40. Tomorrow.

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I don't want to explain, but I have to.

"You passed out babe." She smiles because I usually don't use pet names unless its in a song.

"Was I crying again?" She asks out stretching her arms.

"Don't go anywhere, just stay right here, look at me." She doesn't question me, thank the Lord, and focuses her eyes on mine. "I love you, I'd do anything for you, you know that right?"

She gives me a confused expression, none of this was processing in her brain yet, sometimes it takes her a few minutes to remember what happened that week or that day. "Yeah, why?"

"And you'll never forget that right?" She nods her head and closes her eyes.

"Kiss me you dork." I know I shouldn't. Its only going to make her more upset with me when she remembers, but I don't know if I'm ever going to hear those words come out of her mouth again. I sit there for a few seconds, still trying to decide when she grabs my hair and puts or lips right in front of each other's. "I said, kiss me dork." She whispers, her lips just gracing against mine. I still don't know. "Fine, I guess I gotta do all the work." I open my mouth to say something, but she ignores me and our lips melt together again. She can tell somethings wrong because I'm not kissing her like I usually do. She pulls back and looks at me weird, "What's wrong Hunt?" she asks softly stroking the side of my head. I don't say anything, I just wrap my arms around her and hug her, tighter than ever before. She squeezes me back, still dazed. "I love you." She whispers.

I savor the moment, knowing this could be the last. "I love you too." I whimper into her shoulder. My hands tangle into her hair and I just squeeze her, hoping that she'll just never remember anything.

"Hunter, I have to pee." She giggles. This is it, this is when she's going to realize. Once she gets into the bathroom and notices that she's been seriously crying, and she's not home, she'll remember.

"No, don't." I say, trying not to whimper as much as I did before.

"Hunter why are you crying ya big baby? I'm fine! Hunt c'mon I can't hold it, I'm gonna pee!" She giggles again, then pushes me off of her. I run after her and she kisses my cheek before slipping into the bathroom.

I lean against the door and see Sam, Jen and Rebekah running towards me. "You got back together? You're good?" Jen asks.

I open my mouth but Sam cuts me off and says "Whew! That was a close one."

"Ya'll are adorable." Rebekah adds.

"Guys!" I say trying to get their attention. "She, doesn't remember what happened today, but once she realizes that we're not home and she's been crying, she'll remember. This happens sometimes."

Their faces sink of embarrassment.

This isn't going to be pretty.

Aly's POV

I shut the door, empty my extremely full bladder, flush the toilet and wash my hands. I bend over the counter to look in the mirror closer, washing off the makeup that was running down my face trying to look better than I did when I walked in.

Why was I crying so hard? I look around and notice that this isn't my bathroom, it's Rebekah's. Then everything that happened today hits me.

Then everything I just did hits me. Like a mother fucking truck.

My hand flies over my mouth and tears well up again. That's why he kept tell me he loved me, thats why he wouldn't kiss me back. Wait, I kissed him. I just kissed him.

Oh my God.

I slowly open the door, all three of them looking at me, trying to read me to see if I still remember or not. "Uh, Hunter can I talk to you? Alone?"

His face sinks when he realizes I remember. "Yeah. Guys can we-"

"Hunter?" He looks at me trying not to cry. "Can we go home?" He tries to hide his smile.

"Of course." We say goodbye to everyone and Hunter walks to my car. "Do you want to drive separately, because if we do then I gotta take Sam home."

"No its fine, you can drive my car." A breeze blows and I shiver pulling my arms against my chest.

He smiles at me and even giggles a little bit. I feel so weak. "Here." He slides his leather jacket off and helps me stick my arms through the holes. "All better." He goes to hug me but I push on his chest.

"Not now." I whisper, trying to hide my quivering lip. He nods and we both crawl into the car.

Not a word was said on the way home. The radio played softly in the background and of course all they were playing was break up songs.

Do I turn you on at all when I kiss you baby? Does the sight of me wanting you drive you crazy? Do I have your love? Am I still enough?-

There's her rings, all her things, and her clothes are in the closet just the way she left them when she tore my world apart. As you leave you'll see the nursery, oh she left me without mercy, taking nothing but our baby and my heart. So step right up, come on in.-

Until then, damnit I'll be driving like hell flyin like crazy down the highway, callin everyone we know. Stoppin any place she might be, going any place she might go. Beatin on the dash screamin out her name at the windshield, tears soakin up my face. If Idda loved her this much all along, maybe maybe yeah maybe she wouldn't be gone.

We finally pull into the parking lot and walk inside. We don't hold hands, we don't look at each other, we just walk. He unlocks the door and lets me go inside in front of him. I shove my hands into the pockets since the apartment is cold. I slide off my flip flops and sit down on the couch, looking at the coffee table.

He sits down next to me in silence, looks in my direction, but not directly at me. I wait for him to say something, until I realize I'm the one who said I wanted to talk.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes. "I'm sorry." I whisper quickly. "I'm so sorry." He doesn't say anything he just pulls me into his chest and I sob. My whole body shakes as I cry into his chest and he rubs up and down my back. "Can we pretend that today didn't happen, until later?" I know he doesn't want it to happen ever, and neither do I, but he just nods and lets me cry into his chest.

All that plays in my head is that Chris Young song.


We came back to the bedroom and we've been watching a movie ever since. I was so lost in my thoughts that I wasn't paying attention. I don't think Hunter was either because he usually laughs during this movie, but tonight he didn't make a sound.

"Hunter?" I ask, almost whispering.

"Yeah?" He mumbles softly.

"What are you thinkin about?"

He opens his mouth but nothing comes out. His two fingers rub the bridge of his nose. "I.. I don't even know anymore."

I sigh through my nose. "Me either."

"You wanna go to sleep?" I nod my head against his chest. He flips off the TV and turns off the lamp.

But tonight I'm gonna give in one last time

He pulls the covers over us, still warm from his body heat, and I scoot up and nuzzle my face into his neck.

Rock you strong in these arms of mine,
forget all the regrets that are bound to follow.

I push my lips on his neck slowly. "I love you." I whisper hesitantly.

We're like fire and gasoline
I'm no good for you
you're no good for me
We only bring each other tears and sorrow.

"I love you too." He whispers, almost whimpering and kisses my hand that was wrapped in his, and we both doze off.

But tonight I'm gonna love you like there's no,

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