32. Stiff.

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When the movie ends I look over at Jen and she's out like a light. Instead of trying to wake her I pull her legs so that she's laying down comfortably and I cover her whole body with the blanket.

Just then I hear the door open and Hunter walks in with his back pack. "Hey is Jen-"

"SHH!" I pointing at her.

"Oh sorry." He whispers and makes his oh-crap-double-chin face.

I walk over into the kitchen and rest my hands on his hips. "How was work?"

"Long," he sighs throwing his hands on my hips. "its 10 and I went in at 8 this morning. I'm surprised I'm not sleep walking." We walk over to the coffee maker and he reaches above my head for a mug with my back against the counter, his hips pinning me.

"You are not drinking coffee at 10pm." I say whisper-laughing.

He pauses as a smile creeps up on my face. "I'm making hot chocolate." He says with a grin, leaning in towards me talking with is hands.

"Whatever, we need to go to bed." He lowers his arms and slouches his shoulders pouting.

"Fine." He reaches above me again returning the mug to its spot.

"Good, now carry me!" I say holding my arms up like a kid, giggling.

He picks me up bridal style and carries me into the bedroom plopping me down on the bed. "Imma go take a shower, okay?" I nod my head and he leans down and kisses my forehead before scurrying into the bathroom.


Hunter groans and walks back into the bedroom with his hand rubbing his neck, bobbing his head back and forth.

"You okay?" I ask leaning against the head board putting my phone down.

He shakes his head and flops down on the bed laying in his stomach. "I'm so stiff from the studio." He says groaning again and his voice is muffled from his face being stuffed in a pillow. "I've been leaning over the boards and reaching and looking down and its just, really tight." He lets out a breath and puts his arms by his sides.

I pull myself up from my spot and crouch down next to him with my face about and inch from his ear. "You want a back rub?" I ask kissing his cheek.

"Please." He sighs.

I smile and crawl to the middle of the bed. "Why is your butt so big?" I ask plopping my butt on his, straddling him.

"Sorry 'bout it." He smiles shrugging and I move my hands onto his back.

I started at his lower back and rubbed with my palms.

"Oh my God." He moans. I smile to myself and slowly rub my hands up his back. He groans again and I grab his shoulders. He moans a weird noise, but this time he drug it out. I squeeze his shoulders repeatedly and rubbed his neck. I move my hands back down towards me and back up again. "Oh my God." He groans, it took every ounce in my body not to kiss him. I let off the pressure and rubbed his back again but lighter with my fingers. I lean down and kiss up his back, across his shoulder, spending a little more time at his ear, and finally making my way to his lips. He slowly pulled away and smiled, rolling over to his side. "Thank you," He whispers as I watch a grin sweep across his face. "from me and my big butt."

"No problem." I giggle. He moves his hand up my stomach onto my side, letting it rest on my hip for a minute then moved up my shirt onto my back pulling me closer. He rests his forehead on mine and I fight the urge to kiss him. He leans in and rubs his nose against mine and our eyes met. His eyelashes flutter and my cheeks get hot. "Oh I give up." I say, and before he can say anything I reach up and pull his lips into mine. I rest my hand on his cheek and slowly move them down to his stomach. He smirks against my lips and pulls me even closer.

After about 10 minutes he pulls back, breathing heavily. "I want to stay up with you and kiss all night, but I don't want to fall asleep while making out." He says chuckling.

"Fair enough." I shrug my shoulders with a grin.

He smiles again and I flip over and push my back against his chest and tangle our legs together.

He kisses the back of my neck and my heart fills up. "Night." He whispers.

"Goodnight." A smile spreads across my face as he nuzzles his face into my shoulder.

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