44. Confession

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My eyes peel open to the sound of my phone buzzing on the table. I see a picture of Hunter and I answer with a smile, rubbing my eyes.

"Hello?" I mumble.

"Hey beautiful." He sings geekily in a smile.

"What do you want Hayes?" I giggle sleepily, rolling on my side. "I'm tryna sleep here."

"What? It should only be 5 in Nash." I take the phone away from my ear, it is in fact 4:57.

"I came home and fell asleep." I defend "I opened a letter and drank the tea you put in it." I shove my face back into the pillow.

"You got to that one already?"

Guess its time to tell him. "Uh, nope, it was the only one of its kind." I try my best not to sound upset.

"Oh?" He takes a minute, I don't talk so he can think it through. "...oh." He says.

"Yeah." There's a silence. I know he has no clue what to say. "It's fine-"

"What happened?" His voice squeaks and my heart shatters. I didn't even realize he was crying till now.

"Hunter calm down." I whisper, trying not to make it a big deal.

"I'll calm down when you tell me what happened!" He becomes more stern and a lump forms in my throat.

I let out a small sigh and close my eyes. "He came into Starbucks behind me. I went to the car and he pushed me up against it and he uh... um"


I ignore him and just blurt it out."He put his hand between my legs and..." I shut my eyes as the tears roll down my face. "I got away before anything else happened." I cup my hand over my mouth.

"Oh Aly," I can hear him starting to breathe heavier. "I'm gonna kill him."

"Hunter stop,"

"No he's gonna pay!" He snarls.


"What? You shouldn't have to go through this!"

"I'm calling my Dad tomorrow. He's going to fix this."

He lets out a breath and finally starts calming down, I hate seeing him mad because of me, yet I love that he gets mad because he's so over-protective. "Okay, that makes me feel better."

"Me too." I say letting another tear fall.

"Are you going to be okay?"

My lip tucks in and I nod even though he can't see me. "Yeah, yeah I'll be fine."

"Good, now try and fall asleep."

"I was asleep!" I snap.

I hear a few voices and some banging in the background as he chuckles. "I'm sorry."

I smile and look down at my fingernail that I'm picking the nail polish off of. "You get some sleep too, goodnight." I whisper.

"I will. Goodnight, I love you."

"I love you too." I pull the phone away from my face and hang up. My eyes become heavy again as I drift into a deep sleep.


*the next day*

I dial my home number and it rings a few times before my mom picks up.

"Aly! How are you?"

"I'm, I'm fine I guess. Can I talk to Daddy real quick?" I ask hesitantly.

I can feel the tenseness in her voice, she knows something is wrong when I ask for him. "Um, okay, hold on hon." I hear distant muffled words for a minute or two until my Dad's voice gets louder.

"Hey sweetie." He says in a huff.

"Am I bothering you? I didn't mean to, I can call back later if you want..."

"No honey you're fine." He chuckles. "Your mom is just driving me nuts - as usual. What do ya need?"

"Um," I guess I should've told mom what happened so she could deliver the news. "I uh, I was um,"


"I went to the coffee shop the other day and uh, Josh was in there." I say with a shaky voice. "I guess he overheard me saying Hunter was out of town and uh," My voice becomes a squeak as I continue "he tried to, he tried to um..."

"It's okay sweetie, you don't have to tell me any more." Thank the Lord. "This kid is gonna hurt." He snarls.



"Please don't kill him, I don't need you in jail for murder." I say in a small laugh.

He -thankfully- laughs too, "I won't go that far, but he's not gonna go out in public lookin' pretty for a while."

I giggle at him and smile. "Thank you." I whisper, starting to tear up again.

"No problem, I love you sweetheart, I'll talk to you later."

"I love you too, bye." I hang up and let out a sigh of relief.

A/N I actually hate this chapter, but I wanted to explain and I haven't updated in like 2 weeks and I'm SO SORRY! Its been crazy busy and I just haven't had the time.

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