24. Finally Coming Home.

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*That Friday*

I grab all of my things and put them back into my car, Hunter is finally coming home today.

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive behind you?" Rebekah asks for the 100th time that morning.

"Yes, I'm sure. I'll be fine." I go and hug Jen then when I get to Rebekah I don't want to let go. "Thank you so so much. You two can come to our apartment whenever you want." I whisper.

"We might just take that offer up sometime." She says letting go of me.

"You better!" I say pointing a finger at her then look across the street at the house. It looks about 10 years older even though its only been a few weeks. He hadn't mowed the grass or done anything. The inside is probably worse and I can't even imagine what he looks like.

"Hey," she says softly, putting her hand on my shoulder. "now you finally have what you deserve, a guy who loves you." I look back at the house for a few more seconds, then back to her. Even though I left him a few weeks ago, its taken me this long to realize that he never loved me. It's still hard for me to understand because what he did was so irrational and crazy its hard to wrap my head around the fact that I was stuck in a relationship like that. Never in a million years did I think I'd be one of those girls. "Don't let anything get in between you and Hunter, okay?" She says taking me out of my trance.

"I won't, I promise." I hug her one last time. "Bye guys, thanks again."

They both say goodbye and I get in my car and switch on the engine. I drive down the road, watching Jack's house disappear in my rear view mirror.

Hunter's POV

I anxiously look out the window, tapping my foot like I'm jacked up on something.

"Hey man, you okay?" Sam asks.

I turn my attention to him and scoot over so he can sit down. "Uh, yeah, well no."

He lets out a deep sigh and looks at me. "Bro, I don't know if this is a good idea, you and Aly."

"What? Why?"

"Well, she's going through a lot right now and you're going to be on the road all the time."

"Yeah well, we both..."

"You both what?" He asks, he knew what I was going to say and he knew why I didn't say it because I don't exactly like telling my guy friends that I love someone.

"Shut up." I mumble.

"Hunter listen-"

"No, you listen. I am in love with her, there I said it. She trusts me, I was the only one she came to when she was with Jack and I know she loves me or else she wouldn't have-" I hadn't really told any of the guys about the night we got together.

"Wouldn't have what? Hunter tell me!" Sam said eagerly. All the guys always tried to get in my love life and business, I should've known he was just saying that stuff to get me to snap and say stuff I didn't mean to.

"Well, one night when she was still with Jack she came to my house and I told her I couldn't let her go back and, I told her, everything,"

"Everything!?" He says louder, looking at me with even wider eyes.

"Everything. And I just, I kissed her- well I was going to but before I could she kissed me and-"

"Dude!" He shouts happily and sits next to me shaking my shoulders, bouncing up and down like a little kid on Christmas morning.

"Shhhh!" I cut him off. I didn't want to have to tell the rest of them so they could laugh at me, again.

"You didn't tell me that happened." He says bringing his voice down to a hush.

"Well, we pulled away and she kissed me again so," I say shrugging my shoulders, feeling my cheeks get hot.

"Oh my God I have to tell the guys!" He's such a kid, even though he was older than me.

Before he can get up I grab his shirt and pull him back down. "If you tell any of the guys I will personally make sure you don't have kids." His eyes get wide again and he slowly sits back down making me want to laugh. "I just want to get back to her, she was staying really close to Jack and I just want to see her."

He nods. "Yeah, I understand." He pats my back as we pull into the parking lot and I grab all my stuff.

"Hey," Steve says. "leave your stuff on the bus right now, its not going anywhere." I give him a confused look. He looks around, leans down and whispers. "When you see her you're going to drop it anyways." and walks off the bus. I smile to myself and throw my stuff on the couch.

I walk to the bus door, I'm the last one out and I rub my hands together in excitement.

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