45. Necklace and a Picture

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When my phone buzzes from a random twitter notification the time says 9 am. Since the apartment is a mess and I've done nothing productive for a past few days, I decide to clean the place.

I plug my phone into the sound system, not too loud though, just enough for background music (cause I know if I turn it up too loud I'll end up dancing around and not doing anything).

Looking around the apartment, its hard to pick something to start with. Usually I just get overwhelmed and don't do anything, but if Hunter comes back and it smells like something died in here he probably wont be too happy. I start by washing the dishes that have piled up over the past week and a half. Then grab a laundry basket, pressing it against my hip and walk around picking up dirty clothes I've tossed around. I separate the piles and start the washer so I actually have clothes to wear.

After that I grab some windex and wipe down all the windows and mirrors, making Nashville look even more beautiful. Next comes dusting, vacuuming, straightening up and cleaning the bathrooms - which really needed to be done. I finish the laundry, fold everything and put it away, and by that I mean actually putting the right clothes in the right drawers, neatly. The sheets on the bed get changed, everything in the closets and drawers gets organized, and everything looks better.

I don't think I've ever seen the apartment this clean. Not even when I helped him move in!

After what didn't feel like that long but was actually 5 hours, I plop down on the couch and bask in my glory of feeling accomplished. Since I'm feeling energetic and productive still, I decide to go on Pinterest and make a workout and diet plan. Not that I need one but if I ever want legs like Carrie's, I'm gonna have to start now. Plus, Twinkies and HoHo's at every meal cannot be healthy.

The first thing that comes to mind is running. I don't even know why I stopped running, it helps me clear my head and think about things more. 

So, I slip my phone into my old arm strap I found while cleaning, and put on some leggings, nike sneakers, and top.


Instead of planning a route like a normal person I decide to end up where my feet want to take me. I jog up and down the streets of Nashville, watching tourists and music lovers walking around. Then on my way back to the apartment, I see a girl with a Hunter Hayes shirt on coming towards me. She isn't really paying attention to who I am but my body tenses the closer I get to her. I pick up my speed to try and pass her with out her recognizing me.

My arm almost brushes against hers and I'm finally away.

I only get a few feet away before I hear her whisper to her friend "Oh my God that's Hunter Hayes' girlfriend!!" But I keep running and pray she doesn't follow me to look for Hunter, and thinks I didn't hear her because of my headphones.

I'm not sure how they find this stuff out, I mean we've only actually gone in public like three times after we made it official. I rarely come out of the apartment, maybe to get like groceries or something, but usually never for fun. Plus Hunter doesn't post about us, I do sometimes but I'm private. 

I jog a little more and thank the Lord that nobody stops me to take a picture, because I haven't showered yet today. I finally start to see the edge of the apartment building the closer I get.

My legs feel like they're on fire, but I love it. Before I go inside I cool down a little so I'm not breathing so loudly and harshly. When I finally getting back inside, I drink like theres no tomorrow. I've forgotten the main essential of working out: water.

After a few gulps of ice cold liquid heaven, my phone buzzes against my arm. I unstrap it from my sticky sweaty arm and see its a text from Hannah.

Hey this is Hannah, me and Melissa are going shopping if you wanted to come! Just let me know if you can and I'll pick you up, we're leaving in about an hour!

I smile at my phone, feeling special that they invited me. I text her back and tell her that I'll go.

I peel out of my nasty clothes and take a quick shower. I get out, dry my hair, then loosely curl the ends while pulling my bangs back into a tiny braid. I throw on a black tank top, jeans, a tan leather jacket like Hunter's with matching combat boots. I go to walk out of my room, then something catches my eyes. Its a necklace twinkling in from the sunlight thats peeking through the curtains. I slowly walk over and clasp it over my neck. As I run my fingers across it I remember him putting it on me Christmas day, his fingers gliding across my collarbone and his lips pressed against my neck. I have a whole ass feeling  as I look at it in the mirror, picturing him behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist. Hannah texts me and says that she's on her way.

I look in the mirror one more time and stare at the necklace. It amazes me how he noticed how much I loved this necklace. I wasn't with him much while I was dating Jack, and when I was, I was always scared shitless in public. Has he really liked me this long?

Apparently I was daydreaming for a while because I snap out of my thoughts as Hannah texts me and says they're in front of the building. I slide my jacket back on, grab my bag and keys, and walk to the door.

Before I walk out a picture on the wall next to me also catches my eye. It's a picture of Hunter and me from the party we had a while ago, my arms are wrapping around his neck and his lips are pressed against my cheek. I feel a tear fall but I quickly wipe it away and walk out of the building missing him more than ever.

A/N: So this is the second to last chapter! And S/O to Katie (@/allinourstoryline on insta) bc she made my day and gave me motivation to post! Thank you so much! Oh and warning: next chapter (the last one) is extremely sad. So, I apologize in advance.

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