotta go." I painfully admit, sniffing in my tears.

"I don't want to." He whines.

"I don't want you to either but you need to. Its just a week, I'll survive, you'll survive, we need to get used to this kinda stuff." Honestly, I don't know how I'm going to survive, but he needs to go and not worry about me being scared. Plus I know he's busting at the seams and is gonna have so much fun.

"Come with me." He begs.

"Hunter you know I can't." I say trying to stay strong but failing miserably. "I'm gonna miss you so much." I whimper and wrap my arms around his neck, burring my head in his shoulder. He does the same and takes in a deep breath.

"I'm gonna miss your smell." He mumbles. His voice makes my chest vibrate sending chills all over me, only making me hold onto him tighter.

"Hunter. C'mon, I'm sorry, but we gotta leave now." Betsy says and walks back into the bus. He kisses me one more time, but this time it just hurts my heart. A tear rolls off his face as he kisses my forehead, then slowly walks away, our fingers let go of each others and I cover my face just before he gets on the bus and the doors shut in front of me. The driver gives me a sympathetic smile and I nod because I'm not going to take my hand away to show how much I'm really hurting. Rebekah walks up behind me and starts rubbing my back. As the bus pulls out of the parking lot and onto the road, I turn into her shoulder and let the tears roll off my face.

And just like that, in a split second, he's gone.

Hunter's POV

I get on the bus and look out the window, I see her standing there covering her face with her hand and tears pouring out of her eyes. I want to yell for them to stop the bus, I want to jump off and tell Betsy that I need her with me.

"Hey man," Sam says putting his hand on my shoulder snapping me out of my thoughts. "I understand. Me and Hannah haven't been this far apart either. I know it seems like the end of the world, but I promise you, it's not."

"You don't understand man." I say running my hands up my forehead, through my hair and back down my neck. "Her friend's house is right across from her ex's, she staying there for half the week."

"Why you so worried? You think she'll go back?" He asks leaning foreword trying to get me to look in his eyes.

I chuckle anxiously. "Not for the reasons you'd think." I sit back and look up at the ceiling while my hands rest on my stomach and I twiddle my thumbs and my leg starts bouncing up and down.

"She won't, she loves you too much," None of the guys know about what went down with her and Jack, and they weren't going to know. She asked me to keep it a secret, I promised her that from day one, and I would keep that promise until she tells me not to anymore.

"Well ya know sometimes guilt and fear dominate love." I say sitting up looking at him. "Or at least make you blind to it."

"Dude, whatever it is, you need to calm down. You're moving around like you just drank like 20 RedBull's." He says patting my back one more time, making his way back to the beds. "You didn't actually drink 20 redbulls did you?" He tries to joke and it works a little but my heart is still racing.

My head falls into my hands with a groan, thinking about everything that can go wrong.

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