3. Stay Away.

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"C'mon we're gonna be late!" I yell.

"Alright alright! I'm coming!" Jack fixes his shirt and runs out to the car. "Sorry." he kisses my cheek and gets in as we head off to Hunter's party to celebrate his record deal! Hunter wasn't all for it because he's kinda socially awkward- like me- but he let the label do their usual thing.


We pull in and get out of the car. This is the first time I've seen Hunter since he got signed, so, ya know, the only logical thing to do is squeal.

"Hunter! Oh my gosh!" I run as fast as I can in heals and hug him really tight. "Congratulations." I whisper and pull away.

"If I had a dollar for every time I heard that word today I wouldn't even need a job." He says patting my back.

"True, sorry." Jack comes up behind me and grabs my butt again. Hunter starts talking and I don't want him to see what Jack is doing.

"Hey, I'm gonna go get something to drink." I say and quickly walking away from Jack, hoping Hunter doesn't see.

He has been doing that a lot lately even though I tell him I don't want him to. But, he told me all guys do it and that I'm being a baby about since I'm not 12 anymore, so I'll have to learn to live with it.

Jack's POV

Alyssa leaves and I figure it's the perfect time to straighten this guy up. First, I make sure nobody is looking.

"Look Hayes." I grab his shirt and pull him up. His eyes get wide which means he's scared. Got him right where I want him. "I don't need you intruding in on my relationship. Got it?" I spit.

"Dude what is your problem? She's my best friend!" He squeaks out, motioning to her.

"Stop telling her bad things about me!" I grip him a little harder.

"Well, hate to break it to ya, but" he starts to go into a whisper "this moment right here, isn't going to help your case at all." I look around then let go, making sure she still isn't looking.

"Look, dweeb." I say and push his shoulder. "I don't want you talk to her or seeing her, or anything got it? Or I'll tell her you threatened me. Got if pipsqueak?"

Hunter's POV

"Why are you even dragging her into this?" I ask fixing my shirt, trying not to show that he hurt me. "If you have a problem with me, fine! But don't take her into this!"

Just then Aly walks back over with drinks and hands Jack one. "Here" she says handing him his and smiling. She isn't comfortable, I can tell. One time we went in public together and I had to go to the bathroom and when I came out there was a guy trying to talk to her and she was scared, after I told him to back off, she told me that she was super uncomfortable and the look on her face then was the same as it is now. She is good at hiding her emotions from other people, but not me. Her whole body is tense and her smiles are faker than food in a furniture store.

"Alright, lets go talk to some of your other friends." Jack says. I want to laugh in his face, he was such an idiot and knows nothing about her.

"Jack, babe, I don't have any other friends here." She laughs but I can tell she's uneasy about it. Her and I don't really talk to anyone else. Plus most of the people here just work for the label and I don't know them.

"Well, lets go make some!" He urges, trying to get her away from me.

"But I don't-"

"C'mon it'll be fun!" He pulls her arm, harder than he should have, and they go into the tent. She looks back at me and shrugs, then turns around again.

How am I going to not talk to her? She's the only person I have at this point. She's going to want to keep talking to me, right? Or did she tell Jack to say that to me?

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