27. Having Doubts.

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I wake up and stretch my arms out like normal. I roll over to greet Hunter but I reach and its the end of the bed.

What the heck? I always sleep on the right side.

White walls with machines are the only thing I see when I rub my eyes open. I'm in a hospital room, and all of last nights events are rushing back into my brain. I look over and see that Hunter isn't in the bed he was in last night and I sit up and yell for him.

"Hunter!" I wait a few seconds and I hear no response. "Hunter?!"

"Huh?" He pokes his head in from the bathroom door and I let out a sigh of relief. "Hey sleepy head." He says walking over and kissing my forehead. "I didn't want to wake you up." As he gets closer I can see the bandages and where his face is still puffy.

"Hunter, your face." I say and reach for his cheek.

"Well I didn't think I was that ugly." He gasps pretending to sound offended.

"Shut up." I say in a breathy laugh.

"Hey, they just let me put on my clothes and are discharging me. Lets get outta here." He smiles and reaches down to put my flip flops on my feet. "Come on!" He says jumping back up and reaching for me. I take his hand and we walk to the front desk to sign out.

"Does it hurt?" I ask as we get in the car.

"Nah, they gave me pain meds and when we get home I gotta take stuff so the swelling will go down. The nurse lady said it would be back to normal size by tomorrow." His voice is a little muffled since part of his one cheek is swollen.

"Can you drive?"

"Aly, its just Advil that they price 3 times the money for, I'm fine." He says laughing.

"Okay, but if we get in a car accident and die, I'm blaming you." I say crossing my arms, sitting back trying not to laugh.

"Deal." He says and starts the engine.


We get home and I take a shower, then him because we both smell like hospital. I slip on one of Hunter's green plaid shirts and sit with my head resting on my knees looking out the window getting lost in thought.

Why does he even like me? Why does he stay with me when he knows he's going to get hurt? I can't let him get hurt again, I don't want him to get mad at me. He wasn't mad this time, but that might change. We've only been dating a couple months, what if he decides he's had enough of me? Maybe it is best that I leave, maybe I need to find someone who stays here all the time. Not that it's his fault but I don't know how we could do this.

Hunter walks in the living room and plops on the couch. I don't look at him as he turns on the TV. My hands wrap around me so that they're right above my feet pressed against my legs.

"Whatcha thinkin' about?" He asks.

I turn around and see him looking right at me, not even a care in the world. Acting like we didn't just get back from the hospital.

"Huh?" I ask turning my head, laying it on my knees looking at him.

"You always sit in that spot like that when you're thinking, so what are you thinking about?" He says with a smile creeping up on his face.

I sigh and the words that have been circling my head for the past 14 hours finally come out of my mouth. "Hunter, we need to break up."

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