8. What I Have to Do.

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*a few weeks later*

"Hey babe." I hear from the front door. "I got you somethin'!" he says excitedly, which isn't usual for him.

"Wow! Mr. Grinch is actually excited about something?" I ask sarcastically.

He gives me a cute straight face. "Ha-Ha. Very funny."

My face lights up and I beam like a kid as he pulls out a long little velvet box. "Jack!" I gasp, slowly opening it a long silver necklace with a diamond J on it is revealed. "This is so beautiful, you didn't have to do this!" I say holding it up and looking at it. He just smirks probably waiting for a response. "I love it."

"I love you." he says kissing my forehead, causing me to blush so hard since he's kind of being touchy without pushing it.

"I love you too." I whisper and throw my arms around his neck and our lips collide togther. He pulls me close to him, something that doesn't happen unless we are kissing, and rests his hands on my hips. I feel like I'm on cloud 9. "Hey," I say unlatching the necklace. "help me put it on." He puts it over my head and I pull my hair to the front. He struggles for a second, but finally gets it latched.

"There." He says and kisses the back of my neck causing goosebumbs on my neck.

I turn around and rest my hands on his waist and our lips slowly meet, he's a really rough kisser, but I can deal with it and its nice sometimes.

He pulls me close and I smile against his lips. I love being close to him, I love being close to people and snuggling. If I have to kiss him to get that, then thats what I have to do.

He pulls back and puts his forehead on mine. "You wanna take this upstairs?" He whispers.

"What?!" I ask probably louder than I should have, moving away from him.

"Hey!' He grabs my arm, my wrist feels like its going to snap in half.

"Jack you're hurting me!" I groan trying to get him to let go.

"Hey come here!" He pushes me up against the wall and tries to unzip my pants.

"MMm aCK SOMM!" He keeps trying to kiss me and I can't get away.

He grabs my hair and banges my head on the wall, then precedes to try and take my shirt off. "SHH"

"Jack stop!" I see him loosen up and I break away, I have enough time to slip on sime flip flops and grab my purse that was thankfully by the door, and book it to my car. My engine barely starts before I whip out of my parking spot and speed to the only place I know.

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