43. New Low

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*a few days later*

It's 10am, and yet again I'm finding myself at Starbucks, this stuff is addicting. The door opens behind me and I step forward a little to give them some room, and before I know it they're poking my back.

"Aly?" I turn and see Josh.

"Josh, hi." I say flatly.

"I just- I wanted to apologize, for Christmas." He says nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"Uh-uh?" I say hesitantly in the same position, not moving my lips when I talk and give him a weird look. "And?"

"And, I uh-" he starts to bounce up and down.

"Are you okay?" I ask as the line moves closer to the front.

"I heard you and Hunter broke up and uh, I just wanted to-"

"Josh." I say rolling my eyes.

"I know you might not be ready for a new relationship, but I want to love you like he should have." He explains waving his hands around.

"First of all, love me like he does, second, did you not remember what I said at my house that I'm not going to date you again in this life time? It wasn't that long ago, I think your brain is becoming smaller and smaller by the minute." I retort turning my back to him and facing the counter.

He taps me again and I just turn my head this time. "Aly, he doesn't know you like I do."

I stand there for a second, then turn my upper body and look him in the eyes. "You're right. He knows me better."

It's my turn and a woman calls me up. "Next please?"

"I-I have to go." I say pointing, and when I turn around theres Jen. "Hey!"

"Oh my gosh hey! I haven't seen you in forever!" We lean across and she gives me a hug. "How's it going with the tour and all?"

I shrug my shoulders, "It's going."

"Yeah? You okay?" She asks.

I nod and look down at my hands for a few seconds. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine. It's just kinda boring I guess. You wanna come over later?" I ask looking up with desperate eyes to get her to see that I'm uncomfortable.

She smiles "I'd love to but Rebekah is out of town."

I laugh, "So? You can come over by yourself!"

"Are you sure?" She asks almost shocked.

I nod. "Yeah, I'll just clean up and text you when you can come over, you can spend the night if you want."

"Oh I can't do that, I have to open tomorrow, but I'll defiantly come over."

"Aye! Lady this isn't social time I gotta get back to work in 10!" A very, very large man a few people back shouts.

As I turn back around to Jen we both look at each other with big eyes and giggle. 

Once my drink is ready I take my coffee and sit down on an empty couch. Hunter just tweeted so I know his phone is near him, I text him just in case.

He reads it and calls me immediately after. "Hey Lys, what's up?" He asks cheerfully.

"A whole lot of nothing." I giggle-sigh, fiddling with my straw.

"What do you mean?"

I shrug, "I don't know. I'm not working, I have nothing to do, Jen's coming over for a while but we're probably just going to stay in. The only thing I can do that would be fun or anything will blow all our money."

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