33. Christmas Dinner.

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*a few weeks later, night before Christmas Eve*

Hunter's meeting my parents tonight and he's more nervous than I've ever seen him before, its kinda cute.

"Hunter, you need to stop pacing or you're going to ware out the floor." I say laying on my bed messing with my phone. I watch him appear on one side of my screen, disappear behind it, then re-appear on the other side about 500 times. "You're going to be fine."

"Did Jack meet your parents?" He asks still going back and forth with his hands rubbing on his cheeks, completely ignoring my statement from a few seconds before.

"Um, briefly, not like a dinner or anything, but they didn't get a good vibe from him." He never looks at me and I never look up from my phone.

"Well we know they have good instincts." He says running his hand through his hair, again.

"You're not going to have hair either if you don't calm down." I chuckle.

"Aly what if they don't like me?"

I roll my eyes, he's asked that question about 6 million times and I always give him the same answer which is, "Hunter they're gonna love you!"

"But, I'm that weird kid that isn't popular enough to be impressive yet, I'm not a normal person! They're going to think my career is a long shot and won't want me to date you!"

I look up with my mouth hanging wide open. "Hunter-"

"What if- what if I say something stupid? What if they think I'm stupid or something? Or- or not good enough."

"Hunter!" I say raising my voice, throwing my phone down next to me and push my legs over the edge of the bed.

He finally stops pacing and looks at me. "What?"

I lift myself up and walk over towards him as he watches me. I throw my arms loosely around his neck and he rests his hands on my hips letting out a deep sigh. "You're going to do fine." I whisper softly and stand on my tip toes quickly kissing him. "You just gotta calm down, the more you freak out the more my Dad thinks you're hiding something, don't ask thats just how he is." I shrug.

"I'm still nervous." He pouts looking down at his feet.

"Well thats good, it means you care." He smiles letting out another sigh. "See, don't you feel better now?" He nods and rests his forehead on mine. I see him swallow and flick his eyes down to my lips and back. I smile and jump up slowly touching his lips with mine and he moves his hands up my back, he wraps his arms around my waist spinning me around and I giggle against his lips. He slowly pulls away with our bottom lips still brushing against each others.

"I'm much better now." He whispers and leans down kissing me again.

A few minutes later I force myself to push him away. "Okay now hurry up and go get a shower, you're sweaty and I need to shower after you and I gotta get ready." I walk over and grab my phone returning to my original position. He walks over kissing me again refusing to let go. "Hunter!" I giggle pushing his chest. "Go!" He smiles and kisses my forehead before making his way into the bathroom.


*picture of Aly's outfit on the side*

Both of us took too long we're both rushing, I'm in the living room trying to get my earrings to latch and Hunter is struggling with his tie in the bathroom. Just when I think I get it in, the back falls off again and I almost drop it, causing me to sigh. These are so pretty but so frustrating. Before I can try again my phone rings. "What Mom?" I ask lightly pressing my phone to my ear applying more lipstick,

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