25. Reuniting.

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Aly's POV

After taking my stuff back to our apartment, I take a quick shower, do my hair and make up, then throw on a crop top with shorts and white converse. I grab my keys and I'm out the door, going to the studio parking lot to finally be with Hunter again.

All the lonely nights -not that I was alone, or that there were many of them, but it just felt like it- were going to lead up to this moment. My heart can't take another minute without him. I know I told him that I didn't want to rush things, but it's so hard not to when you reunite. Being away from him this long made me realize that I'm going to need to get more friends, be involved in stuff, and grow a back bone for christ sake! I mean if it wasn't for Rebekah and Jen I would've been a recluse this whole week. And don't get me wrong, I love them so much for staying with me, but I cannot spend more than a week with them. I need to finally break out of my comfort zone or else I'll become boring which is something that I do not intend to do. But right now, none of that even matters, I have to live right now instead of worrying about what's going to happen next, or else I'll miss this moment that's about to happen. I want to savor it, and keep it in my memory for a long, long time.


I pull in and the bus isn't there, thankfully (Sometimes I take longer in the shower than I think I do). I get out of the car and lean against the hood when a girl who is about as tall as me walks over. She has dirty blonde hair with some brown underneath, her sunglasses are pushed into the top of her head and shes wearing black flip flops, jean shorts and a black tank top. I really wish I was as tan and pretty as her, I'm always looking at other girls and comparing myself to them wishing I was them. Their life just seems so easy and perfect because they were that way.

"Hi, I'm Hannah, Sam's girlfriend." I shake her hand. I have no idea who Sam is, I'm guessing someone on Hunter's team. He didn't want to show me to his friends or team members yet because he was afriad they would say something dumb or embarass him. I knew of Matt, but thats only because Matt came over and introduced himself when Hunter went to the bathroom the night he left, and Hunter about had a heart attack.

"Hi, nice to meet you Hannah, I'm Alyssa, Hunter's..... girlfriend? Sure, girlfriend." We both giggle. "Oh, but you can call me Aly."

"Nice to meet you too, Aly." She says and we stand next to each other until the bus finally pulls in. When it finally does, we look at each other and get super excited. "I love that they get to go on the road and do what they love but I hate that they have to leave us here." She says pushing herself off the hood of my car that we were both leaning on.

"Yeah, exactly." The bus pulls up and I see people walking around. A few people I've never seen before come out first, then Matt, then another guy that looked about Hunter's age.

"Sam!" Hannah squeals and runs to him.

I guess thats Sam.

A few other guys come out and then one with really curly hair. I start to twiddle my thumbs nervous that I had the wrong bus or something, but then Hunter comes out. He looks around and by the time he turns his head and sees me, I'm already in front of him.

"Hunter!" I say throwing my arms around his neck and burying my head in his shoulder.

"Aly," is all he says putting his head on my opposite shoulder. We stand there for a second, I honestly don't want to let go. I can finally smell him again, as weird as that sounds, but I don't have to worry anymore. He rubs the back of my head and squeezes me so hard I'm about to explode. We slowly let go of each other and smile. I go in for a kiss but I look over and see everyone staring at us like zoo animals. I wouldn't mind as much if I knew who they were, but I didn't like the fact that complete strangers were going to watch me make out with Hunter. I guess Hunter saw me looking at them and kissed the side of my head. "I'll be right back." He says and runs back on the bus. Everyone is still staring at me so I look down and try to cover my face with my hair. "Alright, I'm ready." He says and takes my hand as we walk to the car.

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