35. Drunk Christmas Eve

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Aly's POV

*the next morning*

A smile forms on my face as I begin to wake up, Hunter hugs me tighter when he realizes I'm trying to get up. "Hey there sleepy head." He says starting to rub my stomach. I let out a giggle-smile and close my heavy eyelids again. "Merry Christmas Eve." He whispers and kisses my temple.

"How is tomorrow Christmas already?" I mumble.

"Well ya see Christmas comes every 365 days..." I start to laugh and he stops and chuckles. "I can't wait to give you your present."

"Same here. Oh and we're going to church tonight, then to my Aunt's house."

"Well then," he says adjusting his pillow. "it looks like we can't just lay in bed all day."

I shrug. "I mean we can. First service isn't till 5, then the party is right after that, and that usually lasts until Christmas morning." His eyes get wide and I giggle. "As in, midnight to 1 am." He relaxes again and smile.

"Soo can we sleep in on Christmas?" He asks.

"Are you kidding? Who sleeps in on Christmas day?! We gotta open our presents, then go to Grandma's!"

"You're family is so cliché." He laughs.

"Yeah, well thats how we've always done it, and I didn't go last year so we're going this year." I giggle nudging him.

Although I didn't mean anything by it, he pouts a little and apologizes for some reason. My confused look also confuses him as I tell him he doesn't need to apologize, I'm just telling him what happened is all.

He laughs and squeezes me again, it feels good to not have to hold in my pain anymore. I'm finally getting my strength back, mentally and physically. Other than some long term issues my back is completely healed, all my cuts are gone (theres still some scars but they don't hurt), I don't have to put on 10 pounds of makeup every time we go somewhere because my skin is back to one color.

Mentally, I'm still struggling a little bit, but thats why I have Hunter and Rebekah and Jen.

I'm finally getting my life back.


According to my mother, my Dad put the fear of God into Josh last night. He told Josh that if I ever said anything to him about Josh making me uncomfortable at all ever again that Josh would have a foot up his ass.

Which frankly, I'm okay with.


After getting out of the shower I curl my hair very loosely then I go into the closet and pull out my new red dress. I wear the heals I wore last night and a black clutch, all topped off with my freshly painted red and green nails.

"Hunter c'mon! We're gonna be late!" I say putting in my earrings in while walking into the bedroom.

I see him buttoning up his shirt and when he's done he picks both ends of his tie for a second. "I'm not even gonna try-" He turns and looks at me for the first time since I got out of the shower. "Woah." He lets out a breath. "You look gorgeous."

I look down at my dress and blush. "Why thank you!" I say and do a twirl, trying to get this stupid earring in again.

He laughs as I walk over and finally latch the earring. I honestly love doing his ties for him, he's so good at music and singing and everything its nice to be reminded he can't do certain things.  "Thanks." He smiles and I pull his tie bringing his lips to mine. "Can my Christmas present be kissing you instead of going to church?"

I shake my head, fixing the tie I just pulled on. "Mary wasn't making out with Joseph when Jesus was born!" I push his shoulder and almost walk out the door.

"Well she wasn't going to church either!" He protests.

"Ha-ha." my dry laugh causes a real one out of him. The clock says 4:45 as I walk into the living room to the kitchen to grab the casserole I made. "Hunter hurry up! If we don't leave now we're gonna be late!"

"I'm comin', I'm comin'." He says throwing his jacket on jogging out of the bedroom. Once we start walking down the hallway, he pulls out his keys with one hand and grabs mine with the other, causing my cheek to blush and a smile form on my face.


On our way home from my Aunt's, I had to drive because my guy cousins pressured Hunter into drinking.

"I'm such a cheep drunk." He says as we pull out of the driveway. "Why do I let people do these things to me?" He slurs.

"Hunter! What did I tell you about peer pressure?!" I ask trying to talk like a mother. We look at each other and laugh, his nose scrunches as he shakes his head and I giggle at him. "You're so cute when you laugh." I say returning my eyes to the road.

"Thanks." He cheeses and flails his arms around when he says "Lets turn on some tuneeesssss!" He sings, then turns on the radio belting out the lyrics to a random song, not very well I might add.

We finally get home and I pull him into the apartment, and he stands in the middle of the floor, then starts trying to spin like a ballerina. He stops and gasps walking over to me.

"Oh my God, I drank, you hate that, I'm so sorry!" He says, still in his little daze.

"Hunter, its fine!" I giggle.

"Aw man why do I have to mess everything up?" He starts to cry and I just sit there and double over in laughter. He comes over and rests his head on my shoulder, just bawling. "I'm so sorryy." I've never seen him like this, but I can't help but laugh.

"Aw baby, you wanna go to bed?" I ask patting his back with a pouty-sympathetic voice. He nods his head and mumbles something that I can't understand. "Come on sweetie, lets go get you in bed." I walk him into the bedroom and get him undressed and into his pajamas, let me tell you thats not easy. "Alright, goodnight." I say crawling under the covers with him, just watching him flail around. After a few minutes his arm flies straight up in the air. I don't say anything or move, after a few more seconds he drops it and smacks himself in the face. I burry my face in his arm and laugh like never before. A few minutes later, he starts to sober up, but he's still loopy. "Hunter, while your still goofy, I wanna ask you something."

He looks over at me then crossed his eyes and says "Shoot." then returns his eyes back to normal.

I giggle, "Okay, do you really think I'm pretty?"

He starts laughing, then turns on his side like me and smiles. "The purtiest!" He cheeses and I giggle. "Your face," he pokes my cheek "its just so," he pokes my other one, then my nose lightly "puurty." I giggle again and quickly kiss him. Shortly after that he falls asleep and I snuggle up under him, impatiently waiting for the next morning to come.

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