9. Back Into Danger.

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*picture of Aly on the side (yes its the girl from the Tattoo music video but shes not wearing that outfit in this scene)*

Hunter's POV

It's about 3 in the morning and I finally finished the demo that I've been working all week on. I know its not healthy staying up this late all the time but I'm also trying to get into concert mode. When I finally stand up I decide to take a shower to make myself more tired.

All I can think about is Aly and if shes okay. Even though she cut me off like I was supposed to do my mind wont let it go. Years of friendship down the drain for what?

Eventually I turn the water off, put on my shorts and crawl into bed. I scroll through twitter for a little while, turn my alarm on, and put my phone down. I have to get up early tomorrow for a writing session, so yay me. I toss and turn around until I get comfortable, letting out a deep sigh.

That's when my door bell rings.

"Ughh!" I groan and rip the covers off me, stumbling to my apartment door with my hand on my face. I open the door and see Aly standing there with tears running down her face and bruses all over her.

"Aly!" I forget that I'm tired, I forget about all of tje things going on inside my head and can't help but just look at her. "Aly what happened?!" I barely touch her wrist and she winces in pain so badly it looks like she's going to scream. "Aly come in here."

"Hunter," she whimpers. I shut the door and turn back to her. Shes standing right in the middle of the kitchen with one arm holding the other that I just touched.

"Aly, what is it?" I stand in front of her trying to look her in the eyes. "Aly please!" I beg, trying not to cry myself.

"I- he-" her voice shakes so bad I can barely understand her. "can you just take me to the hospital? I think, I think I broke my wrist."

"Yes, but here take my jacket . It's freezing outside." I grab one of my other jackets and put it over her shoulders and thats when I see the red marks on her neck and the chunks of hair on her head. I want to break down crying, but I don't say anything and try to pretend like I don't notice. I walk her to my car and we take off to the hospital.


It turns out she fractured her wrist, so she only needs a cast for a week or two. Apparently she pulled over and sat in her car because she was scared to come to me and hoped her wrist wasn't that hurt, but it is. She didn't give me any other details and it's killing me to know what happened.

They apparently were asking her domestic violence questions because they were asking me to leave the room until she told them I wasn't the one to do this and I was just a friend. They still asked me to leave which I guess is just procedure, because really she wouldn't admit anything if I was there anyways. She wants me to like him so bad and I don't get it.

The car ride home is mostly silent, with the occasional cough or sneeze. We finally get back to my apartment complex and I walk her back inside.

"Okay, just tell me what happened!" I blurt out. She whips around and gives me a look, I can't tell what it is, but it isn't good. "Sorry." I say letting out a breath. "I just- I wanna know whats going on, and you wouldn'tve come here if you didn't trust me."

She starts to walk out the door and rips off my jacket. "Well maybe I made a mistake!"

"Aly... wait" She stops, but doesn't turn around. "Please. I just drove you to the hospital at 3 in the morning and now its 6 and I have to be in the studio in 2 hours. I'm still up and I'll stay up if you need me to. Please." I plead, hoping she will just stay with me for the night. I don't want her to be with Jack when she's hurting like this.

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