28. I'll Walk Through Hell.

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Hunter's POV

"Hunter, we need to break up." Her words catch me off guard so much that I don't even think I hear her right.

"Wait, what?" I ask leaning closer towards her.

"You don't deserve to go through this." She says motioning to the door, where Jack basically attacked me. "I don't want you to have to deal with my problems. You never asked for this, you never wanted this, so I'm just going to take it out of your life," She throws her legs over the edge and holds herself up with her arms "its one less thing you'll have to worry about. I don't want you to have to worry about me or miss me when you're on tour. It's not fair for either of us."

Theres a silence in the room because I genuinely have no clue where this is coming from. "Excuse me? You don't think I knew what I was in for? Ya know what? You're right I never asked for this, but that's because I didn't know it came with you."

"What are you even talking about?" I can tell she's on the verge of tears, and I know she doesn't want to leave me or she would've been gone by now.

My conscious mind takes the back seat and I'm on my feet without even realizing it, slowly moving towards her. "I will walk through hell, just to have you as mine." I whisper, moving closer and closer. "I will take on anything that comes my way as long as I can have you! Your baggage is what makes you, you. I don't care if your ex beat me up! I don't, because I still have you!"

She looks everywhere but at me, then looks down at her hands which are now sitting in her lap. I see a tear fall as my eyes start to water too. "You deserve better than me." She mumbles. Her feet are dangling, hitting the wall and she just looks adorable.

"That's the problem," she looks at me with a slightly confused expression. "There is no one better than you."

She tries to hide the fact that she's blushing, but I see it like I always do. "Are you sure you don't love me just so I'll get away from Jack?" She says starting to sniff in her tears.

"No, well yes and no. I want you away from Jack because I love you. And anyways, Jack is gone, and I'm still here." I say standing up with my arms out. 

"But for how long?" Her voice is so soft and gentle. "How long are you going to let me stay here before you get sick and tired of all my problems?"

"Thats what you're not understanding.. there is no more 'your problems' Aly." When I reach her I squat down in front of her. "It's our problems. We are going to get through this together. We are gonna help each other in every situation and every circumstance because you and I are in this life together." She starts to cry even harder "So don't be getting any other ideas about leaving, alright?" I joke trying to get a smile or even a giggle out of her.

She tries not to smile but fails, I stand up and hope she feels better. I knew she would need constant reassurance, reminder that I loved her. Sometimes I'm so in love I forget that I need to tell her every day because to me its just natural.

"You really mean that?" She asks looking up at me, sounding hopeful but not confident.

"Every word." Her cheeks are almost as puffy as mind, so I bring my hand up and wipe away her tears. My hand runs through her hair and she closes her eyes and leans into it.

"I love you." I whisper. She opens her glossy eyes and I see that smile I've been trying for.

"I love you too." She says wiping her other tears with her sleeve. Now that I think about it, this is the first time we're saying this. My heart skips a beat every time she walks in the room and the love of my life just told me that she loves me back.

My heart is bursting from hearing her say those three words, but I don't want to freak her out and stress her anymore tonight. "Come on," I say, fake groaning and picking her up. "Time to go to bed!"

"But, but, Pretty Little Liars!" She whines reaching back for the TV as I walk her back to the bedroom.

She fake pouts as I lay her on the bed and plop myself down next to her. "Don't you know that stuff rots your brain?"

"If it does, I'd like my brain to be rotted please." She says grinning.

We look at each other for a few minutes until smiles creep up on our faces and we giggle at each other. "Goodnight." I whisper and lean down kissing her, being careful to not hit any stitches.

"Goodnight." She replies smiling, grabbing the back of my neck pulling me down for another long kiss.

A/N hi, this is future nadine finding this and re-editing it. a lot of these references are very dated and i havent read this in FIVE YEARS so if for some odd reason there is someone reading this in 2020... i'm sorry about the aged stuff lol

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